The pipe dreams of dwarves. (Part I)
Some totally not related music, apart from the fact it fits the harsh reality of living inside a bloody volcano. Well, at least the first half does.
I decide to pick the perfect dorf to be my avatar, our wood burner. Then, derp strikes in a most codexian manner…
Our wood burner is a she! Oh well, even King Comrade turned out to be a tranny.
1st Granite, I think
Gods damn it! What day it is anyway?! My head hurts, and the whole fortress keeps spinning like those elven dancer girls at a whorehouse. Awful ugly creatures they are, bunch of tree-fornicating philistines! I think I’m gonna puke either from the mere thought of them or from the booze I drank last night. Or the night before that. Just when I was trying not to focus on the awful, downright horrible noise made by that bloody volcano behind the wall, these dolts come into my dwelling. Oi! What do you lot want? I’m having a titanic hangover here, get the bloody hell out of here. They tell me I was chosen to be the new mayor. What kind of bloody joke that is? I may be drunk like an elven virgin just before she gets finally ravaged, and I may have a hangover the size of this bloody volcano, again. But I am not bloody stupid.
It turned out it was true… *sigh* Well, they all laughed that a wood burner decided to migrate to this place. Hell, they laugh at the very concept of wood burning! Wood burning is the most dwarven thing right after drinking until you pass out. Think about it, elves like wood right? So by burning wood you piss on their elven “one with nature” beliefs right? Is there a thing more dwarven than pissing off those tree-fornicating pansies? No I say! Well, unfortunately there’s no wood around here. But we have magma and I’m mayor now apparently. Might as well drown some elves in it or something.
My hangover is finally over, time to do some mayoring or something. Well, we need to melt that ice. The previous two useless buggers running this place failed to do it properly. We need that bloody farmland! With over 80 parasites leeching *my* booze I may end up sober for far too long. How is a mayor supposed to do mayoring while sober? It’s impossible tell you!
First, we need to expand that a bit so that the melting ice floods a bigger area. A long, curved access tunnel is dug out so that it doesn’t flood the whole damn fortress before somebody closes the floodgate with the lever.
More useless buggers and freeloaders! Do they think we have enough booze for every dolt on the continent? There isn’t even enough for me you bloody parasites!
I told the dolts to dig *under* the ice we want to melt. Why? So that we can flood the whole thing with lava thus melting the ice above with the heat. We just need to channel the whole thing in proper pipes. Made out of rock not bloody ice. Hopefully these masons aren’t closet elves like the rest of these dwarf posers.
See! This is exactly the kind of thing I was warning about! No booze and they all start going mad like goblins that are forced to read. Honestly, a sober dwarf is like a literate goblin, it just feels *wrong* on so many levels.
Oi! We need that to make armor for our militia you dolt! Get the bloody hell out of there.
Either I am going mad from being sober or this dolt actually made something useful.
Well, it appears he is actually CONTRIBUTING something to dwarven civilization and this bloody fortress! Might even order to build him a statue to honor his achievement. We may even use something better then gneiss to make it!
So today, whatever the hell day is today, I almost tripped over another one of these bums sleeping on the bloody floor. As if the lack of booze wasn’t enough of a torment already, these buggers are creating a safety hazard! Build them some proper bloody dwellings you useless dolts!
A bloody fine job! Now get the *other* bugger trying to steal our beer you dolts!
Good job! Now kill the *third* thief. I swear these thieves are coming out of the bloody volcano crater or something!
Bah! Just when we took care of two other ugly bastards, these tree-fornicating nuisances arrives. A whole caravan at that!
After much bargaining by “William” whatshisname, he convinced them to take our useless shite. He got us wood in return. At least we will have enough for some new beds. I asked him if they had any booze. Troubled he quickly ran out of my office. Godsdamn abstinents, if you ain’t thinking about getting us booze, you might as well leave for the unicorn forest with the rest of the long-eared pansies!
He got them to take some more of our useless shite in return for wine. ALCOHOL! Bloody finally! Also, he got some berries and other food. We should be able to make more booze out of it. Otherwise I’ll send the hammerer to motivate the buggers calling themselves brewers.
28th Felsite
Can someone tell me, why the bloody hell do we have so many rangers. How the hell is a ranger an acceptable dwarven career choice anyway? They may as well shave off their beards and go fornicate with unicorns along with the rest of their elven brethren! Bunch of useless arse for brains closet elves!
Meanwhile, the dolt installing the new lava-proof floodgate got himself trapped on the other side. It is as if they sent the biggest bunch of bloody morons down here. *sigh* I’ll make Virgintraded great and oozing with alcohol even if I have to kill all these idiots myself.
The lava-powered heating pipe is ready. I sent for one of the miners to break open the obsidian wall and let the lava flow inside. This dolt called Ulminati answered the call. “Lava? Sounds like a true dwarven challenge!” he said. We will be able to grow more brewable plants soon and get some proper booze in this hole. This elven wine is making me want to hug trees, bleh!
He broke through, the lava combined with the nearby ice formed a deadly cloud of hot steam. For a moment it looked like the huge steam explosion claimed Ulminati’s life. However he emerged unscathed from the cloud of boiling water…
… or not. Guess we’ll build him a statue, after all we have plenty of useless zinc around.
RIP Ulminati, you gave your life in the pursuit of a more drunken and thus dwarven fortress. Your sacrifice shall not go in vain.
LARP MODE OFF: How the fuck does one bleed to death from steam? How?! Gabe Newell told me it was harmless!
Well, at this point is it obvious we cannot have all that just waiting to be turned into lethal steam lying around now can we? I order the parasites to dump it outside of the fortress and cover the icy floor with some proper *cheap* stone. Hopefully no more huge steam explosions will happen. Gods know we lack *proper* dwarves around here. Ones who can mine like Ulminati could.
1st Galena
More freeloaders, I bet half of them would ride unicorns given the chance rather than forge a proper ax. Being mayor is a bloody torture and all I have is *elven* wine to get me through the day.
They better have some booze damn it!
That useless dolt is still occupying the craftsdwarf’s workshop. Keeps drawing forests, shiny metal, skeletons and quarries. I can understand the shiny metal and quarry bit. But forests? Another bloody pointy-eared faggot not doubt.
You can see the new, not yet cleaned of junk stones cemetery and corpse stockpile next to it.
Work on the *improved* magma pipe is going slow. I would drown my despair in alcohol but we barely got any left. On the upside, the dolts mined out the gold out of the walls of some of the dwellings and replaced them with diorite walls.
24th Galena
Alright, our booze stockpiles aren’t that low after all. So who the hell keeps taking all of my booze then?! Apparently we have a quarter hundred farmers, now if only the bloody magma pipe was ready…
Our lone carpenter has been ordered to move his arse and make us some new beds so that *I* don’t trip over another homeless parasite. At least all the wood we got from the tree faggots should be enough to make most of them gone from *my* precious fortress floor.
1st Limestone
Good news, the improved magma pipe is almost ready. Time to send another miner down there and open up that bloody obsidian that clogged up the pipe. Ice and lava are as much of a nightmare as is being sober on the job.
Fucking steam!
More obsidian, I guess *I* have to think of a way not to lose more *useful* peons while trying to get us more booze.
Not featured: fully smoothed out new dwellings on TWO levels (you can see the WIP first one on a screenshot), new furniture in old/new dwellings, a new magma channel being built to power more magma forges and smelters, the finished main bridge of true dwarvenhood above the volcano crater which Krash begun constructing and lots of smoothed stone.
Blame screenshot captor, I remember making screenshots of those, the piece of shit must have not saved them.
Also fuck ice!
But I think I know *how* to melt it without killing half of our best miner in the process now. The bad news is we’ll need a magma pump or an ice deposit *under* the pipe.