Uh got any suggestions?
Basically looking for a game I can use as a prelude to DnD and other stuff.
You could use pure dungeon crawling DnD.
Gloomhaven is a good dungeon crawler, but it is a bit puzzly, and its card based nature makes it very different from DnD.
I really liked Descent 1st edition and Imperial Assault, but the ruleset is very different from DnD.
I made my own version of Warhammer Quest with card sleeves, a printer, and Warhammer miniatures, and it worked well enough, but I think I prefer WHQ with a game master in adventure mode.
I'm right there with you on making your own reprints of board games. I looked at the new version of Heroquest. And frankly Hasbro are taking the piss with that price. I'm not as familiar with modern board games as others. But jesus christ those lads like getting fucked in the arse by board game companies. £150 or more for different bored games with only a handful of minis at best and most stuff printed on substandard card stock. These companies are having a laugh at our expense. But people just nod their heads and pay that fucking price. Heroquest is not worth 99 fuckin pounds.
So being pissed off and full of hubris, I decided to make my own Heroquest. Advanced Heroquest specifically. I'm at the inlaw's place for Christmas but when I get back I'm getting going on printing out my own version of Advanced Heroquest. I've guestimated that one roll of filament at £10 is enough for all the tiles, and a single 1L bottle of resin at £30 will get me all the minis and props. I'm probably going to spend a little extra for this designer's Heroquest STLs. Because frankly they are gorgeous and much better than the bland and overdesigned rubbish from this new version. They even have the Barbarian from the AHQ cover. Which wasn't actually in the AHQ box.
Yes I will be printing as much in plastic as I can. Even the tiles. As cardboard loves to disintergrate around me for some reason. This will mean overall I will spend more than RRP for the new Heroquest. But I don't actually mind if it results in a board game I'd be much happier with that is actually worth the money.