Congratulations on the release of your game, Cleve!
Amazing to see all ratings OverWhelmingly Positive! Since everyone agrees Your game is Bug Free as You stated that Grimoire has no bugs, I am now forced - acting on public opinion - to buy Grimoire.
uh.. wait.. just pressed F5...
what ..
why is the rating section now say "mixed"
GOLDEN ERA GAMES [developer] 7 hours ago
Alt hand is used when situation permits. It is a combination of enemy response, current attack and multiple attack options. At very early levels your characters will use Alt hand irregularly but you will notice it's a very effective attack added on to their primary.
GOLDEN ERA GAMES [developer] 2 hours ago
Originally posted by Godwin:
On the topic of beginnings, which beginning do you recommend? So far it feels as if starting in Sanctuary starts you out with very nice bonuses (1000 instant xp included), so what beginning do you recommend if you want a difficult experience (and can you reach the other beginnings later on in the game)?
Sanctuary starts you out with a lot of power. It's the jump gate from Reality Hijinx for the bounty hunters and they get kitted out to start. You will also have the Xenoform Passcard for the big guns much later on in the game. The Star Gauntlet with Power Cell will make your first 20 or 50 combats much easier until your party gets on their feet.
GOLDEN ERA GAMES [developer] 37 minutes ago
Cure Lt. Condition won't cure disease. In testing I saw that getting players with disease is a real challenge. This is why there are Galen Apples and Swamp Leeches in the game placed nearby.
Once you're in the Raptor Shrine, get all the loot and see how much of it is medicine. Now go to the trainer dungeon about 10 steps from the ladder of the Shrine before you try to wade through the Green Hand gang.
Go down there and go through the whole trainer dungeon in Aquavia and when you come back you will have all party members up a level and be loaded with loot. The Green Hand Gang won't know what hit them that time around.
GOLDEN ERA GAMES [developer] 1 hour ago
You will find hidden leeches at the edge of the pool in the woods. They simultaneously take HPs to rid the body of poison.
You may not have found out yet but you are actually surrounded by weapons, medicine and useful magic. It's all around you. Some of it you may actually be sleeping on top of.
Search the bushes, you will find Galen Apples. The other trees often have different flowers or fruits.
Grimoire is not an ordinary game.
Okay I played about 6 hours now and decided to take a brake.
But those settings don't actually work separately. If I enable smooth movement but step by step turning the turning will still be smooth (and bugged).Did I miss it or has nobody mentioned that Cleve segregated smooth moving and smooth turning? With all the bitching about the turning, I'm surprised I haven't seen people talking that up.
your review is a link. fuck is wrong with you? at least copy to codex.My review. Yes, this is Rate Harvesting.
Hey, there's even a Chinese review already, wow. Who's the resident chink? Jason Liang, 是你干的坏事么?Even the Chineses are not pleased with this much bug.1.BUG 这点我不得不批评一下Cleve,花了20年开发这游戏,每天都说自己辛苦成狗blah blah到最后还是有BUG,而且还是一设置成窗口模式就卡死,全屏吧,屏幕又是大黑边儿,难道不该检讨一下么? 还有就是切换游戏界面和桌面之后指针会各种残像,游戏有时候会卡住,转身的时候贴图会有问题 这些明显的问题竟然还会出现显然说不过去
your review is a link. fuck is wrong with you? at least copy to codex.My review. Yes, this is Rate Harvesting.
Already got about 150 'butthurt' ratings from this thread alone.
You might just drive me off this website for good.
How do you lock pick? I know how to pull up the menu but I don't understand the mini game thing to do it.I have 7 hours played and so far I am quite happy. Slight learning curve remembering how to pick locks and a few other things, been years since I did the superdemo.
90% of negative steam reviews are just morons who bought it, only played for a few minutes, wrote a nasty review, then got a refund. Ignore them, they aren't actual gamers, just bored children.
this is not unexpected. relax. all runs according to plan.Too hard? This game isn't hard at all at the beginning. Maybe later on but I wouldn't know yet. These "reviewers" play for 10 minutes, get wiped by ?WORMS? then rage quit like children. All bad reviews can be wrote off as butthurt sapes who kept saying the game was never coming out, they're so assblasted that they handle their cognitive dissonance by saying shit like "well it's a piece of shit anyways, Cleve can't program worth a damn, 0/10" or they are just pure mental midgets and don't understand how to play video games.
I thought that you are a troll/ork ,not a snowflake.Well if you are that sensitive....well buy buy.Already got about 150 'butthurt' ratings from this thread alone.
You might just drive me off this website for good.
by the way, 64% positive is exactly GTA V tier. not sure what that means...Have you ever produced anything that the public rated as 64% positive?
The amount of small details is simply astounding.