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Decline Is Divinity: Original Sin the single most annoying RPG ever?

Is D:OS EE the most annoying RPG ever?

  • Yes, I want to murder the Cheese Vendor, Charla, and the cats!

  • No, I've played worse (how though?)

  • kingcomrade

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Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
A perfect cRPG and it makes most of the codex butthurt?
There's nothing more I could have asked for.


Dec 22, 2018
A perfect cRPG and it makes most of the codex butthurt?
There's nothing more I could have asked for.

Your obsession with hurting butts and DOS games, made me finally realize why you hate on WotR so much, you just got so used to being mounted by a giant red lizard, that more tame gayness just doesn't do it for you anymore. I don't think it's perfection yet tho, maybe in BG3 they can add a gay werwewolf companion to an existing gay vampire, so they could spitroast you and make your cRPG experience even better.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
A perfect cRPG and it makes most of the codex butthurt?
There's nothing more I could have asked for.

Your obsession with hurting butts and DOS games, made me finally realize why you hate on WotR so much, you just got so used to being mounted by a giant red lizard, that more tame gayness just doesn't do it for you anymore. I don't think it's perfection yet tho, maybe in BG3 they can add a gay werwewolf companion to an existing gay vampire, so they could spitroast you and make your cRPG experience even better.
Reminder that the TTR(Time to Tranny) in WotR is effectively zero.


May 27, 2011
I remember getting rid of it before leaving the starting scene, so I guess so.

At least with D:OS2 I made it halfway through Fort Joy.


Nov 15, 2015
I don't even recall her being humorous, Wolgraff was the one that was humorous. And he's easily one of my favorite RPG companions of all time.
rusty: shills for DOS, denies that DOS has cringy and unfunny writing
also rusty: says his favorite companion was the mute guy
Dec 17, 2013
Coming close to the end of Divinity: Original Sin EE, and holy shit, it keeps becoming more and more annoying.

In addition to the stuff mentioned in the OP, the final map (Phantom Forest) has got to be the single most annoying final map in any RPG ever. I am quite used to RPG quality falling off toward the end, as that's a common genre pitfall, but typically that means the story is not as good at the end, or the combat becomes boring or too hard, or the quests and world design become worse.

But here in D:OS EE, Phantom Forest is this unholy conglomeration of terrible writing, really unbalanced combat on the harder difficulty, mind numbing puzzles, and fucking sadistic level of traps.

Well, the writing was terrible the whole game, so nothing changed there, but the combat which was kinda fun before takes a major nosedive. I am playing on tactician, and fucking enemies in Phantom Forest do ridiculous amounts of damage. A single powerful enemy can easily one shot or two shot any party member, including front-liners, and on a good turn, they can take out multiple people. Given that you are typically facing 2v1 odds on Tactician, that just makes the combat entirely about cc, even more so than in the rest of the game. Either you cc the enemy every single round, or you die. Nothing in between. Not a good recipe.

And then the fucking puzzles. My god, shit like this shouldn't even be named puzzles. Ridiculous pixel hunting, some levers and buttons are practically invisible unless you know where to look, fucking inane combinations of shits, like having to drag some statues onto some pedestals, constantly using 1/2 abilities to get past obstacles, and doing all this while the whole fucking ground is literally drowning in traps is just retarded. Already tired of this shit from the rest of the game, took me about 30 minutes before I just started googling it online, and thank god I did.

I don't know how anyone can figure this out on their own without spending 2 months combing the ground and trying all kinds of shit, and even every online guide I saw or read mentioned that THEY looked it up somewhere else. One guy did say he figured it out after like weeks of trial and erroring shit. Sheer insanity.

And holy shit, the main story is so bad... When I put together the entire tapestry and watched the final cinematic, I couldn't think of any other game with a worse story.
May 31, 2018
The Present
Dumb writing is a fair criticism, but the cheesy humor is honest in its adolescence. It felt like playing a kids game. Remember when video games, even PC games were regarded as a kids thing? I suppose the OP gets angry at Saturday morning cartoons for lacking emotional depth, or severity in tone.

OP is off base on the puzzles though. That was a distinct highlight.
Sep 1, 2020
Yes, I had to stop playing for the reasons mentioned in the OP, although nothing triggers me as much as that particular art style with bright colors and oversized appendages. I don't know who started it, I think it was Warcraft 3... I just can't take it. Something about the combination of the art style, the music and the writing just pushes my buttons. I really wanted to enjoy it and in certain parts I did, but there was a physical revulsion involved that became impossible to ignore.

And no, I don't mind "immature" games--I'll play Pokemon, Kirby, etc. any day of the week. It's not the same thing.
Dec 17, 2013
OP is off base on the puzzles though. That was a distinct highlight.

Wut? D:OS had some of the worst "puzzles" in the history of the genre.

I just completed the air wing in the Source Temple near the end, by consulting google and multiple online guides, multiple because even most guides can't get this shit right.

There is a maze with hatches, where you keep traveling through them in a circle, until you realize (somehow) that one of the rooms adjacent to the hatch room has a hidden switch on the wall, a tiny 2 pixel barely visible switch which is actually hidden unless you have a very high perception. Here is a screenshot of the said switch (after the perception reveals it, after you stand next to it): https://prnt.sc/b5m50w How the fuck would anyone know this just by playing the game?

Of course it's possible that some player just happens to have their main character have a high perception in their build, and happens to explore every last nook and cranny, and thus sees it "naturally", but if not, then you are shit out of luck. This is not puzzles, this is fucking autistic sadism.

Greek Anime God

Oct 25, 2021
Your obsession with hurting butts and DOS games, made me finally realize why you hate on WotR so much, you just got so used to being mounted by a giant red lizard, that more tame gayness just doesn't do it for you anymore.
If the options are between having soft dicks (wotr) and hard dicks (larian) helicoptered in your face then it is obvious which one wins out.

Red Hexapus

Apr 28, 2019
The Land of Potato
OP is off base on the puzzles though. That was a distinct highlight.

Wut? D:OS had some of the worst "puzzles" in the history of the genre.

I just completed the air wing in the Source Temple near the end, by consulting google and multiple online guides, multiple because even most guides can't get this shit right.

There is a maze with hatches, where you keep traveling through them in a circle, until you realize (somehow) that one of the rooms adjacent to the hatch room has a hidden switch on the wall, a tiny 2 pixel barely visible switch which is actually hidden unless you have a very high perception. Here is a screenshot of the said switch (after the perception reveals it, after you stand next to it): https://prnt.sc/b5m50w How the fuck would anyone know this just by playing the game?

Of course it's possible that some player just happens to have their main character have a high perception in their build, and happens to explore every last nook and cranny, and thus sees it "naturally", but if not, then you are shit out of luck. This is not puzzles, this is fucking autistic sadism.

I agree, this part was bullshit, had to resort to a walkthrough to figure out what to do. The humor in D:OS was cringeworthy. The only reason I've finished the game is because ive played in coop with a good friend and we've completely ignored the story, instead killing everything in our way.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
OP is off base on the puzzles though. That was a distinct highlight.

Wut? D:OS had some of the worst "puzzles" in the history of the genre.

I just completed the air wing in the Source Temple near the end, by consulting google and multiple online guides, multiple because even most guides can't get this shit right.

There is a maze with hatches, where you keep traveling through them in a circle, until you realize (somehow) that one of the rooms adjacent to the hatch room has a hidden switch on the wall, a tiny 2 pixel barely visible switch which is actually hidden unless you have a very high perception. Here is a screenshot of the said switch (after the perception reveals it, after you stand next to it): https://prnt.sc/b5m50w How the fuck would anyone know this just by playing the game?

Of course it's possible that some player just happens to have their main character have a high perception in their build, and happens to explore every last nook and cranny, and thus sees it "naturally", but if not, then you are shit out of luck. This is not puzzles, this is fucking autistic sadism.
pleb filtered by swen


Dec 6, 2019
I remember using summons for that because one of them (Fire Elemental I think) randomly has really high percepttion

I guess putting on equipment for stats or perception potions could work too.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
The OP needs* to play Oblivion.
You haven't really screamed internally at NPCs VOs if you haven't played Oblivion.
I honestly don't know why I used this word and am now feeling bad about it.

And yeah, DOS1 humour is really inane and grating for some reason. But there are far worse things out there dialogue and VO wise.


Aug 10, 2017
Coming close to the end of Divinity: Original Sin EE, and holy shit, it keeps becoming more and more annoying.

I recently completed DOS 1 and 2, and you hit nearly all the same issues I had with the first game. If you're this annoyed with DOS1, I would not recommend playing DOS2. It only gets worse.
Dec 17, 2013
Oblivion's NPCs were nowhere near as annoying as in D:OS. They just said stupid shit, but in a somewhat normal, subdued manner. In D:OS, NPCs yell out stupid shit like they are on a military parade, and it goes without end. And the stupid shit is way longer and cringier.

To give an example, something like "I've fought mud crabs more fearsome than you!!!" versus "RED EN ORANGE, YELLOW EN GREEN, THE FINEST VEGETABLES, CYSEAL'S EVER SEEN" on full blast, 24/7.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Oblivion's NPCs were nowhere near as annoying as in D:OS. They just said stupid shit, but in a somewhat normal, subdued manner. In D:OS, NPCs yell out stupid shit like they are on a military parade, and it goes without end. And the stupid shit is way longer and cringier.

To give an example, something like "I've fought mud crabs more fearsome than you!!!" versus "RED EN ORANGE, YELLOW EN GREEN, THE FINEST VEGETABLES, CYSEAL'S EVER SEEN" on full blast, 24/7.
the real reason you're upset is because you have no cheese and therefore no friends


Dec 16, 2014
1. Inane NPC voice overs that never stop, nor can be cancelled. These fucking epically moronic NPCs have nothing of value to say, they just say some long drawn out bullshit pseudo-theatrical line that is utter shite the very first time you hear it, but then they keep it on repeat loop. Makes me afraid to trade with NPCs, because those lines will just go on and on and on.

I agree this is annoying, but I think you can turn the voice volume all the way down to zero and that mostly fixes it. I seem to recall there still being a low murmur, but it wasn't nearly as bad.

5. Endless procession of crates, containers and other trash to sift through. Yes, I realize this plagues most RPGs, but still.

The itemization / loot is easily the worst, most irritating design I have ever seen in a cRPG. It was so bad that every time I have attempted to play the game, I spec both of my characters with the Lone Wolf trait just so I can avoid having to manage inventories for 4 characters. Even with just 2 it's still a fucking chore from hell.

Another problem I remember is, thanks to the galaxy-brain decisions to make acquiring new skills cost money (i.e. skill books) and quest rewards suck ass, you are pretty much forced to hoard and/or steal, or you won't be able to afford to buy new skills.

you guys sure do seem upset about a game that's meant to be lighthearted, might I suggest playing literally any other RPG made in the past 20 years that's guaranteed to be grimderp (and probably shitbrown post-apoc) garbage?

I don't remember much about the story, but I do recall Braccus Rex being a really dark character. Isn't there something about him eating teenage girls or sacrificing them for blood magic or something? The game definitely has its grimdark moments. I remember it being all over the place tonally, and very jarring.
Dec 17, 2013
Ok, I am finally done with this thing:


Yet another flawed shitfest that I finish on the hardest difficulty, I don't know why I do this to myself. They couldn't just have one boss battle either, noooo, let's have 3 straight boss battles... Never want to play this again.


Oct 24, 2021
DOS is way better than DOS:2 because Larian wrote it understanding that a serious story wouldn't work. Whereas DOS:2 is like a grimdark rpg written by Joss Whedon and as such is much more annoying.


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008


Mixed opinion. On one hand I found the story and writing awful, on the other hand i basically ignored it as it wasn't rammed down my throat like i was playing dragon age or some other bioware stuff.

Towards the end of the game it became somewhat of a cakewalk spamming meteor and hail attack i think, those spells were ultra op. Charm arrows were also retard tier broken.

Combat was fine if it didn't rely on gimmicks. Maybe I'm retarded but the spiders in the desert killed me more then the rest of the game combined.

Alot of the quests were boring but occasionally there was a good one, like starting the human rebellion in phantom forest.

I played on the 2nd hardest, not tactician though. Overall I didn't hate it but took me 50h which is long. Will play the sequel in a few months.

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