I'll have to heavily disagree on this.
Yeah, well, I'll have to heavily disagree too, for two reasons.
In the White Palace, I had the most trouble with two specific places: one was a 'corridor' between two rows of buzzsaws that you had to crystal dash through while sliding down a wall; the other the corridors of spikes that shoot up and down with just a small safe space between them.
First - the fucking crystal dash can't be cancelled once you charge it (or I'm too dumb to figure out a way to do so), so you have to time the
sliding down the wall with pixel-perfect precision to get the right crystal dash to get you through the buzzsaw corridor. If you don't get it right, you can usually tell you won't make it... but you're still forced to dash into impending doom, because even once started you can't cancel it fast enough, and the knight will go headfirst into a saw.
Second - if you're going to put in sequences like the spike corridors, you NEED to be able to calculate the exact distance you'll cover with the dash. This is not possible in Hollow Knight, which again changes the sequence into pure trial and error - either you luck out and put yourself in the correct pixel-perfect spot to dash through to the safe spot, or you miscalculate by a pixel and get stabbed. Compare to the classic 2d Prince of Persia games, where trap sequences like this are ubiquitous, but the movement is more or less "step-based", so you can calculate very easily from which place you have to jump, and how (stationary jump, jump from running). All that's left for you is to get the timing.
And these IMO were the only really tough parts of the basic white palace (I didn't go through the sikrit path of pain; didn't find it at first and then I couldn't be arsed to go for it after learning aboot it later), because everything else can be done very easily by jump-attack bouncing to victory.
Anyway, all the rest about the controls is pretty slick, yes - in fact when starting the game I had some trouble with them because they were
too perfect so to speak, and my usual misconceptions/prejudices regarding 2d platformer controls often got me killed.