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Is cyberpunk 2077 going to be good


Jun 20, 2020
They have like 3+ months till release, i hope they can fix shooting and make it more enjoyable.


Oct 21, 2019
They have like 3+ months till release, i hope they can fix shooting and make it more enjoyable.
They could not do it in several years and now somehow will magically fix in 3 months? Doubt it. Or you're assuming their internal tester team could not tell about it but now some journous did after closed sessions? Riiiiight.

Nah, my only hope for good gameplay is mods, thankfully I do not care about it that much and at the same time have no doubt that story/characters will not dissapoint.


Mar 22, 2017
Watch Dogs-like driving (generally bad, much worse than GTA) with extremely scripted and dead city except quest locations
No, really, what the fuck do these ESL journowhores mean? Is situtation with driving similar to car physics from FlatOut 1 vs its arcade-ish sequels or what?


Oct 27, 2019
Swen Vincke's bedroom (Ghent)
There might be some good c&c but the gameplay (driving, shooting, stealth, ...) will be lackluster. Even 10 years down the road the codex wont put it on their playlist for newcomers. Personally I wonder how much consoletard this game will be as Twitcher 2 was a pure consoletard (no idea about Twitcher 3 as I never played it.)


Dumbfuck Bethestard
May 30, 2013
Cradle of Western Civilization
All those imbeciles at CDPR had to do, was to upgrade a bit the Witcher 3 engine and just make new cyberpunk assets for it. That was all they had to do. Instead, they loved the smell of their own farts and believed they could outdo Rockstar. Those Potatoland motherfuckers don't understand that to get from GTA 1 or III, to GTA V, took many years and iterations (on not only GTA games) and tons of investment. You don't just drop your old engine, begin completely from scratch while you have no experience on something like this (FPS + Driving), and overhype the shit out of it and promising the moon and the stars to players. By doing retarded stuff like this you are going to get the next No Man's Sky.

PS: One thing that is really weird, is the D3D12-only support. Why is that? The game is playable on old-gen consoles, this means they could easily allow it to be played on D3D11, perhaps with some settings disabled. D3D12 means it will take a long while to get it playable on Linux, and it means no Windows 7 or 8 either. Way to go idiots, limit your potential playerbase more.


Mar 22, 2017
D3D12 means it will take a long while to get it playable on Linux, and it means no Windows 7 or 8 either.
The only ones that getting out of the Cyberpunk hype train are Windows 8 users, Windows 7 SP1 has native support for DX12 and Linux has vkd3d to translate dx12 api calls to Vulkan ones, and that works just fine.


Oct 20, 2008
Merida, again
D3D12 is actually better for Linux due to Vulkan. D3D11 runs like ass for the most part (even with dxvk) and games end up very CPU limited. D3D12 games run fairly well using Steam's Proton.

typical user

Nov 30, 2015
I was able to understand most of his stuff when I turned the video to .75 speed. Based on what journos are saying, my interpretation is that driving will be "worse than GTA V", but what do we really mean by "worse"? Good driving for me was Mafia II with simulation driving turned on in the opitons. GTA (all games) is very much arcade. So yeah, CP77 will have arcade driving with a worse model for gaining/reducing speed.

To be honest it means nothing. Driving feels different with a gamepad than keyboard. GTA V was mentioned because it is the best selling game of all time with comperable complexity. It has arcade driving but very enjoyable thanks to excellent world. CP2077 won't be as enjoyable if it won't have wide roads, multiple highways and all kinds of shortcuts. And we know it won't but it is RPG not an NFS. Rockstar was always better at making driving than shooting, every GTA has good-for-what-it-is shooting in comparison. It comes from their experience which they gained by making Midnight Club racing games back in the day.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Yep, what I mean too. It's highly subjective how enjoyable it will be. As for the simulation model, we know it will be arcade.


Jun 28, 2020
All those imbeciles at CDPR had to do, was to upgrade a bit the Witcher 3 engine and just make new cyberpunk assets for it. That was all they had to do. Instead, they loved the smell of their own farts and believed they could outdo Rockstar. Those Potatoland motherfuckers don't understand that to get from GTA 1 or III, to GTA V, took many years and iterations (on not only GTA games) and tons of investment. You don't just drop your old engine, begin completely from scratch while you have no experience on something like this (FPS + Driving), and overhype the shit out of it and promising the moon and the stars to players. By doing retarded stuff like this you are going to get the next No Man's Sky.

PS: One thing that is really weird, is the D3D12-only support. Why is that? The game is playable on old-gen consoles, this means they could easily allow it to be played on D3D11, perhaps with some settings disabled. D3D12 means it will take a long while to get it playable on Linux, and it means no Windows 7 or 8 either. Way to go idiots, limit your potential playerbase more.
To get paid by Microsoft and Nvidia for using their new shit, those RTX cards aren't going to sell themselves. The game also got delayed to November so it would help Sony and Microsoft sell their new consoles. Every major player in the gaming industry wants a piece of that cyberpunk ass and CDPR isn't gonna turn down a customer, gotta pimp that shit for all it's worth.


Mar 22, 2017
To get paid by Microsoft and Nvidia for using their new shit, those RTX cards aren't going to sell themselves.
And it worked - I am going after RTX 3070 once it hits the shelves, which is probably late october like with RTX 2070 2 yrs earlier. 2xxx GPUs proven to be worthless in CP2077 with ray tracing enabled as RTX 2080 Ti could only achieve 60fps with DLSS 2.0 active, at 1080p which is worthless. Ray tracing buffer is at half of the image resolution. With DLSS, it's half of that half at 1080p. Again, that was 2080 Ti.


Dumbfuck Bethestard
May 30, 2013
Cradle of Western Civilization
And it worked - I am going after RTX 3070 once it hits the shelves, which is probably late october like with RTX 2070 2 yrs earlier. 2xxx GPUs proven to be worthless in CP2077 with ray tracing enabled as RTX 2080 Ti could only achieve 60fps with DLSS 2.0 active, at 1080p which is worthless. Ray tracing buffer is at half of the image resolution. With DLSS, it's half of that half at 1080p. Again, that was 2080 Ti.

Yeah, what a fucking sheeple you are, keep paying Nvidia so they can fuck you in the ass. You already acknowledge that RTX 2080 Ti was trash for raytracing and essentially non-viable, but you are going to pay top dollar for a new Nvidia gpu that is going to be around 10%-20% better 2 years after the 2080 Ti.

I can't stand sheeple. You keep buying Nvidia no matter what, it is the reason GPU performance has been stagnant for so long, you kept buying Nvidia even when AMD had the clearly superior cards at the same price, then you wonder why AMD didn't have the capital to invest in R&D and compete, then GPU prices exploded. Great job, retards.


May 17, 2020
D3D12 means it will take a long while to get it playable on Linux, and it means no Windows 7 or 8 either. Way to go idiots, limit your potential playerbase more.

A game whose sole theme is cyber-punk, and it most likely can't be played on Linux :lol: What a weird world


Mar 22, 2017
VKD3D (renamed to VKD3D-Proton recently) is nowhere near ready to run something like Cyberpunk properly.
That's where you wrong, kiddo.
I can't stand sheeple. You keep buying Nvidia no matter what, it is the reason GPU performance has been stagnant for so long, you kept buying Nvidia even when AMD had the clearly superior cards at the same price, then you wonder why AMD didn't have the capital to invest in R&D and compete, then GPU prices exploded. Great job, retards.
You mean, great job AyyMD with your fucked up dxr-unsupported RDNA1 driver support?

Ol' Willy

Zionist Agent Vatnik
May 3, 2020
Reichskommissariat Russland ᛋᛋ
You keep buying Nvidia no matter what, it is the reason GPU performance has been stagnant for so long
I play my stuff with glorious Integrated laptop GPU.

Currently, there's only two games that I want but can't play due to that hindrance.
Last edited:
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
PS: One thing that is really weird, is the D3D12-only support. Why is that? The game is playable on old-gen consoles, this means they could easily allow it to be played on D3D11, perhaps with some settings disabled. D3D12 means it will take a long while to get it playable on Linux, and it means no Windows 7 or 8 either. Way to go idiots, limit your potential playerbase more.
Valve's fork of VKD3D works fine you dip


Dumbfuck Bethestard
May 30, 2013
Cradle of Western Civilization
Why is this in the General RPG Discussion section by the way? On the Codex, of all things! Even the Steam ad blurb describes the game as an "open-world, action-adventure story". :decline:

Dude, this decline supposedly rpg forum awarded a point and click adventure/interactive novel the GOTY last year, and they even consider popamole 3D metroidvanias like Dark Souls RPGs.... Supposedly they even consider tactical/strategy games like Jagged Alliance or Silent Storm as rpgs. What did you expect?


May 13, 2018
Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
I hope we get to roll around a lot, use QTEs for mundane tasks and have misleading dialogue prompts. Witcher 2 ftw

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