The hotkey letter O will bring up the casting menu. (Yes, we do need better ingame documentation!) The reason why c is not used, is because that key Centers the map during combat. But O should function as the casting key. Hope that helps.
On the other hand the "cast" hotkey seems amiss in combat indeed which is a shame 'cause it is used quite a bit :D
still, level 3 and smashing my foes :D !
Couple of thoughts about Attacks of Opportunity: I think the free move at the start of a round might be connected to the flat-footed mechanic. That is not enabled for this module, but it sounds like it has the same effect, being able to move away from an adjacent enemy on a character's first turn. Other times, this movement will trigger AoO, but these are not capped. I think this is how it was in the Gold Box games. You could keep moving away from a monster, and they will continue to get free attacks. IceBlink is more of a mash up between 3rd edition and AD&D, which is why there are some quirks to the gameplay.
There is no in-game World Map, however I can share this image that gives a rough idea of how the areas are connected.