So I started looking for Doom2 screenshots and found this.

I mean, that playing pop-a-mole is pointless because nothing is gained. Cover is for separating enemies from each other, not for hiding behind it and popping up.Find cover? The whole thing is about shooting the enemy before he shoots you. If you pop up from behind cover you still need to locate the enemy and put a crosshair on him before he does the same to you.
Yeah you've got to do that in CoD too.
Shihonage, if you were looking for detailed info on enemy counts, The Doom FAQ is the place to check. As you can see enemies per level rarely exceeds 200, and is generally around 150.While a fair bit higher than D1 it still falls short of 'horde' gameplay.
This. The problem isn't whether someone is having fun in Q2, the problem is that Q2 is the type of 'fun' where you'd likely not notice if someone switched the god mode on, unless you really suck. For several hubs.What I don't like is stuff that's boring, and Quake 2 is boring. I've elaborated on this in this thread before, and DraQ (although I don't agree with everything he says) brings up a couple more points that I missed, such as long 'I'm going to shoot you now' animations (ie. FIND COVER OR YOUR MOLE WILL BE POPPED signals) and the fact that the preponderance of hitscanners leads to proto-popamole gameplay. If you think shooting boring enemies with boring weapons while hidden behind a wall is fun then more power to you, I guess.
Indeed.In Q2, hitscanning is the order of the day and was frequently an enemy's only effective attack - consider the gunners (?) and their shit GL attack, which basically never hit you - and isn't even z-aware if I recall correctly.
I think the difference is even more fundamental - after all you still use cover in Doom and you still use mobility in Q2 - it's that in Q2 you can achieve almost complete impunity in very simple and natural manner.Overall, though, Q2 is about cover and Doom is about dodging. Couldn't be more different at their cores.
Well, yeah, that's a bit of a problem, although to a lesser degree than in Q1.The weapons replace one another
SG and SSG in both Quakes actually work similarly to how they work and differ in Doom, the main difference being not as tight spread from SG (even if it's still significantly tighter than from SSG) and enemy HP inflation making SG too underpowered to be a practical weapon it was in Doom. Hell, few enemies in Q2 fail to withstand at least one rocket to the face.the SSG makes the SG basically redundant
Actually, MG's spread is awful - at least on par with SG, it doesn't even have extra accuracy for first shot.(except at range; but even then you're far better off using the MG or HB or RG)
I like calling it tank mincer - they don't even have a chance to fight back once this baby starts spinning.the CG is also grotesquely OP
Well, GL allows you to attack enemies without even leaving cover pushing popamole to a new level, plus it's effectively a shittier RL(though RL is already underpowered in Q2) for which you tend to have much more ammo if you can score direct hits.the RL makes the GL redundant (not that the GL was ever dundant; throwing the Gs by hand was just as useless and it's available to you much sooner).
I strongly disagree - I used SG almost all the time in D2, but barely touched SSG apart from stuff like shooting pinkies point-blank in the face.The SSG in Doom does this to some extent but it's spread and slow reloading time still allows the SG some minor use.
Everything is gained.I mean, that playing pop-a-mole is pointless because nothing is gained.
Cover is for separating enemies from each other, not for hiding behind it and popping up.
Can't. Too busy trying to flank self. We're speaking of Q2 AI here.Of course it can backfire because the second enemy can flank you in smaller rooms.
You guys convinced me to reinstall both Quake 2 and Unreal. Good job.
Easy now.
Inspiration is pretty obvious, even though popping horrors with a RL does lessen them a lot.
Anyway, it's still better than Dante fucking Aligheri running around hell with fucking scythe.
We never had that; they'd only go nuts if they were already pissed off at each other. It would be a cool feature though.
I miss all the enemies going nuts and attacking each other after you die. Why can't we still have that?
We never had that; they'd only go nuts if they were already pissed off at each other. It would be a cool feature though.
Eh? I specifically remember getting killed and having the camera move around (I think it followed your killer?) and the enemies all going nuts killing one another.
We never had that; they'd only go nuts if they were already pissed off at each other. It would be a cool feature though.
Eh? I specifically remember getting killed and having the camera move around (I think it followed your killer?) and the enemies all going nuts killing one another.
It happens because you were being shot, you died, the shot hit some other enemy, they threw fireball at the gunner, and so on and so forth.
Why are you trying to destroy my faith?
Well, yeah, that's a bit of a problem, although to a lesser degree than in Q1.
I strongly disagree - I used SG almost all the time in D2, but barely touched SSG apart from stuff like shooting pinkies point-blank in the face.
SG has noticeably greater RoF, and it has pretty tight spread in Doom1&2 making it useful even at quite long ranges.
I don't see anything on that screen that hasn't aged well. Lines are still lines, points are still points, rectangles are still rectangles - it's not like there was some great technological advance that makes modern points and lines look much better.
And c64 palette is still great.
Apache Longbow has a completely different graphics style, though. It doesn't have point-infantry and pyramid hills, for example. Similarly, in comparison to Apache Longbow, Enemy Engaged doesn't have untextured terrain and models with nice colours.
Well, there are two pairs of weapons rendering each other redundant (SG, SSG and NG, SNG) and one of them (shotguns) is also collectively made almost redundant by everything else.Well, yeah, that's a bit of a problem, although to a lesser degree than in Q1.
Not really; in Q1 there's the nailgun and it's super counterpart, but the other weapons still have pretty well defined niches. Hell, the SG is probably a more practical weapon than the SSG.
Well, you can control the amount of ammo used easily with MG, but it's still not as good as it would be if you could also persuade this ammo to hit the target.Oh and I listed the MG as a 'good' ranged weapon not because of it's accuraacy, but because of it's ability to conserve ammunition.
What good is DPS if >half of the damage dealt is wasted on walls? SSG has much bigger spread, due to code advancements it's spread is vertical as well as horizontal which means that portion of damage that would otherwise hit the target is wasted on floor and ceiling (if present) even if actors are infinitely tall, while SG's spread is horizontal only, ensuring that target or targets will always be hit unless the pellets spread too much to the side. SSG also has much more consistent spread, unlike SG which often shoots its pellets in much denser pattern that it does in the worst case scenario. Finally, there are many enemies with less than 1 shell worth of health and they tend to attack at range, while there are few enemies you can close distance to safely (was even more important in times when Doom was played vanilla, on KB only) that have between 1 and 2 shells worth of health (I can't think of anything but pinkies and spectres).Bro geez, L2P or whatever. SSG has much, much higher DPS; I checked the frame defs (I didn't count the refire frames as I couldn't remember if the weapon fired again before or after the frame was displayed) and did some retard level maths, and in 36 seconds the SSG will have output roughly 540 pellets compared to the SGs 329. If you're using the SG in any situation other than 'that guy's miles away and I'm out of bullets' you are doin it rong.
To be honest, I can't really relate to what you're talking about because I haven't experienced the 80s in gaming - I got my first computer - a C64 somewhere between 1992 and 1993.Well tell me how the forests of Europe and South Asia look. Not a tree in sight in Vietnam. How about the wireframe triange as a Hind? You seriously telling me that the 'Hind' in Gunship has aged well? It looks like shit even compared to a game from 1990 like LHX where you could tell what it was just by looking at it. In Gunship, without the text telling you, you couldn't be sure what it was.
LHX buried Gunship. That game looked so much better than Gunship and for one of the earliest times you could actually see that the objects looked like their real world counterparts and not have to rely on text.
I know what you're trying to say but no way has Gunship aged well in comparison to its competitors even a few years later. Games like EAW or Jane's USAF or Apache v Havok from 1998-99 still look and play like modern games more or less.
That's what I think of when I talk about things 'aging well'. That they can directly be transferred to the current era without much being lost. Gunship relies on much more personal nostalgia. I told you that as far back as 1995 people wouldn't touch SWOTL from 1991. Yet flight sim fans will play 12-14 year old sims even now.
Gunship is simplistic and primitive, but at the same time it has the best attempt of flight model of these times with stuff like wind, having to turn on the engines and the rotor, ability to autorotate, etc. while at the same time not requiring to constantly struggle with analog stick, throttle and rudder just to keep the flight straight. Which is why I play it much more than the later helicopter simulations.Gunship was simplistic and primitive just a few years after it was released.
Again I'm not dissing the game, I like it even now, but from a technological standpoint it really hasn't aged well.
You know who loved Quake 2? Tim Cain, a developer infamous for having terrible taste and for making terrible games. All that needs to be said.
Tim Cain in summer 2001 said:I think now people are trying to advance beyond just making a map and plopping down a couple monsters and saying "Ok, now I've got my first person shooter." I think people are ready to make something a little more complicated.
Both of you haven't figured a way to shoot Q2 GL without blowing yourselves up?You know who loved Quake 2? Tim Cain, a developer infamous for having terrible taste and for making terrible games. All that needs to be said.
That does it. Tim Cain and I are soulmates.
And this I can salute.Tim Cain in summer 2001 said:I think now people are trying to advance beyond just making a map and plopping down a couple monsters and saying "Ok, now I've got my first person shooter." I think people are ready to make something a little more complicated.
Both of you haven't figured a way to shoot Q2 GL without blowing yourselves up?
Maybe he just played it on multi after plowing through it once,so he didn't get to notice how retardedly easy this game is?