Not having overwatch actually achieves the opposite of what the devs intended, since you can't risk ending your turn too close to the enemy and have to play much more defensively. They should instead include the same close range overwatch as the enemy, but make it cost a lot of luck so you can't spam it. And have the AI avoid triggering lethal overwatch, so it works more like a barrier.
Additional Comments:
Combat Mode
Luck mechanic is well-implemented for combat C&C.
It's a single stat for both dodging shots and using (over)powered skills. Max luck is modified by items' buffs/debuffs and injuries and partially replenished on every turn.
Because game has no RNG when determining hit chance. What it does is compare your THC with enemy current Luck and if you have more THC you hit, if you have less you miss. When you miss enemy Luck is reduced equal to your THC value. Two exceptions are: 1. If your THC is 100% you always hit 2. If your THC is <20% you always miss (but still reduce enemy Luck).
Only RNG in the game is that at start of scenario the game rolls randomly for enemy starting Luck value.
To add on,
above 80% CtH will auto increased to 100%; have not personally encounter the 20% auto reduced to 0%.
It's akin to having a 6-sided dice with 2 0s and 6s (1 and 5 being banished). Of course, there's no dice to begin with in this game (if it is as what Archangel has stated)...
So what will happen when:
1. CtH=100% while enemy luck > 100?
2. CtH<20% while enemy luck < CtH?
All the above for having a (mostly) fixed shot outcome and placating RNG complaints?
Lower to higher ground attack could have aim penalty implemented.
Gun range modifier is bonus-only.
Red range modifier should be increasingly penalized;
Does not feel right when sawed-off shotgun has a 12-tile 61% CtH (7% yellow range modifier) while the entire 18-tile to infinity red range gets a flat 54% CtH (0% red range modifier).
Right now cheesy tactic is to move-away, flank, stay-in-cover to avoid the 5-tile 100% Point Blank CtH & the adjacent-tile-no-cover-bonus OR rush-in-before-they-seen/rush-you tactic. A simple 1-2% decrement-per-tile should suffice.
Option to have different enemy placement on restarting mission.
Weapon stats and bullet count could be displayed on each of the 2 lower corners of both weapon images for easy combat strategy formulation instead of always calling up the Character Screen to look at 4-6 different weapons' stats, something like 8/2/5/2, 3/1/1/1.
'Confirm Attack' button should be bindable as well, instead of the hardcoded 'Enter' key
Strategic Mode
Missing the same hotkeys assignment in both Character & Card Screen for 'Select Next Character', 'Select Previous Character', 'Select Character #'.
Good to implement a bindable hotkey to open & close Card Screen in Character Screen as well.
TLDR If you are fine with nuXCOM combat play with a fixed shooting outcome and a single group of alerted enemy rather than pod-based, it's a pretty decent 1-time playthrough for its setting and CYOA. Few more replays if you are a C&C-see-all/completionist fag.
Dropping game after playing on Hard with injuries at 2nd scenario 50% mark. 2AP combat, as before, feels limiting.
From combat mechanics perspective, Invisible Inc provides more value (to me, even with their 100% shots) than Hard West at their same original pricing.