Nog Robbin
This really sounds like an excellent development - one I have thought about in the past but never put into words.Section8 said:A living, working economy - now that would be a thing. But it's, I fear, beyond the scope of game programmers (and the benefit for a player would be small).
While such a system sounds fascinating, I doubt it can be done nowadays.
Really, there should not be anything that is considered "beyond the scope of game programmers," and I certainly don't think a decent economic model can't be done.
In fact, the Elder Scrolls games should be focused upon exactly that sort of thing. Surely a big freeform sandbox should be pushing for balanced dynamic systems in as many areas as possible. A robust economic model should be a cornerstone.
Surely in true sandbox environment the key is to have most of the workings simulated. With a living world, as Section 8 says, many things would be continually happening to occupy the player. It would not necessarily mean you can't still have a main story line and side plots to follow - but it would allow for each game to be genuinely different. It would mean to a certain degree (maybe quite a degree) that the game becomes a fantasy sim - but then surely there is a place for that in the market? A genuine fantasy world to occupy and interact with?
There would be some issues, and some complexities. For example, while it may be easy for a town to die (everyone killed off or moved away), there would be issues with towns expanding (how do you deal with the requirement for new buildings, where they can be built, how they can be built etc). Naturally if high poly/high detail characters were deemed essential then having large cities with a large population would also prove a drain on performance. You wouldn't be able to have each character having unique dialog - unless you limit the total number of NPC's ever in the game (I think it would be better to allow people to move in to the area from outside the game, though this could be awkward to handle). I certainly don't think it could be handled on a console running without a harddrive - the amount of data you would want to cache could become quite large to say the least. In fact, each character "save" would probably be more like a database - with queries being used to retrieve the relevant data. There would be a "clean" database used for starting new games.
It would need some kind of background process running for when a character is away from an area - possibly similar to OB. There should be a feeling that things are not exactly the same when a player returns to an area.
All characters should be killable. However, that in itself needn't kill quest lines (assuming you have it that a character has to give quest information). If you have it that specific characters *must* be able to give certain information, then you need a way to get that information even if they are dead. Best way... some kind of seance spell (commune or talk to dead etc.). This would also get around a lot of the problems of the player being found out telepathically if he commits a crime - instead of that, if a body is discovered and people are interested enough, a commune could be cast to gain details as to the murderer. When you consider the amount of crimes committed by people that are known to the victim, this could cover those instances where you are known to be the culprit without being seen (wouldn't apply to unseen theft obviously). However, there should be a way for a person to conceal their identity otherwise essentially any murder could be uncovered this way. Just a thought...
Quest relevant items... you see, here is where something *like* a quest compass could be useful. I don't mean a magical instant and free GPS system. Oh no. Just more use of the magic system. If you are after a specific item, then that item must be known. If it's known then in theory there's no reason why some kind of locate spell couldn't be cast. That would highlight an area on a map. When you get to the area you can cast again to get more specific details. Yes - it would mean actively searching for an object, but could be interesting in itself. Note - it doesn't show a compass on screen, just highlights on the map, so you have to go back to the map to see where it was when the spell was cast (if the object is moving obviously it may not be there when you get there!). The map could be zoomable on screen (so you can get an overview of the whole area map, and be able to zoom in to reasonable detail - e.g. see individual buildings. If you are close enough, a locate spell could highlight the building on the map. Again... just a thought...
The locate spell wouldn't be useful for non specific items or general items (such as common items, or things you can purchase or find in the wilds). It would really be used for unique or very rare items.
In theory, locate could be used to find specific people as well - in the same way, highlight an area, and the closer you are the more specific it is.
I think in both cases for it to be useable you would want to cast it with the person asking you to find the person/object present - as they know the item/person and that knowledge would be necessary. Once you've case it with them you should be able to cast it again for the same item (a revisionary spell).
Hmmm. I seem to have gone off at a bit of a tangent. The point being I believe it would be possible to have a genuinely altering world and with the proper IN GAME methods at your disposal quests would still be possible, even with important items or people disappearing.