Second Variety Games
It also had all the subtlety of a garbage truck in Q2 when it comes to concept and mechanics - "a hitscan weapon that shoots so hard that it can pierce multiple fucks, it also leaves particle trail".
I guess it explains its popularity - among knuckle-draggers.
If you want to see similar concept but realized gracefully see HL1's gauss gun - lower damage and higher rate of fire, but similar mechanics (plus oblique angle ricochets) in primary fire, charging up for variable damage (so slow RoF, very high damage if you charge it up) with additional ability to pierce walls and cause deadly spalling in altfire. It's effectively railgun on steroids, with several juicy layers of interesting mechanics added on top.
I agree that Q2 railgun was primitive. It was also the first railgun in an FPS, or close to it.
I actually don't recall anything like this in Q2.The magazines gushed, "See that boss? This weapon he's holding is an independent lightsource".
I recall holding a mainstream gaming magazine (likely PC Gamer) in my hand, with a screenshot with that caption underneath. Another screenshot had an enemy ducking under a rocket and boasted about improved AI.
The only cool weapon in Q2 (in terms of mechanics - conceptually Unreal's Minigun is still the best gatling ever) was Chaingun and that's only because it was simply "more dakka" gone horribly right and pursued to its logical conclusion.
I thought Q2s recoil in weapon #4 was pretty cool. Others were average, but Unreal's minigun was a decent weapon among utter shit weapons.
Q2 had only one remotely interesting enemy type (in terms of both combat and visual design) - medic.
You could say that Dooms enemies were boring because a number of them used instahit guns and fireballs and recolored fireballs.
Reduction ad absurdum.
Quake2's borg enemies with forcefields were pretty cool, and I vaguely recall female midwivey-like things and other shit.
And if you don't think that a cyborg who hunkers down while their arm unfolds into a fucking minigun is cool, you are, simply put, not a man.
As for death throes, the problem with Q2 death anims (and with about every repetitive scripted thing ever) is that you probably had them memorized by the time you left the first level (not unit, level) and your reaction to them was hardly anything but "oh, how cute, he will now try to shoot me in his death throes, *yawn*, *evade*" for the entire rest of the game with the first frame or two sufficing to make a distinction.
Way to nitpick on a ton of FPS games over a non-feature.
Contrast this with Unreal (an absolute masterpiece but not without flaws, mostly suffering from low weapon lethality, low enemy projectile speed and quiet gun sounds) where Skaarj were prone to feigning death or getting knocked unconscious (by explosions and shocks), which used the exact same animations as some genuine death sequences, so while you could eventually learn to spot some telltale signs of feigned death, it wasn't nearly as obvious, and could well be impossible from distance.
Unreal had better enemy behavior, and the rest of the game was designed by Salvador Dali's autistic cousin.
Also, FPSes, especially FPSes of old might not have concerned themselves with plot or setting too much, but Q2 raped Q1 way harder than Bethesda did rape FO with FO3 (also harder than it was accomplished with FOBOS).
It was an entirely different setting.
Anyway, I consider post Q1 id creatively bankrupt, and even before that, they didn't seem particularly creative folks - Doom had some nice sprites and level design (Doom 2 also had Archvile), but was pretty derpy overall, Quake was more interesting due to mere fluke, when id realized that hacking shit with an axe doesn't cut it and they need their guns back - pretty cool atmosphere ensued, but completely by accident.
Hell, id couldn't even be bothered to progress beyond Doom's arsenal most of the time back when it wasn't creatively bankrupt.
ITT DraQ doesn't like the games that largely founded and shaped the FPS genre.
Q2 colored lighting was puke inducing as it made it clear that none of the mappers had any clue as to how to use it to improve their creations so they just pasted randomly coloured lights everywhere (with their favourite being jaundice coloured light saturating the outdoor areas).
Its true, and same applies to Unreal even more. It was fabulously colorful.
I could possibly list some much earlier games depending on exact definition of coloured lighting (or possibly not even that if unreal engine's implementation of coloured lighting predates that of Q2 - unreal engine had general advantage of being capable of all its impressive stuff in bare software - colored lighting, procedurally animated textures, texture filtering, volumetric lighting, etc. - they even had some sort of fake specular implemented back in 1995, which was dropped for some reason, software texture filtering was already there at that point).
Unreal came after Quake 2.
And it also looked like shit. Notice how most modern games DON'T use polys for shit like smoke and explosions or use them sparingly. It's for a reason - a really good reason.
I thought the nuclear sploshun effects looked quite ok. As for use of polys in smoke and explosions, the line kind of blurs with modern technology. They're never just flat/alpha'd bitmaps anymore, there's always more sophisticated shit going on. Have you seen the smoke in Frostbite-based games?
I wouldn't give it too much credit for that - textured cube is just a textured cube.
It wasn't just a textured cube. It created a "bendy" illusion of perspective past the map boundaries, and it wasn't just used for the sky but for "distant city" backdrops, as I recall.
Besides, Q1/Hexen 2 animated skyboxes were much cooler.
Q1 had no "real" skyboxes, that started with Quake2. Q1 had some kind of parallax sky effects. Not sure about Hexen 2.
Hexen 1, Hexen 2, Strife.
I'd argue it was closer to beginnings of Half-Life scripting, where it was no longer about just placing random trap triggers and moving walls. It was actually trying to introduce coherency into the narrative. Hence, the prison cells, the meat factory and other things I've entirely forgotten by now.
Not even that - half a year later Unreal appeared and wiped the floor with Q2. And most of its technology was ready much earlier.
I can say that my renderer can pull off a gazillion normal-mapped polygons, and then I add a game to that, with AI and input cycles and collision detection, and suddenly my technology isn't running so well anymore.
Making it 80% of the way when you're jumping over a chasm, isn't really making it. Nobody cares when technology was running in some test environment, if the end product, i.e. real-world proof, wasn't out using said technology.
You're either kidding orare retardedhave absolutely shit taste when it comes to FPS games, take your pick.
ITT someone who craps on Doom and loves Unreal, lectures me about taste in FPS.