... I'll do it.
What's your plan?
You can't leave the room by the door. Cassidy's hall is always guarded even if she's not here.
I can't crawl the walls like you do, but I'm free to walk out.
So. You take the window and meet me in Rag-Bear's rooms. We get the gold and set our next steps from there.
Dress you in some of his clothes, and no one will notice. Blind as moles, most of them.
All right.
<Somewhere inside, the royal bloodline is about to be shattered. We have to hurry.>
<It occurs to me now that it is too late to change my mind, that while I am out here, Dolores is on her own.>
<She could choose to take all the gold for herself and flee, leaving me dangling.>
<If that gold exists at all. This entire story could have been fabricated to distract me so that she could escape.>
<I have offered her my trust. Will she uphold it? Will she be waiting for me, on the other side of that window?>
<Footsteps approach...>
There you are.
You're good with locks, right? Come on, it's in...
Why are you looking at me like that?
I'm glad to see you, that's all.
You didn't think I'd show, did you?
If I really didn't think that, it would have been pretty stupid of me to come here.
You still looked surprised.
So did you.
Ouais, well... I wasn't sure you'd really go along with...
The first time you trust someone, there's always that chance.
So what are we waiting for? We don't have all day! Show me that lock.
A little further to the left... there, that one!
You could come up here yourself.
You're still a better climber than I am.
You just enjoy being able to give orders.
Not orders, suggestions!
<There is nothing easy about working your own land.>
<There are always more chores to be done, more plans and animals to tend. The hours are long and the labor often dirty.>
<But knowing that our food and our fortunes depend entirely upon our own labors, we have all the incentive we need.>
<A gentle breeze scatters sunlight across our faces, and the butterflies take wing.>
<Tonight there will be apple tarts with dinner, and after that we will sleep safe and secure in our own home.>
<It is a good life.>
<Freedom is what you make of it.>