It's been a while since I posted an update in this thread. I recently read a comment that said when you're old school, you can miss a deadline by fifteen years. Looks like I'll only be late by about six months. Back in July, I thought I was nearing the completion of the new content for
Hearkenwold in the IceBlink engine. I decided to start rebuilding in the Knights of the Clalice 2 toolset while simultaneously working to finish up IceBlink. In hindsight, I probably should have plowed ahead and updated the module for IceBlink first, and then do the conversion to KotC2. But that would have meant a further delay in continuing the Adventure Module. So here we are.
I am going to try very hard to have everything finished this month, both the IceBlink version as well as its KotC2 counterpart.
In the meantime, one of the things I was tinkering around with was to add the red shingle, imbricate tiles to the buildings on the Saldanus maps. This helps distinguish between wall and roof tiles, and also adds some color contrast to the area. Up until this point I had only used the red tiles along the perimeter of combat maps for fights on top of the roofs.
Speaking of combat, there was some discussion about encounter design earlier this week. Throughout the campaign, I try to keep up a variety of monster types to throw at the party. This upcoming release will introduce a new monster: the Phoenix Harpy. These are a fire based version of the bird women (also present in this battle) and the characters will have to make quick work of them or else potentially take three fireballs in the face.
Also important to setting up encounters is positioning. In the following battle, there are four gargoyle mages placed in the corners of the rectangular combat map. Gargoyle mages do annoying things like cast web on the party and then zap them with lightning bolts. It's even worse in the KotC2 version where these creatures start mirror-imaged. There's also a gargoyle assassin in the middle to harass the characters.
I've made a lot of good progress the last several weeks. Only the last few buildings the player can enter are left, and the final pieces of the sewer dungeon. Then wrapping it all up. I will still need to test the whole thing, which at worst might push release into early April.