Lurker King is right. We got played by our emotions by the Kickstarter pitches, with that whole RPG Renaissance talk, fuck publishers speeches, and a promise to return to what we loved. Fuck I was driven to study philosophy because of the impact Torment had on young me. The reaction to all that's happening is understandable in this context. We are being played again (and again), but this time the tune is much less pleasant. Bitching is to be expected. We gotta go through the steps.
Arguably this is why the Kickstarter games are the most played and talked about so much: invested emotions and hopes. Nobody has a personal stake in indie games except the creators. We have a much more skepical attitude towards them, "if it's good I'll play it", because we don't know the devs and cannot self-hype as easily. Add dreams + money to the pot, and everything becomes dramatic.
My new mantra:
Apathy is the only issue.
"Everything is shit" is the logical resulting coping mechanism.
MetalCraze/Skyway was the Wise One. (Is he still here under another nick? I haven't followed)
It's easier to laugh when you don't care.
Not even asking for a refund; I need to feel the burn.