Aothan said:
AlaCarcuss said:
Jesus mate, are you a native english speaker? Because, with all due respect, I don't think I've ever seen anyone use so many ridiculously obtuse words to make such simple points. I'm refering to your previous posts here as well. They're just so goddamn hard to read. No one here gives a fuck how articulate you are, just say what you really mean.
eeya, usually I don't trouble myself with these posts, unfortunately it is very direct and in the middle of a thread I am unusually active in. My grammar is terrible, even in a basic sense, grammar can be unnaturally complicated for some people, the reasons would be extensive and difficult to fully detail. My "obtuse" words ? I'm not so sure about that, I've been steadily devolving for a year or more now, of course the setting is different but I'm not sure which choice of words could leave you uncertain.
Each one of your posts I have to read at least three times to get the gist of what you're saying. That is not good communication.
hmm, I do have problems explaining ideas, at the same time and in the nicest possible way it would have to be suggested that the fault is not exclusive. Anyway, send me a message if you wish to continue the point, I would rather keep the focus of the discussion (yes I know this is a bit ironic from me) on Divinity II.
I'm not asking for spoiler details about the location of epic items, just whether it is preternaturally bad luck that I cannot seem to find a single item or quantity of gold over the last thirty or so encounters.
Oh Jesus, you still sound like 'Data' from Star Trek: TNG....
There's nothing wrong with what you're saying, or techincially your grammar. Just, on a forum like this one, I like to talk to people the way I would 'face to face'. I seriously doubt you talk to you friends and family the way your talking here, right? (God help them if you do....)
I'm not trying to offend you in any way, I like the fact that you obviously like Div2 and I apprecieate your posts. Just don't put so much effort into them. Speak naturally, that's all I'm saying.....
Now or course, I could be making an absolute fool of myself. I remember as a codex noob, having a go at BLOBERT for being retarded and typing in all caps - only to realise later that he was the most intelligent and articulate poster this board (or any other) has ever seen. So, if this is your 'thing' then go for it.
Lesifoere said:
I just assumed either English is his distant second language or he's high-functioning autistic. This isn't an insult, the language pattern looks like either thesaurus abuse or savant, both of which could result from mild autism. So I didn't really want to bring it up.
Yep, I thought of that too, and if that's the case I apologise. I wouldn't even bother bringing it up either, except I think the guy really has somthing to offer. What he's saying is quite interesting, once you get past the bullshit. Just please - burn that fucking thesaurus man.
Also, I'm a bit pissed (that's Australian for... hic... drunk) at the moment so I'll probably regert this tomorrow.
Now, OT. Have you ever played a game that you know you should't like? Or, in usual circumstances, would rage at till the cows come home?
Every now and then I find a game that.... for want of a better word... 'grabs' me. Even though it should be a game I hate. There's all sorts of things 'wrong' with Div2: DKS.... lots of little things that could be better...
If we're lucky, one of these games comes along about once a year (usually longer). I remember playing the tutorial island of ED when it first came out last year and thinking 'this is shit'. Now I'm totally 'hooked' and can't wait to see what's around the next corner. I don't know why, and every now and then - usually after a rage quit and an exclaimation of 'SHITCOCK!" - I'll drop it for a few hours, and then think... shoulda', woulda'..... coulda'... FUCK YOU!! UNDEAD SKELETON WHORE!!!!! .... Time for a respec....
Love it.