Nope, since this rig is probably running on Windows 10.Hi guise, will this gaem run on my rig it's a Intel i9 7980 128GB DDR4 RAM my grafics card is Nvidia Titan XP 12GB and an 512 GB SSD will I be able to run Grimaure at 4K 12x antialias ambient oklushun on motion blur on 16x anisotropy filter and Vulcan plus tell me I spent $6,000 on this rig can it run the gaem kthxbai
Hey, there's even a Chinese review already, wow. Who's the resident chink? Jason Liang, 是你干的坏事么?
I think bards are broken. They level up their musical skill every time they play the instrument (every turn). While my fighters have barely gotten 2-3 levels in their weapons,...
Riiight, because it's totally sensible to write out a negative and hateful review based on 5 minutes of experience. Dumbass.Don't think so. If you buy and refund you still lose about $4 in taxes, not worth it for most people.You know what's kind of bullshit though? Most of the negative reviews on Steam are from people with 0.1 hours logged, which is obviously just dipshits that bought it to leave a negative review and get a refund. Butthurts just doing a smear campaign.
A normie.
Realistically and without bias, this post is an embaressment.
The Yid is everywhere all at once, brother.
Hey, you post news on the obsiddian forums too?
He praises Cleve for standing by his ideals for 20 years despite all the haters and states that he is going to play this game religiously for at least next 6 moths, but is going to be honest about the current state of the game in his review. Then he starts to enumerate many micro- and nano-issues (half of which were fixed in the first patch of the game).Hey, there's even a Chinese review already, wow. Who's the resident chink? Jason Liang, 是你干的坏事么?
Hey, you post news on the obsiddian forums too?
Hey, you post news on the obsiddian forums too?
Sometimes, for things I care about.
Hey, there's even a Chinese review already, wow. Who's the resident chink? Jason Liang, 是你干的坏事么?
Even the Chineses are not pleased with this much bug.1.BUG 这点我不得不批评一下Cleve,花了20年开发这游戏,每天都说自己辛苦成狗blah blah到最后还是有BUG,而且还是一设置成窗口模式就卡死,全屏吧,屏幕又是大黑边儿,难道不该检讨一下么? 还有就是切换游戏界面和桌面之后指针会各种残像,游戏有时候会卡住,转身的时候贴图会有问题 这些明显的问题竟然还会出现显然说不过去