Harbinger of Decline
No mansplaining, boys.
I really don't know what is going on with Grimoire, but I feel very sorry for Cleve. The guy has worked real hard on a great game and it must be terrible that the game won't run (save) as it was supposed to do. I know it's definitely shite to lose saved games, but I wouldn't want to be Cleve right now. Working hard and hating what is happening, knowing it is not going great and then you have to hear from all kinds of people what you already know. Give the guy a break, he knows it already!
He must be wracking his brain right now, seeing the world turn away from his beloved masterpiece.
I can't imagine the hurt he must be feeling when people call the work of art he has devoted 20 years of his life an early access.
Better that the savegame issues creep up now than later on when people have solved the game halfway through.
You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. This is not that big of a deal.
He must be wracking his brain right now, seeing the world turn away from his beloved masterpiece.
I must come clean. Yes, I doubted. I was sure it won't come out. But then it happened and it shown me errors of my ways. Grimoire and everyone involved are my heroes of 2017. Shit's buggy for now, but it's magnificent as fuck. I don't even know if I will find time to play it properly (ie. locked in a room with diaper on).
The game is beautiful and has atmosphere. Aside from the save game crap, it's pretty good.
I wouldn't call it "beautiful"
New patch 36 mins ago?
As a programmer this mostly sounds like rambling to me.
Save games cannot contain viruses so that entire thing with AV is pure lunacy (or incompetence, you choose)..
you are full of shit and I hope you are not a dev working on any software I use on a daily basis, because your statement on the idea that "save games cannot contain viruses" is incompetence and ignorance on the highest levels. All programs have bugs. Some bugs are exploitable, like buffer overflows. An exploit can lead to code execution which can lead to.. you get it, running a virus on your computer. This is how a virus can propagate from a pdf file, from a word document, from a save game or even a game rom meant to be run in an emulator. Considering how buggy and incompetently done Grimoire is, it probably wouldn't take more than some light fuzzing on save files to find something. Games that don't have a sanitized save loading system were always a popular venue to hack consoles and allow the user to run pirated games, they were one of the main entry points in hacking the xbox, wii and 3ds. The same method that makes people happy to become pirates on their consoles is also a method someone could use to infest your computer.
Glad Cleve solved the save game bug in
I suspected that it was something pretty simple. All programmers (amateur and professional) get stumped by the most simple and obvious errors.
dugalm [has Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar] 4 hours ago Don't bother playing! After the patch of earlier this week which made all seved games useless, I started a new party, better stats and went much further in the game only to discover today that yesterday's saves will not open but the earlier ones could! What is going on!!! I had so much hours in yesterday, characters to level 5 and on my way to the wilds. We can't keep starting up like this!!!!
dugalm [has Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar] 4 hours ago Don't bother playing! After the patch of earlier this week which made all seved games useless, I started a new party, better stats and went much further in the game only to discover today that yesterday's saves will not open but the earlier ones could! What is going on!!! I had so much hours in yesterday, characters to level 5 and on my way to the wilds. We can't keep starting up like this!!!!