Huh? If you're not even going to listen to his position, why reply to this thread? Just to make silly personal attacks?
I'll take a stab at it, but don't ask me to watch his entire video. I've seen enough of his stuff before to know that I, too, can't stand more than a few minutes of it at a time before feeling dirty both outside and inside my very soul.
I do think I know, however, enough about SDG's general position on things to make an intelligent-enough reply, so here goes:
*If* SDG's premise and stance on the status of roleplaying games in general centered on their decline due to the slow creep of DEI and wokeness and gay agendae and so forth were true, then he'd have a very valid point. We've all seen the evidence of BG3, Veilguard, and -- I guess -- Avowed to safely be able to conclude that none of them are or turned out to be what they could have been. I personally have only played one of the three, but I know enough about all of them to draw the conclusion that focus on modern, semi-political, social sentiment took away from what a typical Codexer (at least in the past, anyway) might have wanted to see: authenticity in terms of no modern tropes or statements, truly intelligent design without compromise, internal consistency, etc. They were all disappointments to most here.
*However*, that's not SDG's point. It's not what he's saying. He's not even really talking about those games, nor really about roleplaying games at all. He's going on and on about non-RPGs like Dark Souls, Dragon's Dogma, and the like. He's not even talking about Western games/RPGs because he knows very little about them. Remember, this is the same guy who bought a brand-new Steam Deck solely for the purpose of trying to get into classic CRPGs like Fallout
and never even took the thing out of the box. SDG is CRPG illiterate. He holds up games like Diablo 4 as the greatest game of all time for months on end, making videos of himself paying real life money for a new dress for his character then several months later in yet another drunken rant abandons the game and his once-thought undying loyalty to it. The guy is all over the map in everything but the following facts: he refuses to try classic computer roleplaying games, he has no interest in them, and he doesn't have any first-hand knowledge about modern, "traditional" roleplaying games, relying instead on aping other Codexers' opinions on them and just blindly dismissing them in favor of his beloved action-based pseudo-RPGs.
SDG's opinions on this subject are one-tracked, narrow, misinformed, and easily catalogued into a very small box labeled "Mostly incoherent ramblings, use caution when opening".
The only real credit he deserves here on Codex is his ability to somehow not get banned and also his ability to illicit even this relatively small-effort reply. Afterall, he is like our mascot, is he not?