[It was really difficult to pick which song to use for this update, it had to be a Tom Waits one to finish off the summer, I've stuggled to pick which one best captures the essence of the summer in the end it was between Everything Goes to Hell, Misery is the River of the World, Little Drop of Posion and God's Away on Business. I bring this up because of you don't like the one I picked, I suggest you try one of the other ones.
Misery refers 'mankind', and Dwarves don't have a single 'God' to be away on business, but they do have a hell.(Crappy logic is crappy but just go with it)]
Journal of Shorast, 10th of Malachite.
Yes, there are no sweetpods Kil, no sweetpods at all. NONE.
Come on Sho, think of dead elves, rainbows being destroyed, conquering the depths, digging far too deep and not dying, happy thoughts, keep calm.
I know there was no water yesterday, but I got to keep checking just in case. Maybe there will be some today? Maybe I can help them for oncI FUCKING KNOW THERE'S NO GODDAMN FUCKING SWEETP(_DIE ALL OF YOU DIE
'Brewmaster' Kil, Journal. 14th of Malachite.
[Death count: 25, Degel and Kensomething, Endok, Udil, Rimtar]
Gosh they're screaming a lot upstairs. I better take a look..
[Lol'd @Miller Alath]
'Brewmaster' NilKil, Journal. 16th of Malachite.
[Death count: 27, Ablel...]
Somebody has to do something! I can do it
The Orders of Gold will live again.
The Inconsiderate Dale has fallen.
'Brewmaster' NilKil, Journal. 18th of Malachite.
I've ordered Atis the Insane walled up so he can't flip out and murder us all in our sleep.
And I took over William's old quarters, he's disappeared and won't need 'em.
Maybe the old coots room'll protect me through the madness.
21st Malachite, Diary of Urist "McLurker"
! It's all working!
Work has started on the bedrooms.
Problem is two of the..forgotten..
have been allowed back. I don't want to take the risk but..maybe we can save them right diary? Right.
'Brewmaster' NilKil, Journal. 25th of Malachite.
[Deathcount 28, Nish]
The smell is getting terrible. I've ordered coffins built. Lots of coffins.
Everyone has been drafted into masonry.
It'll keep us all busy, we'll get through this..
[Deathcount 29: Dumed
Here's what's happening at the site of the epic battle of failure from earlier in the summer, it seems like
Ben Willis Morul is hanging out in the smog. Haha. Just wow, just look at it..]
2nd of Gelana, Diary of Urist "McLurker"
[Deathcount 32]
Diary, good news! Work on the memorial hall has started. Haha, no, it's already finished remember(get it diary? Memorial hall!!)! I mean the engraving itself!
I've decided to take up engraving and stone detailing myself!!
Kind of worried about William, Tobul, Kib, and Abel.
We might need to..remove them..
As soon as one of them does something, they'll be removed.
The moronic dolts WON'T ruin this. Not on my watch, right diary?
[3rd-4th, Deathcount 36.
I have no idea how anyone could find him in there..]
NilKil's log 8th:
[Deathcount 39.]
I'm getting into this army stuff. Another fight today!
Kogan went nuts, and we had to kill him
Someone died though. Coward.
[Did you hear the captain of the guard killed someone?
I guess you could say that *sunglasses* He's no longer Nil Kills.
NilKil's log. 9th of Gelana
[Deathcount: 41.]
Madness is overtaking us all, deaths surround us all. I need to do something for morale...
Morul Willis, the Hawk of Growths will die.
On my way there, another death was announced.
Some of us were sacred and tried to get out of fighting.
Others charged forwards for victory..
[11th of Galena.
Death count: 42(DON'T PANIC)]
I...Was wounded.
But in my stuggle with him, the mayor herself did it.
It was an instant kill.
Too good for such a monster, but we did it..I don't think I'll live, not with the state of things.
I tried to bring order and it led only to my death
Kil's log
[Death count: 45]
I don't know the date. Just been told Degal is dead..She was a hero, and died like the rest of us.
What a miserble existance we have..Why did we come to a volcano trapped within the ice?
What monsters would think that's a good idea.
I don't know where my husband is. He's..I don't know. Atir has been okay though.
I think I've failed in my life.
It won't be long until I slip back to a hazy dream where I'm united with my family, not in this horrible place where I'll die. What was it I was told? We would keep the north strong against the depths so those in the south would live?
Sodel's dead.
[15th Death count: 48, Zon, Etur, Vucar]
15 of Gelana, Diary of Urist
Hi diary, did you get a new haircut? Haha.
Tobul and Chef have both thrown tantrums.
Tobul is still going, but Chef has calmed down.
They will both be removed.
My bed is wet, the walls are covered with blood.
Diary..that's blood on you
[Whoops, my bad. It says he was friends with Vucar, in my grief I covered the wrong dwarf]
OneKil's log
[Death count: 52[?], Lor.]
Here I am. In the dining room. Writing in my record book.
Under me is the dead body of a child.
I miss my sweetpod seeds.
There's no food. There's no booze and no water.
It's ironic, that I'll die from dehydration. I spent my life learning the art of brewing.
Oh well looks like I won't have to die that way after all.
We're going to fight them and die in battle.
Oh fuck, Atis has gone insane.
[Over the summer, we lost 54 dwarves(I think..). There's more forgotten with the survivors than there is with the actual forgotten.]
1st Limestone, Urist
Limestone is upon us
The forgotten have been put into their rooms
I thought we could save some of them
But they're not savable they must be purged for the fortress to survive, we must kill them
Kill them all
I'm sorry Vucar.
[That was a difficult update to do.
The summer...Could have gone better. The main fuckup I made was trying to save some of the forgotten, one tantrum downstairs set a few others off, and led to a death and a new forgotten. I should have tried to wipe them all out right away.
I think there's only three or four forgotten left upstairs, five or four downstairs. The humans came and were wiped out by the Deep Gobin fellows, they can't reach the fortress currently and there's no dwarves that can do anything upstairs around.
I don't know how boring Autumn will be, all there's left is engravement and smoothing stones, expanding a few areas and making the bottom of the fort survivable for next year.
I'm going to try and start reclaiming areas of the fortress, magma forges and gold stocks being on the to get list for the gold barrels, we're going to run out of wood soon, there's only about 30-40 left, and we won't have any trade for rather long time.
Reaching the adamantine is on the to-do list as well.]