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Gore and Violence in gaming, two recent opinions


Mar 10, 2011
I think one of the most realized and functional implementations of gore in a game is Ninja Gaiden 2. You're a ninja using deadly, bladed weapons. As a battle unfolds, your enemies end up scattered about the ground, some headless, some without limbs. Blood sprays out of the opened arteries and pools and your foes, even without legs or arms, will still crawl and limp toward you. Wounded enemies can be used, by killing them, to produce invincibility frames. A lot of the combos center around what kind of body damage they do. The gameplay and violence go hand in hand. And it's very stylish and almost retro, too, with some nice touches like Ryu slashing his sword down after a fight to fling the blood off it.


Nov 30, 2012
Tenchu had that and was a fun game too. The stealth involved in some stages and the death animations were cool.


Mar 31, 2011
Oh yeah, good old games...
Soldier of Fortune, Blood 2, Kingpin, Carmageddon, Postal 2...

I actually found a series on YouTube called "Classic Gore" looking for some scenes, it's apparently by another German, I think people in Germany generally have more of a hard-on for it (or rather are more sensitive about the issue having to endure it for most of their life and either having to import from the UK/Austria or pirate to get the "Normal" version of games) since there's retardo-authorities trying to prevent games with too much violence from being sold to people or even talked about xD
Games like "Quake" were Indexed, they weren't allowed to be sold openly, be advertised at all or even talked about in any gaming magazine or similar. Whenever a gaming magazine was talking about it they would say some shit like "Beben II" trying to insinuate what they mean and weren't allowed to post Screenshots.

For the German version of Soldier of Fortune II, they actually let it play in an *ALTERNATE UNIVERSE* where robots replaced every living being and instead of bleeding they would leak oil, hilarity ensued: http://www.schnittberichte.com/schnittbericht.php?ID=3538

Gibs/splatter/bleeding/even gameplay-related possibilites like setting people on fire were entirely removed.

In the German version of RtCW they changed all the symbolism, names and story and called "Nazis", "Die Wölfe" (The Wolves): http://www.schnittberichte.com/schnittbericht.php?ID=4120
They even changed certain names, like:
Heinrich Himmler – Heinrich Höller
Der Führer – Oberrudelführer

Anyway here's the YouTube Vids: Half Life, Soldier of Fortune, Blood 2, Kingpin - Life of Crime, Quake II, Turok 2, Resident Evil 2, Soldier of Fortune 2, Aliens Vs. Predator 2

Commander Xbox

Apr 25, 2011
there is no real gore in modern games, theyve all been sterilized slowly but surely

only exception i can think of is blowing off limbs and shit in fallout nv and 3


Jun 30, 2011
Lost in Necropolis
I don't think Soldier of Fortune's violence was really that different from FO3. It did look more nasty, but it was still kind of dumb that you could shoot a guy's both legs off with a 9mm pistol. It just came off as cartoony and juvenile. The sequel did a more convincing job all around.

One game that managed to portray violence in a pretty stark and effective way was Operation Flashpoint. When you're lying behind a bush as bullets fly over you, and you turn your head and see a dead squad mate whose face has been replaced with gory mess so that his facial features are completely unrecognizable, it's definitely not hilarious in any way. War is not fun, and the game manages to get its message across through visuals like that instead of having to resort to cheap ways of emotionally engaging the player.

Personally I'd like to see more brutal violence in games. This doesn't necessarily mean more blood and gore, but a more believeable display of the forces at play and a more realistic sense of weight. For example, Severance: Blade of Darkness had really satisfying combat with appropriately used flying heads and limbs. It wouldn't have even needed all that, uh, severance, because the overall feel of the combat was just right. That's what I'd like to see more. If you hit someone in the face with a hammer, he won't fly ten feet backwards and do a backflip, and his head isn't going to explode either. Still, that's what you usually see in games: weightless ragdolls flying around and/or cartoony displays of flying body parts combined with a puff of red smoke. There are some games where this works (the over-the-top ragdolls in Hitman 2 being one example), but often it just looks and feels terrible. It's even worse if hitting someone in the face with a heavy blunt object has no visible effect except a loss of hit points.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
I don't think Soldier of Fortune's violence was really that different from FO3. It did look more nasty, but it was still kind of dumb that you could shoot a guy's both legs off with a 9mm pistol. It just came off as cartoony and juvenile. The sequel did a more convincing job all around.

One game that managed to portray violence in a pretty stark and effective way was Operation Flashpoint. When you're lying behind a bush as bullets fly over you, and you turn your head and see a dead squad mate whose face has been replaced with gory mess so that his facial features are completely unrecognizable, it's definitely not hilarious in any way. War is not fun, and the game manages to get its message across through visuals like that instead of having to resort to cheap ways of emotionally engaging the player.

Personally I'd like to see more brutal violence in games. This doesn't necessarily mean more blood and gore, but a more believeable display of the forces at play and a more realistic sense of weight. For example, Severance: Blade of Darkness had really satisfying combat with appropriately used flying heads and limbs. It wouldn't have even needed all that, uh, severance, because the overall feel of the combat was just right. That's what I'd like to see more. If you hit someone in the face with a hammer, he won't fly ten feet backwards and do a backflip, and his head isn't going to explode either. Still, that's what you usually see in games: weightless ragdolls flying around and/or cartoony displays of flying body parts combined with a puff of red smoke. There are some games where this works (the over-the-top ragdolls in Hitman 2 being one example), but often it just looks and feels terrible. It's even worse if hitting someone in the face with a heavy blunt object has no visible effect except a loss of hit points.


I don't care about violence for violence's sake, but if it's part of what you do in game, not doing it right makes the whole presentation suffer.

Plus, it can be used to visualize damage system.


Jan 15, 2010
Codex 2012 Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Dead State Project: Eternity Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
As someone who grow up with games such as Carmageddon and Blood I find much more disturbing some Bioware romances then most violent games out there.


Oct 26, 2008
I recently tried Space Marine because of the supposed gore, boy was I dissapointed. It seems that gore = puffs of red mist.
Dismemberment is pretty much nonexistent, PoP Warrior Within simply blows it out of the water and Diablo 3, for all its shittiness, had much better and more diverse death anims and gore effects.

Overall, it seems like when it comes to gore, we're stuck in the 2000, the technology is there, but nobody's willing to apply it to good results. I think Dead Island was the only semi-recent game that tried to push the envelope in this regard.
In My Safe Space
Dec 11, 2009
Codex 2012
I recently tried Space Marine because of the supposed gore, boy was I dissapointed. It seems that gore = puffs of red mist.
Dismemberment is pretty much nonexistent, PoP Warrior Within simply blows it out of the water and Diablo 3, for all its shittiness, had much better and more diverse death anims and gore effects.

Overall, it seems like when it comes to gore, we're stuck in the 2000, the technology is there, but nobody's willing to apply it to good results. I think Dead Island was the only semi-recent game that tried to push the envelope in this regard.
The blood splatter gore is so cheap. It's like they don't want to spend money on decent stuff like entrails spilling out.


Oct 26, 2008
Yeah well, soldier of Fortune had animated entrails, again back in 2000.
Mar 30, 2012
Elevator Of Love
Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
SoF was a good game, fast paced and a nice weapons (beside horrible microwave thing). The ghoul engine really turned Quake 2 into bloodbath. I don't remember pistols cutting legs (although heads yes) , but the shoutgun from point blank - bam! The second part was worse, it didn't fell that good.

Loved the "flying eyeballs" in ROTT :)

Don't forget the begging guys. Show mercy and have a little surprise.

Also, we need more Manhunt on this subject.



Apr 1, 2006
Gore only bothers me when it's supposed to be gratuitous and over the top, but it's done really badly- see Fallout 3 exploding heads for a good example.

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