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Hearts of Iron IV - The Ultimate WWII Strategy Game


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 14, 2009
Heh I remember winning against Germany as Poland in HoI and HoI2 at the beginning. Guess they're back to their roots.


Nov 20, 2012
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria

How do you guys manage to tolerate the accent? Drugs?

He's probably a nice guy and all, but I really can't bring myself to watch an entire LP in his own special version of "itsa mee, Mario" .

His accent is actually one of his channels USPs imo.

Besides that Marbozir is one of the few gaming YT channels i can tolerate, contrary to YT trends the guy seems modest and isnt full of himself, doesnt shout and has pretty good to excellent strategic/tactical LPs (initially focussed on CIV, at a very high level for that game now, for what thats worth).

I think his HoI PTs is one of the better ones right now (compare it to Arumba for example).


Jan 26, 2015
His accent is actually one of his channels USPs imo.

Unique - or at least uncommon - it is, no doubt about that. And like I wrote, I'm not trying to belittle the guy, heavy accent is just not my kind of thing, that's all.
German is my first language and I simply can't watch german LPs no matter what.I also quit Freeman's Mind when I hit the piratespeak episodes.
I guess I'm weird.


Aug 29, 2013
I quit watching the Paradox HoI streams because I couldn't stop laughing every time the QA guy they've got running the games said "Yermany".



Jun 5, 2011
Marbozir has hardly grown his channel in a whole year, no one likes his accent. Youtube is littered with eccentric almost-famous failures that refuse to work on their weaknesses and actually produce some quality entertainment for us.


Jun 18, 2010
Am tempted to make a let's play... But we all know how those tend to end on page 2.


Jul 16, 2009
I played HOI4, I'm not entirely responsible for that horrible mess. Communistic Japan declared war on Japan... I tried as communistic China. We had three way war when UK was in war with Russia, and communistic China didn't. And they for some reason fought on Chinese territory.

This is save from when it was still relatively sane.

I kinda should send these weapons for rebelion, but I wanted just friendly government, who could know they would start rebellion themselves when they would be over 1/2. Then I fought with Japanese in Siam in war for libaration of Chinese province, and obliterated them with Russia in Korea. Germany managed to defeat them, and last from game I seen was Communistic US joined Axis...

Considering Russian defeat is much more drastic than it was in HOI2, without at least Russian resources and blocking Germany tanks from reaching China directly, the rest was probably impossible. (BTW defeat of Russia created GREAT MONGLOLIAN CHANATE.)


Jun 18, 2010
Communist US in Axis is pretty common if you're instigating Gommunism(TM). Once they declare war on Librul US, they're de facto at war with the allies. If Comintern isn't at war with allies yet, they join Axis instead.


Nov 20, 2012
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria
Marbozir has hardly grown his channel in a whole year, no one likes his accent. Youtube is littered with eccentric almost-famous failures that refuse to work on their weaknesses and actually produce some quality entertainment for us.

Getting OT but i think with stellaris and now HoI he gained about 10 % in a few months.


Jul 16, 2009
Communist US in Axis is pretty common if you're instigating Gommunism(TM). Once they declare war on Librul US, they're de facto at war with the allies. If Comintern isn't at war with allies yet, they join Axis instead.
But Russia was at war with UK.
Actually they joined after it was defeated... Wonder why they didn't join the other side.


Jun 5, 2011
Playing more of HOI4 and I really don't like it, the combat is so simplistic it's offensive. It must be I guess to allow the battleplans to have any impact, but all you build is infantry and tanks. There's like 3 units that matter, infantry have insanely high defense, artillery have good soft attack, and tanks are really fast and resistant to soft attacks and are well rounded in damage, that's it. The AI instantly knows how many infantry to put on your borders and then you either advance slowly because you micro better / have better tech, or you better pull out some tank tactics and encircle or whatever.

Advancing with infantry is excruciatingly slow and it's like that on purpose because of retarded defense values. Oh and although planes are pretty cool in how they impact the battlefield, the number of planes that attack the enemy is dependent on their combat width or something, so basically you can't throw 1000 CAS on a lousy unit and take it out instantly, no sir, you go slowly through attrition for some plane damage no matter the battle size, you slowly do organization damage and advance. Or use tanks which are sort of your trump card but they have their own problems. Here units are so BALANCED that units fall into this simple MMO-like unit archetype. And then there's a hard cap on resources of sorts, you simply are never going to have tanks be more than a certain %. Technology is useless, costs are obscene to try to rush techs, but you want to anyway because they're one of the few ways you can outsmart the stupid chains you're tied to.

The game just feels extremely "balanced" or held inside a straight jacket. For EU4 that was fine because you got to larp a million national ideas and had 400 years to let stuff happen, here it's just annoying.
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May 11, 2015
where east is west

Lone Wolf

Apr 17, 2014
I can see the skeleton of a really good game, here.

But it needs fleshing out. Kaiserreich has already been announced, as has BICE.

I'm more about the former, than the latter, but I know some of you are gluttons for that railroadin' experience.


Jan 26, 2015
It beats listening to Quill18.

I'm pretty sure quill18 is at the other end of the spectrum. His voice and tone make his videos "easy listening" material, but ...
well, getting ON topic again, his vids on HoI4 show him just derping around doing things that are often clearly wrong or "dangerous", but the game/AI never punishes them.
It's insane how successful he was in his Italy playthrough, and none of it appeared to be challenging.
DDRJake bending game rules beyond recognition and thus pulling off insane feats is one thing, but quill plays far, far from optimally and doesn't seem to willingly/knowingly use exploits, yet he points his finger at something and his italian armies take it.
This, combined with the fact that in most streams Germany seems to struggle with the most basic things like taking Poland (or even Luxembourg) are what has discouraged me from trying this game myself so far.


Jan 26, 2015
Really? Well, tastes differ, I guess.
I found myself closing streams of another streamer (the name doesn't spring to mind) because he said - in a specific, drawn out fashion - "okay" all the friggin time. For some reason it really got on my nerves.
At least there's no shortage of streamers on YT (albeit most of them suck in one way or another).


May 11, 2015
where east is west
Really? Well, tastes differ, I guess.
I found myself closing streams of another streamer (the name doesn't spring to mind) because he said - in a specific, drawn out fashion - "okay" all the friggin time. For some reason it really got on my nerves.
At least there's no shortage of streamers on YT (albeit most of them suck in one way or another).

Yeah I'm on the verge of unsubscribing to him. Shenryyr isn't bad to listen to and has a nice, casual way of speaking that doesn't bother, however, his deliberate mispronunciation of country names drives me nuts.

Marbozir has hardly grown his channel in a whole year, no one likes his accent. Youtube is littered with eccentric almost-famous failures that refuse to work on their weaknesses and actually produce some quality entertainment for us.

He's made a subscriber outta me, I just have to get used to the odd v/w switch. His accent oddly reminds me of a no longer existent YouTuber from Bavaria with an easy going, but fun way of speaking. Name like JohnZoidberg or something.

I wish he'd completed his Betrayal of Krondor LP. :(
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Mar 6, 2013
After messing with battleplans it looks like it's better to use them at all for any active fronts as for every bit of micromanaging and annoyance it saves the player it adds as much of it's own plus a bonus with ruined organisation. But from positive side it doesn't really need much of work to be useful, just AI should be prohibited from using strategic redeployement (who ever thought it was good idea to allow AI mess with it?) and something like "defend" or "wait" command for divisions which allow them stay in the province without AI constantly trying to move them in some other places.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
I quit watching the Paradox HoI streams because I couldn't stop laughing every time the QA guy they've got running the games said "Yermany".

Yeah, seeing that the game is getting QA and design feedback from the likes of that guy served to drop my expectations dramatically, and I think to a big extent explains the quality of design and gameplay. At this point I hope this is playable in a year, a year and a half.

BTW, all who bought this (a Paradox game) at release should be lined up and shot, and their profiles banned from a respectable gaming forum.


Shitposter Bethestard
Sep 19, 2014
The AI instantly knows how many infantry to put on your borders and then you either advance slowly because you micro better / have better tech, or you better pull out some tank tactics and encircle or whateve

You have to combine battleplan with manual control for maximum effectivness. Set a battleplan for your whole army and control manualy 1-2 battalions (or more if you can manage it) to make breakthrough points and capture key strategic points.
Be sure you have 50% attacking bonus from battleplan even if you manualy control, you have to do this once, and then the bonus ticks down for some time, so you don't have to create it again every single fight.

Hoi 4 for me is best of Hoi 2 combined with streamlined hoi3. I always was more of a hoi 2 player so Hoi 4 is good for me.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
I seem to be getting the hang of this whole peace conference thing in regards to making the AI stop cockblocking my glorious vision:



So they provided an alternative to fighting poles over Danzig, yay. I gave potatoes Slovakia (who needs it anyway), they turned fascist and... joined the Allies.

Then I befriended Denmark. Except they joined the Allies too.

Then I befriended Netherlands. Except they joined the Allies too (see the pattern now?). Japs (whom I wisely did not invite into Axis, knowing they always screw the things up for everyone by attacking USA instead of opening second front against mordor subhumans as a good ally should) DOWing them didn't help either. Now brits own half the China.

Then subhumans annex Finland. Who joins Allies too. Then they annex muh fascist Poland. Allies fight vatniks, except they can't reach them. Heck, I even give brits and frogs military access through the Aryan Reich, not like it does anything.

By 1943, butthurt romanians still don't join the glorious and peaceful Axis. And their 9% democratic party remains in control despite fascists having 60% popularity at the last elections. Here goes a coup. Here goes a civil war. Fascist Legionary Romania joins the axis. Then the former Romania joins the Allies, finally dragging the Axis into 3-way world war.

God, this game is beyond retarded.

Also, by 1943 civil war in Spain is still all the rage, and Franco gets a sound beating. This alone is a reason enough to uninstall. :roll:

At least Estonia is still peaceful and independent. GJ, paradox.
I gave the whole Diplo-Axis thing a go, and it went quite well for me. I beelined the stuff from get-go, figuring having a strong alliance beats earlier extra industry and research slot etc, and managed to get Poland to go fascist and join Axis, as well as carve up the Balkans into my backyard with only Bulgaria and Romania out of the Axis (I also figure it's better in the long run to divide Yugoslavia into two puppets, given that Croatia will be able to give the place a doubling down on the focuses that expand industry). The only thing that caused problems for me was AFTER this whole thing, when the damn Poles took a lot of savescumming NOT to give half their country for free to the Soviet Union (WHEN POLAND HAD A MASSIVE ALLIANCE BACKING THEM UP) and join the Allies (wat). World War II started in early 1940 when Soviet Union declares war on Poland, and United Kingdom invades Denmark. Why can't all these commies and degenerate islanders leave poor peaceful fascists alone :(

Did you manage to get the diplo focuses done BEFORE Japan makes some kind of peace conference in China that causes over 9000 world tension?

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