I know. Noticed it at the second reload.The first part or the second part of that scenario? Because if the first part - read your objective very carefully >.>
![Smile :) :)](/forums/smiles/icon_smile.gif)
I know. Noticed it at the second reload.The first part or the second part of that scenario? Because if the first part - read your objective very carefully >.>
We realize that our save system might not be likeable by everyone but we chose to make that hard decision to make the world of Hard West more about deeds and consequences. However, if you feel the need to save more, just use the save scum method I describe above, crude as it may be.
Do injuries indeed change into 'scars'? and how long does it take, cause I have a seriously injured Warren and I wonder if to stick with it or heal.
All you got is "i dont like save system", "its brown" and "its not western JA2 as I envisioned in my head" while its clear that game got bit more to it than simple mission to mission structure.
Actually I would say that only casualfags want this so they can savescumm as much as they want.Game uses save points: http://steamcommunity.com/app/307670/discussions/0/485622866434599576/
A different interpretation is that they realized implementing a save feature would be a lot of work. I would look into a savegame, I bet it's small as hell and stores just a few primitive variables. Shallowrun all over again. This looks to be not a complete failure, but has "MEH" written all over it. Dont get me wrong, I always really wanted a JA2 clone in a western setting, and this has potential. But of course it's made to be linear as fuck, looks brown as shit and there is practically no reason to play it if they dont even need proper savegames. I dont see you do anything but progress from mission to mission.
I wouldn't mind an option to make the font a bit bigger though.
Its a hack since enemies don't have the same abilities, AI and cards principally, that players do.What's up with enemies being able to Overwatch but not the players?
Nobody here had any technical problems with the game? I cant even start it, it crashes with a runtime error after the hard west logo, or freezes and then crashes during intro screen up until the logo if I try to skip them.
Hmm, yes I did play safe in couple of situations and also tried to be a good guy.If you take more risk in map encounters - you'll get more chances for items, they usually reward you for doing something reckless and handicapping yourself (getting a crippling injury usually)
What is funny that fate trader refreshes stock from time to time, so holy muskets ( deals unholy heap of dmg) and candles (+15 aim +4 sight) for everyone! If you have cash of course.
I'm in the last Warren campaign and missed 2 items - one is "graveyard shift" and one in "as good as dead"
What version are you playing? STEAM or GOG?
Could easily be the same Unity memory leak issue Wasteland 2: DC had and fixed with a hotfix recentlyEdit: on a related note - game suffers from some kind of memory leak. Restarting from time to time seems prudent.