Lool, that necro map was maybe one of two or three I've really hated. You're just holed up in your town for weeks, pressing the End Turn button. I was so pissed I've just cheated through it lol. Apart from that almost all the missions were pretty neat.
Other thoughts:
- I didn't know about the atrocious launch, I've heard some murmurs but not much. I haven't had many bugs, the game crashed maybe 3 times in my 50 hours and there's this weird AI glitch where enemy melee units get all retarded when you cast Fire Wall on them - they don't advance at you, stay in the wall and get burned to death. Other than that it was smooth sailing
- Steam or uPlay never bothered me whatsoever, no idea why they should but whatever
- yeah, a lot of the diehard Heroes fans are III fanatics, I remember I said something like "III gameplay is very aged compared to King's Bounty or Disciples II" years ago and got some serious shit for that :D