As the primary AI coder on HoI 4 I will try to shed some light on this to try to reduce the ammount of nervous speculation.
Some various responses to topics in the thread:
* The AI was not the main reason for the delay, but rather one of several things that needed more work. The game was simply not ready when we had initially hoped it would be.
* Comparing the AI of two different games will never be fully fair.
* It is most assuredly easier to build the AI around a more or less complete feature than guessing based on design. Features may change over iterations and that means the AI will have to change along with them. As such, the AI will (by necessity) be in development as long as the game is, but it is folly to start working on it too early.
* So far it has been stated that the AI will use the same battle plan system as is available to the player, so there is that piece of information
* Would you really like to know the details of the AI? Wouldn't that kind of be like having a human opponent write down how they intended to play the game before hand?
* "Optimal" decisions is not such a clear cut concept as it may seem in a complex game like HoI. If the AI consistently makes the same decision percieved as optimal, it will become predictable (and would thus no longer be optimal.)
* Of course we will do what we can to make the AI as good as possible, do we really need to state that? Currently we have one coder dedicated only to this, and the legendary Wiz as overseer.
And indeed, if there will be an AI DD, it would be reasonable to put this rather late in development, especially if it were to relate in any way to the features of the game (which it would be making decisions about.) I admit, though, that I have not seen the intended DD topics list myself, so I guess Johan or Podcat might surprise even me on this.
At any rate, it feels good to see that people care about the AI. Rest assured that we do as well
I think it is an interesting idea, at least to some extent. Since the plans would require rather specific conditions to be valid at all I am affraid it would not fit very well with how dynamic HoI 4 is, though.
The time when such a model would be interesting would be when wars start, before countries or borders have had a time to change. After that so much can happen so differently that it would require an unreasonable ammount of scripted plans. I would judge it to be more worth the time making an AI that can think on its feet dynamically rather than going down the road of scripted plans.
But I guess if we go down the road of more detailed campaigns it would be worth looking at, but unless it turns out scripted plans are necessary for a tutorial I do not see this happening in a foreseeable future. The step from that to matching a good selection with a certain situation is kind of a big one though.
Thanks for the input though, and sorry for having to bring bad news.