Cleveland Mark Blakemore
Golden Era Games

I suppose it's a good thing that we don't actually know what CON does. Or has new information surfaced?
I honestly don't think that the crackerjack coder knows. Might explain why the manual doesn't exist. I am not saying he didn't know at some time, or have some plan for whatever at the get go, but along the way, given the other 'design' choices we have seen, you'd have to wonder if he actually understands himself how it works, and even if he does, is he actually capable of implementing the ideas (without breaking everything else).
Guy, I would bet you are good at everything. I can sense it. Everything is effortless in your perfect world of effortless perfection at all things. You must never sweat or show even the slightest exertion.
I'm just trying to reconcile that with your being a 42 year old man living in a trailer park and surviving mostly off the money brought in by your 700 pound mom working a sex chat line.
Would a person like you even understand the complexity of something like this? Do you know when a monster encounter ends there are SIX different sources consulted with that have to cumulatively assemble buffers representing the remains of the battle? I tried to do this with various pointer lists and probably introduced a dereferenced pointer as a C++ reference call. It happens to real programmers all the time. Unemployed people like you, it never EVER happens to. Because you're not a programmer. I work with guys like you year round. Their management calls me in TO DO THE WORK THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING but couldn't. Do you know why they never got anything done after years of working on it? THEY WERE PERFECT LIKE YOU. I do the work, I get paid my money and then
... I leave them to their perfection. It's a museum of dead people who don't know they are dead.
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