# New Features
- You can now disband loyal cohorts, for double the cost, but those loyal cohorts will turn into "veteran cohorts" for that character that impact their powerbase, and will be raised as experienced cohorts if that character revolts.
- Pops now no longer instantly promote to another type, assimilate their culture or convert their religion. All of these changes will now instead happen over time due to a combination of factors that you can speed up through government policies and other actions. An overview for current changes underway in a city can be opened from the city interface.
- Pops now migrate over time to neighboring cities, cities in the same province, or between provinces with a port in your empire. Manual movement of pops is now only possible for Slaves and Tribesmen (if you are a Tribe).
- Monarch power has been removed as a concept. Instead mechanics have been changed to happen over time, use other currencies or opportunity cost. A new currency, Political Influence, is now generated by loyal members of your Government over time. Political Influence will be used to perform actions directly relating to your country's government such as selecting National Ideas or implementing Laws.
- Reworked Experience. Unit Experience no longer decays from losses in combat but instead decays over time. All armies now have access to the Drill ability which will increase their cost and loyalty gain chance while allowing them to build up experience.
- Reworked Military Traditions. Military traditions are now acquired using Military Experience, a countrywide value that measures the degree of Military Experience your country has built up. Military Experience increases from your average cohort experience and War Exhaustion, where reliance on mercenaries reduce the speed it accumulates by.
- Added 11 new building types, to create more depth to develop your cities.
- Fabricating claims is no longer instant and takes time.
- A new character interaction to bestow a regional nickname on governors has been added.
- A new character interaction to impose corruption sanctions on a character has been added, reducing their corruption at a cost of loyalty and tyranny.
# Gamebalance
# Economy
- Each Holding now gives a boost to commerce income in the city which they are situated.
- Economic Policy for Wages now only affect those characters that are getting wages.
- Economic Policy for Wages reduced to 0.05 loyalty when increased, down from 0.1.
- Building cost inventions previously targeting specific buildings are converted to -0.05 build_cost, with the exception of Granaries
- All traits yielding build_cost are now -0.05 build_cost from -0.1
# Governments
- Government rank now increases Political Influence gain.
- Ruler Martial now increases Manpower Recovery Speed & Army Morale Recovery.
- Ruler Finesse now increases National Commerce Income & reduce Build Cost.
- Ruler Charisma now increases Tyranny Reduction and Claim Fabrication Speed.
- Ruler Zeal now increases Monthly Stability Growth and War Exhaustion Reduction.
- Disloyal Characters are less likely to be elected in a Republic, as the Senate is less likely to trust them.
- Standardized Construction idea reduced to -0.2 build cost and speed from -0.3
- Consort or Co-Ruler will now use their finesse instead of rulers for governor policies, if higher.
# Characters
- Families now keep track of how many children they have in total.
- Courtsize limit lowered to 120
- Foreign characters will now have less children.
- Families with less than 4 current children will now be allowed more children.
- Commanders now earn more gold and popularity from taking cities.
- Frequency of disloyalty schemes has been increased
- Magnitude of disloyalty schemes has been increased
# Units
- Popularity from naval combat is no longer 1% of what it should be.
- Cohorts loyal to a rebel commander, but not in their current army will be disbanded at the start of a civil war, and turned into veteran cohorts for that commander.
- You can now move regular cohorts loyal to a character to another unit. (merge, split, transfer, detach..)
# War & Peace
- Powerbase for Subject Loyalty is based around loyal cohorts, not total population compare.
- It is no longer possible to demand gold as part of a peace treaty.
- Experience from combat increased by 10X
# Religions
- Bon religion bonus reduced to -0.1 build_cost from -0.15
# Cities & Provinces
- Governor Policies is now scaled by the finesse of the govenor / ruler.
- Encourage Trade is now +33% commerce instead of +10% commerce & +1 trade route.
# Pops
- Slaves will no longer be sent to cities that are at their population capacity limit. Instead slaves will be spread out to other nearby cities.
- Slaves now produce 16.6% more gold.
- Tribes have less happyness penalties with other cultures.
# Tradegoods
- Furs changed export and capital bonus changed to -0.005 experience_decay, from starting experience.
# Interface
# Alerts
- Alertmanager tooltip for disloyal characters now have more information about the powerbase.
# Map
- Added a pirate haven indicator to provinces with pirate havens in the barbarian, diplomatic, trade and traderoute mapmodes.
# Misc
- View Pops screen now changes to another province when you click on the map.
- Trade Interface reworked with more information and a sortable list of trade routes.
- New Technology popups will now list what inventions were unlocked.
- Legitimacy and Centralization is now shown in the top bar for countries that have them.
- You can now detach damaged ships from a fleet with one button press.
- All characters with a power base will now be considered as relevant for the disloyal characters in outliner and alert.
- Added two columns for religious and cultural unity for provinces in the ledger.
- Made the event window slightly less squished
# User Modding
# Effects
- Added 'add_loyal_veterans' effect for character scope.
# Triggers
- Added 'num_loyal_veterans' trigger for character scope.
- Added state_level_loyalty trigger on state scope.
- Added has_low_economic_policy, has_mid_economic_policy & has_high_economic_policy triggers.
# Setup & Script
# Events
- Roman flavor events added, pertaining to schisms and significant civil wars.
- Unpopular consuls will now trigger various adverse events on election.
- High power base characters will now be eligible for various event chains reducing their loyalty and affecting internal stability.
- Fixed military character triggers in military co-consul chain
- Stopped consorts demanding offices
- Increased cooldown of Bureacratic Issues event from 5 years to 25
- Fixed chance of duplicate characters in Debt Bondage Scandal event
- Reduced harshness of modifiers in Incendiary Slave event
- Fixed missing event picture in a trial event
- Fixed imprisoned characters being scapegoats in trials or appearing in mediation events
- Fixed A Venemous Tongue firing for already disloyal provinces
- Fixed names of cities in Diadochi startup events
- Made Eager Consort and In Good Hands chains mutually exclusive
- Removed some charisma from the Incendiary Slave
# Setup
- Greekified Greek names, family names, nicknames, and regnal names
- Added Nikaia, Pleistarchos, and Alexarchos Antipatrid (siblings of Kassandros)
- Added Arsinoe, and Eurydike (daughters of Lysimachos)
- Added Blood the Argeads trait to children of Kassandros and Thessalonike (Philippos, Alexandros, Antipatros)
- Fixed family name of Apama Sogdianid (Seleukos' wife)
- Tweaked Numidian Kings event for Carthage
- Fixed starting Centralization of Massaesylia, Massylia, Musulamia, and Pontus (from 0 to 50)
# Map
- Added more dynamic city names, removed duplicates, and fixed some anachronistic city names.
- Changed Epirus starting capital to Passaron
- Changed Euobean starting capital to Karystos
- Changed Karystos trade good to marble to represent Cipollino/marmor carystium
- Tweaked starting roads in Jharkhand/east Maurya
# Bugfixes
# Stablity & Performance
- Fixed rare crash in longer games
- Fixed crash when killing ships with boarded cohorts
- Fixed rare crash when selecting event options
# Multiplayer & Out of Syncs
- Fixed rare on-action related OOS
# Game Mechanic Bugs
- Clan chiefs will no longer start as another position.
- Fixed a few bugs where the game had hardcoded 1000 instead of the Cohort_size define.
- Cost Changes for Declaring Wars now work, aka no-cb-wars-omen etc..
- Can no longer attempt ransom prisoner from char interactions if at war.
- Lack of Governor will no longer upset pops that governor is of a different religion called "".
- Hordes can no longer accumulate negative loot.
# Text & UX
- Heritage in Ledger is now sorted by name, not by internal index.
- Now only shows 2 decimals for Unit Weight in attrition tooltip.
- Fixed the detach siege tooltip when all are loyal.
- Improved tooltip for Garrisons in cityview.
- Build Ships UI no longer resets to army when clicking on another port.
- Fixed bug where building progress was not displayed when building buildings.
# Misc
- DLCs which don't affect the checksum are no longer required to load saves