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Decline Is Divinity: Original Sin the single most annoying RPG ever?

Is D:OS EE the most annoying RPG ever?

  • Yes, I want to murder the Cheese Vendor, Charla, and the cats!

  • No, I've played worse (how though?)

  • kingcomrade

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Dec 17, 2013
I don't mean the worst, I mean specifically the most annoying. Remember that guy Mud from Gothic, who would follow you around and say inane shit until you attacked him? Well, D:OS EE seems to be exactly like that in RPG form. Examples below:

1. Inane NPC voice overs that never stop, nor can be cancelled. These fucking epically moronic NPCs have nothing of value to say, they just say some long drawn out bullshit pseudo-theatrical line that is utter shite the very first time you hear it, but then they keep it on repeat loop. Makes me afraid to trade with NPCs, because those lines will just go on and on and on.

2. Equally bad combat voice overs/taunts. There is a fight in Black Cove, with a three-way between your party, the Orcs and the undead, and they keep insulting each other with the same stale bullshit lines, over and over, on repeat, and what's worse, the line doesn't even run in parallel to combat, the combat stops while they deliver the line. All 500 times.

3. Constant 3rd grade level humor in writing and quests that only a child would laugh at. There are legitimately funny RPGs that don't take themselves too seriously, like say Anachronox, but this ain't it. It's not funny, just retarded.

4. Main plot that is not just terrible on its own merits, but also tries to shoehorn the co-op angle, with 2 chosen ones instead of 1.

5. Endless procession of crates, containers and other trash to sift through. Yes, I realize this plagues most RPGs, but still.

6. Messy traps/combat side-effects. It's really easy to get wiped if you don't see some stupid trap under a bunch of crates, or during a fight your/their fire/lightning hits the wrong cloud/puddle.

The combat system itself is not bad, and the world design of at least the first area is good, but the quality of writing and this annoying bullshit sap the will to play this shitfest.


Dangerous JB
Nov 24, 2012
Globohomo Gayplex
I quit playing after the first area for the same reasons. The game is just annoying on a level that none of Larian’s previous games were. I really enjoyed Divine Divinity and Divinity II but the quality of their writing really took a nosedive with Original Sin.


Aug 30, 2016
Pronouns: rusts/rusty
Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
While out of combat, you can't select another character while your active one is going through the animation for a spell or an ability you just used. This has to be the most annoying feature I've ever had to deal with in a modern RPG. Basically, it's the game needlessly wasting your time for no reason at all.
Dec 17, 2013
While out of combat, you can't select another character while your active one is going through the animation for a spell or an ability you just used. This has to be the most annoying feature I've ever had to deal with in a modern RPG. Basically, it's the game needlessly wasting your time for no reason at all.

Oh yeah! I totally forgot about this!

There is a global cooldown on abilities/spells, so when after you step on some bullshit mine, you are trying to heal the party with multiple healers, it takes 2 hours until the 2nd person can do anything.


Nov 24, 2019
I'll take moronic humour over the try-hard "maturity" present in most other games any day of the week.

Also, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 were full of those cringe, try-hard zany jokes but it doesn't seem to bother people as much.


Sep 2, 2017
There was one change between the original and EE I thought was weird. There's the fight with the skeleton king where they changed all the voices. In the original the skeleton jester sung his lines "hey-nonny-hey" or something. In EE he just slowly reads his song in a deep monotone. Very strange change.


Aug 4, 2007
There was one change between the original and EE I thought was weird. There's the fight with the skeleton king where they changed all the voices. In the original the skeleton jester sung his lines "hey-nonny-hey" or something. In EE he just slowly reads his song in a deep monotone. Very strange change.

Sounds like much ado about nothing.

Darth Canoli

Jun 8, 2018
Perched on a tree
I don't mean the worst, I mean specifically the most annoying. Remember that guy Mud from Gothic, who would follow you around and say inane shit until you attacked him? Well, D:OS EE seems to be exactly like that in RPG form. Examples below:

1. Inane NPC voice overs that never stop, nor can be cancelled. These fucking epically moronic NPCs have nothing of value to say, they just say some long drawn out bullshit pseudo-theatrical line that is utter shite the very first time you hear it, but then they keep it on repeat loop. Makes me afraid to trade with NPCs, because those lines will just go on and on and on.

4. Main plot that is not just terrible on its own merits, but also tries to shoehorn the co-op angle, with 2 chosen ones instead of 1.

5. Endless procession of crates, containers and other trash to sift through. Yes, I realize this plagues most RPGs, but still.

6. Messy traps/combat side-effects. It's really easy to get wiped if you don't see some stupid trap under a bunch of crates, or during a fight your/their fire/lightning hits the wrong cloud/puddle.

The combat system itself is not bad, and the world design of at least the first area is good, but the quality of writing and this annoying bullshit sap the will to play this shitfest.

Fair points, the NPC shitty loops (marketplace mostly) are really annoying, but the weather effects and the excessive use of environmental effects on top of the crates & traps situation are dragging the game down the most.

The game wouldn't have lost anything of value if you removed all the traps in the game but the trapped cabin in the pirate's cove.
Same for weather effects and environmental effects kept to a minimum (at the very least no poison, no exploding barrels and only one lava area)
As for the marketplace, knowing players spend a fair amount of time there, it's one of the most retarded thing Larian ever did: "hey, let's piss off our player base with annoying NPC" they were fucking lucky they released this garbage during a RPG drought...

I enjoyed half my first non EE playthrough in spite of this (aka the first part of the game) but barely and only because they were little else to play.

Still, i've played worse, Numanuma's time waster verbose descriptions everywhere is on top of my list along with PoE's backer's NPC, shitty skills and attributes from PoE 1&2, loading screens simulators, garbage kingdom managements and the likes.
Also, wokeshit everywhere in few RPG and a lot of fake wannabe RPG.
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Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
I'll take moronic humour over the try-hard "maturity" present in most other games any day of the week.

Also, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 were full of those cringe, try-hard zany jokes but it doesn't seem to bother people as much.
It's 2021 and making overblown and largely untrue unfavourable comparisons to games from over two decades ago still remains the most pathetic and low iq way of defending any modern turd you simp for.


Aug 17, 2006
5. Endless procession of crates, containers and other trash to sift through. Yes, I realize this plagues most RPGs, but still

Yeah, this part was truly unberable, if you're one of those people compelled to loot everything. Made me completely burn out on the game. What's with Larian's obsession with crates, anyway? Remember they had tons of those already in Divine Divinity, all those years ago.
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Forest Dweller

Smoking Dicks
Oct 29, 2008
I'll take moronic humour over the try-hard "maturity" present in most other games any day of the week.

Also, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 were full of those cringe, try-hard zany jokes but it doesn't seem to bother people as much.
It did me.


Jul 30, 2007
Flowery Land
I only played the pre-definitive edition game (meaning far less VA), but since Oblivion and all its NPC chatter exists I can safely say "No" to the thread's main question


Dec 22, 2018
Yes, when it comes to being annoying and cringy, it beats even latest Bioware productions. I can't think of a single RPG that would have worse writing than D:OS 1/2. Overall these games are pure decline.

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