I like it! But I agree with the complaints. I completed it years ago but forgot most of it. Playing it again I am surprised at some things. It's pretty hard! I think back then I didn't notice because games were generally harder, but today it's a surprise. Some fights I can remember who to focus and that usually helps. But a lot of battles you can waste a bunch of spells that do no damage because the thing is immune. So I reload most fights at least once. I love high level magic battles and there's not that many games that let you do it, so this is fun to play again.
Camera was a fuck up though. Even now with the extra modes they are still not ideal. The action RPG camera feels ok but it stopped me looking ahead to where I am heading. I prefer the Tactical camera or whatever the other one is. The 3rd option seems goofy. I am basically playing it like an RTS. And there's no select the whole party shortcut key which is infuriating!
But I am getting used to just dragging a box over my blob and off we go. I love SpeedHack for games like this, it's amazing. Anyway my thought was that they probably should have spent the extra time to get camera/controls more comfy like Dragon Age Origins, it would have sold more. This game could and should have done it.
Also the interface in general is not great. (Doesn't scale
) And too many redundant/windows. Like your spellbook is in one window, then the list of spells you can use is in another window and you have to click one set to make it appear in your book. Then you can drag stuff onto your hotkeys if you want too. But I just press F and there's a quick spells thing that pops up. None of it has tooltips unless you right click and then another window pops up. And sometimes it doesn't close if you press escape.
Shit like that. It is typical of that time, but I think this game was guilty of not being the one to make this step. I think as much as it gets h8ted on, Dragon Age Origins was the first time I saw a tactical RPG (ish) that looked like something I could imagine normies playing.
Clicking on each corpse and then having to loot / close, on 20+ corpses after each fight... is just...
The combat is interesting and kinda fun, but also weird and bad design. It doesn't really suit RTWP... Some things can die in the first second of a fight, so I need to micro manage to make sure it's a bad guy and not my wizard. And micro managing 1 second with pauses is so weird and goofy. It should be turn based like TOEE or changed to suit real time like DAO. This era of RTWP wanted to be both and it's pretty much a shambles. But I still like it, there are a lot of fun spells to play with! The enemies are immune to a lot of stuff which can be frustrating and make you reload if you wasted too much. But the upside is the game forces you to use a lot of different spells. You can't just fireball everything. There are a LOT of buff spells which I love. Most games are stingy with fun combinations, they stop you doing it. But in this game you are free to summon a psycho like Mordenkainan's Sword and then give it Endurance, Strength, Magic Weapon, permanent Haste, Spiderskin, etc. Gamers love doing this and yet you hardly ever can. I wish you could automate it somehow though or have the spells last longer. In some games the hotkeys can run macros, so you could press one button to cast all your buffs. In this game there are about 20 buffs I should cast before every fight. It's a total nuisance. But depth in gaming, you either get it in nuisance form or not at all, so here I am.
p.s. They only made things worse by having lots of fights ambush you mid conversation or something. You can't win! Wtf do they expect? If you cast buffs before every precarious moment you would be resting constantly, and they built the whole spirit eater thing to stop you doing that. And if you go into fights without buffs it's just kind of dumb Benny Hill shambles. Not bad if you play as a tank or something but most fights start with trying to run my delicate mages out of the angry mob. It even teleports your characters to put them where they expected it to be for the start of a fight.. All quite unsophisticated. Overall I enjoy it but I think KOTC2 kinda makes this game obsolete for me.
The writing seems better than usual, but there's too much of it. And it doesn't let you skip anything, it demands we participate. I get into long conversations where I have to press 1 fifteen times until we can move on. And sometimes they try to trick us 1 masher types by putting a bad comment in there which screws up my relations.
Also you can't mash 1 because there's cutscene with every response so you have to mash 1 then left mouse, then 1, then left mouse, in a kind of bass drum, snare drum pattern. And as if it wasn't annoying enough, all your buffs are slowly fading during this time.
They like ambushing you in conversations too, and every time you turn a corner or open a door or do anything.