Actually, it is multiple-choice, as you have multiple choices to choose from. It's just not multiple-answer.why isn't this multiple choice
The people have spokenAs I am a huge believer in Democracy, I will do whatever the result of this poll recommends.
Unforseeable turn of events.
Neckbeard Shitlord said:Ban Azrael the cat.
Neckbeard Shitlord said:Holy crap dude. You are seriously trying to tell me you are a real nerd? I was talking about him more than you but looks like you came to the defense because the truth hurts. I just googled your username and you have a big load of stupid bullshit under this name all over the interweb and are banned off a bunch of sites I never heard of. I guess it's true they literally actually don't ban anyone here. If I found some poster on a gaming site who had only 3-4% of posts on topic of games I don't think even I would be so lenient as to let him continue shitposting the night away
Neckbeard Shitlord said:The only off topic in the thread is from some sperging retards who see someone call out SJWs and have a blowup. If they can't stand to see SJWs who want to destroy gaming made fun of and don't want to click on 'ignore thread' they should just be banned from the fucking site like the plague they are. They can go play portal 2 or some other bullshit if they really align themselves with those bozos.
Also, ban root.
An insane lady who hates men, christmas and video games died her dog blue and this hilarious/terrible image stands as testament to the gibbering endtimes madness of Social Justice Warriors. As such, I humbly request this most excellent image is added to the RPG Codex emoticon repetoire.
As far as I can tell, all the results are even.The people have spoken
Nice website, BROAs far as I can tell, all the results are even.
View attachment 4350
As a result, nothing happens! Yay!
Is that the one where you can't knof if it's alive or dead unless you donate to my patreon?Schrodinger's dog
What kind of democracy is this?
You're supposed to re-count Florida again and again until someone wins.
And in all fairness, it should be the Ban kingcomrade option.
It's just go to show OP is even more hated than kingcomrade.
How do you both add and not add the emoticon? Paid DLC?
Honestly, I think most people voted because they don't want to see any more of your posts.I doubt most of them know who I am, they just voted in the poll to get edgy points or because they thought the idea was too silly to dignify with response.
If you really hate some dudes on the internet you don't interact with much you probably need to get some help.
Anyway now I have the dog avatar. I feel properly chastised/neutered.
Honestly, I think most people voted because they don't want to see any more of your posts.