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My character can't get any blessings since he's a filthy thief.
Garrett would just steal the blessings, your character ought be more like him.
My character can't get any blessings since he's a filthy thief.
My character can't get any blessings since he's a filthy thief.
Garrett would just steal the blessings, your character ought be more like him.
Shrines of the Divines
- Shrines now only grant bonuses if you do not have commited too much crime during your adventure in Skyrim - for criminals aren't favored by the divines! Also, the duration of the blessing has been increased greatly. Also, if you do certain deeds, some gods might grant you even more power - for instance, Mara's blessing enhances your health if you've completed her temple quest. On the other hand, some god's might also refuse to bless you - for instance, if you join the imperial Legion, Talos will refuse to bless you for this blashpemy. *
I decided to reinstall Requiem and have been playing it a bit the last few days.
I'm starting to appreciate it a lot more than I used to. Although I still think the challenge level early on might be a bit high to the point where it slows down the game unnecessarily (fucking wolves etc.), it's actually not that hard to get to a decent level of capability. For instance, once you reach Whiterun you can use the target dummies with all combat techniques to level up a bit and get to the point where the basic wildlife doesn't cause problems. Once I managed to take out my first nest of bandits, it was incredibly satisfying because I had to work for it.
I will say there's a few things that are off. I am not sure if the spawns were adjusted at all, but I am finding tons of sabre cats all around Whiterun who instantly destroy me, for one. And, it'd be nice if there was an easier way to look up certain information without relying on metagame knowledge (like a book of spells that tells you all that's available, so I can learn if my mage needs to invest in the lockpick skill or if there is a spell for that). And, Requiem can't really answer to the issue that Skyrim was built with one style of gameplay in mind and its changes kind of contradict that, especially in terms of overall world and quest design, which requires the player basically have pre-existing knowledge of what's safe and what's not, where to find specific NPCs, equipment, spells, opportunities, etc.
But overall, it has made Skyrim more enjoyable for me, even though I certainly would not recommend this for "most" people.
I had to save-scum like a madman in Requiem to tackle those bandits. But I don't really see that as a fault of the game or its balance. It was a learning experience. Instantly deadly combat has its place just as much as more slow-paced, attrition-based MMO-style (for lack of a better term) combat.What do you think about SkyRe in comparison to Requiem? Imo it doesn't have such huge learning curve and difficulty spikes in the beginning, but I'd lie if I said many fights are easy and/or easy to tackle on without "savescumming".
I will say there's a few things that are off. I am not sure if the spawns were adjusted at all, but I am finding tons of sabre cats all around Whiterun who instantly destroy me, for one.
Maxed out character will probably be able to invest into about half of perks, and a lot of skills synergize with each other (not all of them, for example - heavy armor and sneak don't work together that well).DraQ, how well does Requiem accommodate "broad" characters? The mod is clearly designed to encourage specialisation, but it seems, upon inspection of perk trees, that broad characters should also be able to deal with many challenges since perks are, for the most part, not designed in such a way that the ones higher up the tree simply displace the lower ones.
At the same time, that kinda makes it more fun. I don't mind playing as a glass cannon a bit, and stomping around in armor while throwing spells feels stupid to me.Maxed out character will probably be able to invest into about half of perks, and a lot of skills synergize with each other (not all of them, for example - heavy armor and sneak don't work together that well).DraQ, how well does Requiem accommodate "broad" characters? The mod is clearly designed to encourage specialisation, but it seems, upon inspection of perk trees, that broad characters should also be able to deal with many challenges since perks are, for the most part, not designed in such a way that the ones higher up the tree simply displace the lower ones.
OTOH you will have to specialize at the beginning and battlemaging is major PITA because before you get your heavy armor to appreciable level and invest a point into appropriate perk it's either armor or spells, never both.
Well, I like hybrids, and I think they are the main point of classless systems.At the same time, that kinda makes it more fun. I don't mind playing as a glass cannon a bit, and stomping around in armor while throwing spells feels stupid to me.Maxed out character will probably be able to invest into about half of perks, and a lot of skills synergize with each other (not all of them, for example - heavy armor and sneak don't work together that well).DraQ, how well does Requiem accommodate "broad" characters? The mod is clearly designed to encourage specialisation, but it seems, upon inspection of perk trees, that broad characters should also be able to deal with many challenges since perks are, for the most part, not designed in such a way that the ones higher up the tree simply displace the lower ones.
OTOH you will have to specialize at the beginning and battlemaging is major PITA because before you get your heavy armor to appreciable level and invest a point into appropriate perk it's either armor or spells, never both.
Are you serious? Lockpicking and Pickpocket are the first skills I maxed.OTOH Skyrim has 9 small villages, 5 of which are generic. It is virtually impossible to play as thief/pickpocket, because there are no houses to break in, nor people to pick pockets of.
Invisible Entities are ugh...Ok so Requiem added these "invisible entities" and they are killing me. As in, i'm wearing full ebony and they 2 shot me. Apparently they have 100% ignore armor, i am now in Soul Cairn in Dawnguard questline and it's getting too much for me. Do they have a specific weakness or something?
Well, I like hybrids, and I think they are the main point of classless systems.At the same time, that kinda makes it more fun. I don't mind playing as a glass cannon a bit, and stomping around in armor while throwing spells feels stupid to me.Maxed out character will probably be able to invest into about half of perks, and a lot of skills synergize with each other (not all of them, for example - heavy armor and sneak don't work together that well).DraQ, how well does Requiem accommodate "broad" characters? The mod is clearly designed to encourage specialisation, but it seems, upon inspection of perk trees, that broad characters should also be able to deal with many challenges since perks are, for the most part, not designed in such a way that the ones higher up the tree simply displace the lower ones.
OTOH you will have to specialize at the beginning and battlemaging is major PITA because before you get your heavy armor to appreciable level and invest a point into appropriate perk it's either armor or spells, never both.
Plus, I guess that actual combat oriented wizard would probably wear the best armour available because he'd effectively have bullseye painted on his chest the moment he started to do anything wizardly.
Battlemages are overall handled well in Requiem, as it requires perk allocation to make heavy armour an option for a caster. The problem is that the required perks are unavailable initially so it's a form of catch-22. You can't develop heavy armor skill if you develop your casting skills, and if you develop your heavy armor skill you'll probably be really good at some sort of melee before you even start using spells and then the piddling novice spells cast low level will be grossly inadequate for actual combat so you will keep swinging instead.
Sweet. I found fixes for the biggest Skyrim problem. That is, pitiful cities.
Sweet. I found fixes for the biggest Skyrim problem. That is, pitiful cities.
I'll read them all later, but did you notice any listed incompatibilities with other mods you had?
Morrowloot's good for minimalistic mod lists, but the hand placed loot kinda loses its point if you add any mods that add new items to leveled lists.