Hibernaculum Development Update - July 2023
Greetings, fellow Crew!
Well, another busy month and a bit; working primarily on the Character Generator. We have voted on Discord and far and away CharGen won over Character Creator. That is literally he least interesting thing going on behind the scenes right now though - & not sure why I led with that!
So, the real dope - we are moving ahead by leaps and bounds. The Character Generator work being foremost of course, and moving very close to a stage now where we're ready to do a proper demo/teaser video. We are also working heavily on combat mechanics - namely walking the walk when it comes to revisiting our TTRPG roots and bringing more of the AD&D 2e - and especially a much more cRPG experience, into Hibernaculum. A system for damage distribution, taking cover, ambush rules, XP tables, stat adjusters, class adjusters, hit dice - WHOA! The list goes on.
Systems within systems - and while the writing, art and music have been a lot of fun; Hibernaculum's primary gameplay loop is where I really enjoy putting my grey matter to work. Seeing hints of emergent gameplay rear thier head here and there... It's encouraging to say the least.
Again - jump on our Discord if you feel so inclined - it is your right after all!
Plus yeah we are doing some cool stuff and it's REALLY only gonna get more intriguing, visceral and enthralling from here on in.
...Be seeing you