Shouldn't really be that much of an issue."Compatibility patch for Requiem v 1.8.2 and DLC02 -Dragonborn."
This isn't up to date with the latest Requiem version..![]()
Shouldn't really be that much of an issue."Compatibility patch for Requiem v 1.8.2 and DLC02 -Dragonborn."
This isn't up to date with the latest Requiem version..![]()
Requiem is for wussies, play SkyRe
I've been eyeing PerMa a couple of times, but holy shit batman installation looks like a clusterfuck of patches for patches and faffing about with TES5Edit and whatever else. I ain't got time for that shit. Otherwise, I'd switch, cause its gameplay sounds interesting.Perkus Maximus is the cool new thing to play (alongside the appropriate SkyRe modules). Requiem is for spergs.
You have to run a reproccer for requiem too. Install java, disable a ton of mods that the reproccer doesn't like, disable more mods, run LOOT, repeat until skyrim stops crashing at the menu.
You have to run a reproccer for requiem too. Install java, disable a ton of mods that the reproccer doesn't like, disable more mods, run LOOT, repeat until skyrim stops crashing at the menu.
1) Run Reqtificator.But he's right, I had to do EXACTLY THAT a couple of times until I could start the damn game when I installed requiem.
So far, I've found side quests out in the world far less inane than anything in the cities - though I wouldn't set the bar too high for those either, if I were you.Anyone know if the main quest or the DLC's are any good? Damn, nothing can seem to fix Skyrim's boring quests, story, and dialogue. I met that cannibal lady, and she was interesting for 5 minutes up until she became zero-personality NPC #600. Shame because she actually had a small bit of personality, which is a rarity in this game.
Fuck, the Markarth storyline about the Foresworn was absolute shit. I mean literal shit. I couldn't run out of that situation fast enough... or that city. Just a confusing, boring cluster-fuck of mediocrity. Looking back, I felt like I was drunk.
The cannibal lady was the only highlight of Markarth; although, I guess doing my run-through of that Dwemer ruin under the city was extremely challenging and somewhat fun. Still, no way I could get this far in the game without Requiem.
For something as big as Requiem I install it first, then slowly add desired mods seeing which ones don't cause the game to vomit itself to death. To do otherwise...eesh. It changes so much shit they have to work around it, not vice versa.
This is the opposite of what id do. You want requiem last in your load order so it can override most things.
I'm talking about priority of the game build itself, load order management is simply part of the stability process.
No I'm saying that if a mod doesn't work right with Requiem, to the point where it crashes the game or interferes and I can't resolve it...it gets the boot. The first time I used Requiem I added it to a list that was already full of other intensive mods. The resulting nightmare ensured that from then one Requiem is the first mod installed, and all others are tested against it for game health. If there isn't a dependable fix known *punt*.
I'm not talking solely about load order conflicts, but mod conflicts in general. If you use something as invasive as Requiem you really can't treat it like the 'drop in and play' types.
90% of mods are not drop and play.. its a waiting game of when its gonna wreck your day.
Really you should never load or drop mods in an existing save.. (some exceptions can be made for texture packs.. but even then...)
How bad can a game be where you run over TWO HUNDRED mods for it?![]()
Why don't you use the Elys' Skill Uncapper? That way you can really grind your smithing and take it to 130-140 and then you will finally obtain the protection you deserve. At 150 skill level I refine armor up to 800 points, maybe there is something wrong with your setup?At Smithing 100, I can improve an Orcish cuirass to 266 and an Ebony one to a pitiful 286. Is Ebony supposed to be this shitty in Requiem or do I need to look for something I messed up?
I've been fapping over my Ebony gear for a long time (very rare, thanks to Morrowloot), thinking I'll finally be able to melee dragons once I get my hands on that crafting manual... So this is mighty disappointing, to say the least. Especially, when I can already improve a Dwemer cuirass to 306, thanks to the Ancient Knowledge perk.![]()