Here is the DEFINITIVE form of Gun Shops (Explosives Section)
The expertise level required for these schematics can be acquired graduating in the specific discipline, or disciplines of said schematic or through Manuals sold at the Tarant University, the expertise level granted by a manual is based on the Character's Intelligence.
For items derived from other schematics the specific entry in the dedicated section should be consulted.
Gun Shops(Explosives Section)
Require an Expertise level of five in the Explosives Discipline.
Bullets can be commonly purchased from Gun shops and General Stores.
This schematic can be bought in every gun shop, just check them regularly if you don't find it the first times.
Saltpeter can be purchased from General Stores, Inventors' Shops and Herbalists, charcoal can be purchased from General Stores, Inventors' Shops and Junk Dealers, it's also commonly found in trash bins, in fact there's no need to buy charcoal at all considering how much you can find in there.
Usually you can craft twenty bullets for one unit of saltpeter combined with one unit of charcoal.
Concussion Grenade
Requires items derived from the fifth schematic acquired while graduating in Explosives plus an Expertise level of sixty in the Explosives Discipline and an Expertise level of forty in the Smithy Discipline.
Metal Sheet can be purchased from Armories and Junk Dealers.
Damages enemies in the explosion area.
More powerful than Explosive Grenades.
One item can be obtained per unit of both components.
Must be used in conjunction with Plastique, can be used multiple times.
Requires an Expertise level of thirty in the Electric Discipline and an Expertise level of eighty in the Mechanical Discipline.
Clock Parts are purchased from Junk Dealers and Inventors' Shops, Small Electrical parts are purchased from Inventors' Shops.
One item can be obtained per unit of both components.
Electrocution Grenade
Causes electrical damage to the target in the explosion area.
Requires items derived from the second schematic acquired while graduating in the Explosives Discipline plus an Expertise level of fifteen in the Explosives Discipline and an Expertise level of forty in the Electric Discipline.
The Large Capacitor can be purchased from Inventors' Shops.
Three items can be obtained per unit of both components.
Hallucination Grenade
Causes panic in the target in the explosion area,that will temporarily retreat from combat.
Requires items derived from the fifth schematic acquired while graduating in the Chemistry Discipline and the third schematic acquired while graduating in the Explosives Discipline plus an Expertise level of twenty in the Explosives Discipline and an Expertise level of eighty-five in the Chemistry Discipline.
Three items can be obtained per unit of both components.
Knock Out Gas
Causes the target in the explosion area to fall asleep.
Requires items derived from the seventh schematic acquired while graduating in the Chemistry Discipline and the fourth schematic acquired while graduating in the Explosives Discipline plus an Expertise level of thirty in the Explosives Discipline and an Expertise level of seventy-five in the Chemistry Discipline.
Three items can be obtained per unit of both components.
Mustard Gas Grenade
Creates a smoke curtain in a 3X3 area that will continuously poison what pass through it, similarly to the Poisonous Vapors spell.
Requires items derived from the fifth schematic acquired while graduating in the Explosives Discipline and the fourth schematic acquired while graduating in the Chemistry Discipline plus an Expertise level of seventy in the Chemistry Discipline and an Expertise level of sixty in the Explosives Discipline.
Corrosive Acid is sold by Inventors' Shops too.
One Explosive Grenade can be found in the thief cave at the Crash Site.
Pollock will give an Explosive Grenade to technological characters that will join his gang.
One item can be obtained per unit of both components.
Paralysis Grenade
Temporarily paralyzes the target in the explosion area.
Requires items derived from the first schematic acquired while graduating in the Chemistry Discipline and the fourth schematic acquired while graduating in the Explosives Discipline plus an Expertise level of thirty in the Explosives Discipline and an Expertise level of seventy-five in the Chemistry Discipline.
Three items can be obtained per unit of both components.
Must be used in conjunction with Detonator.
Requires items derived from the seventh schematic acquired while graduating in the Explosives Discipline plus an Expertise level of fifteen in the Chemistry Discipline and an Expertise level of eighty-five in the Explosives Discipline.
Electrolyte solution can be bought from Inventors' Shops and Herbalists
Greatly damages everything in the explosion area, ideal for destroying metal objects.
Can only be thrown not attached.
One item can be obtained per unit of both components.
Time Bomb
Requires items derived from the seventh schematic acquired while graduating in the Explosives Discipline plus an Expertise level of eighty in the Mechanical Discipline and an Expertise level of eighty-five in the Explosives Discipline.
Clock Parts are purchased from Junk Dealers and Inventors' Shops.
Greatly damages everything in the explosion area, ideal for destroying metal objects.
Can only be attached not thrown
Muro said:
From my observation the countdowns of both Dynamite and the Time Bomb last exactly 11 seconds.
Doesn't elicit an hostile response as dynamite does when positioned.
One item can be obtained per unit of both components.