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Torment Is Tides of Numenera the video game equivalent of an ice-flavored popsicle?

Apr 10, 2018
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
Numa Numa sounds like a cool game but I think most people can't be fucked to do that much reading anymore.
Fuck, you reminded me of the redditors who would defend this turd by implying people who disliked it were brainlets who didn't like reading


Artist Formerly Known as Prosper
Feb 22, 2022
Like, if you answer the Planescape question with "Nothing can change the nature of a man", that is STILL AN INTERESTING ANSWER!!!
If you answer "what does one life matter" in the negative you say "Not very much, or only relative to a particular time and place..." MEH. BOOOORING!!!!

Also, since i played it before coming to this forum, I can confirm that the hamfisted "hopw reowur ne", "Face that never remembered", and "incline/decline" references DID NOT STAND OUT AT ALL FROM THE REST OF THE WRITING. IT SEEMED A NORMAL PART OF THE GAME WORLD.
Did Redaxium 1 & 2, handle its "hopw roewur ne" and such better?

Feyd Rautha

Apr 17, 2009
Nestled atop the cliffs
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
It was probably very hyped during it's Kickstarter because it gathered loads of money compared to previous crowd funded RPGs.

I remember being pretty hyped myself however that was probably still a year prior to when I started reading these dreadful forums.

Tides of Numenera was like a balloon that got everyone talking during the Kickstarter (and open their wallets) and then it just fizzled out.


Sep 22, 2016
All the hype disappeared because Wasteland 2 was released and turned out to be aggressively mediocre. That made everyone realize you shouldn't be hyped for anything by Inxile.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
This game was just wordswordswords and 99% of them didn't fucking matter lmao

Paragraphs upon paragraphs of exposition dump about cool shit you couldn't interact with or, worse, didn't even get to see. Same as Pillows of Eternity. Exposition dumping is such a cancerous plague upon modern gaming.
Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Nobody loves it, nobody passionately hates it, nobody talks about it, nobody mentions it, nobody remembers it. It has no footprint on the Codex or elsewhere for that matter, be it good or bad. It's like there was never even an attempt on a PS:T (spiritual?) successor. That's pretty sad.

I thought it had some genuinely interesting ideas, both mechanically and narratively. It stands out to me that there was a quest where one solution is a heist type thing that engages most of your party in turn-based combat while another member uses dialogue checks to distract the guard as the guard takes them on a tour of the area (otherwise a fight that involves a few robots becomes a fight against the entire army). I thought that was pretty cool.

There's no real feeling or inspiration in the execution of the theme, though. "Existential" story-driven games only work if the people making them have a story they are excited to tell. I get the sense that Avellone was able to write an existential story about "What can change the nature of the man?" because he was engaged with the process of trying to change himself. I don't think anyone involved in the making of the Tides of Numenera put much feeling in the idea, "What does one life matter?" beyond that it seemed reminiscent of PS:T.


Aug 21, 2023
Numa Numa sounds like a cool game but I think most people can't be fucked to do that much reading anymore.
Fuck, you reminded me of the redditors who would defend this turd by implying people who disliked it were brainlets who didn't like reading
Numenera is about twice as good as the original game. Not surprising a vatnik doesnt like it, the lowest intelligent posters on this forum


Dec 13, 2019
Nobody loves it, nobody passionately hates it, nobody talks about it, nobody mentions it, nobody remembers it. It has no footprint on the Codex or elsewhere for that matter, be it good or bad. It's like there was never even an attempt on a PS:T (spiritual?) successor. That's pretty sad.
There is so much wrong with this opinion that I don't know where to begin.

1) Nobody loves it? No big surprise considering they screwed up the writing part, mistaking the word count for writing being interesting. This is a huge error when your game contains walls upon walls of text. Either be interesting or be brief, or go home. Planescape: Torment did neither.

2) Nobody passionately hates it? I'd argue there are plenty of people who either hate it or strongly dislike it (me included). I'd even go as far as to say it is one of the most hated/disliked games on the Codex.

3) Nobody talks about it, nobody mentions it? It was talked about a few times and it is sometimes mentioned. It is not mentioned or talked about more than that, because it is a definition of the utter mediocrity. There are other games that are more interesting than Tides of Numenera so why talk about it more than absolutely necessary?

4) No idea why you meant by "no footprint on the Codex". It has two pages of threads dedicated to it. If anything I think it got more attention on the Codex than anywhere else, despite being received much worse here than by the general public (72% Mostly Positive on Steam). But that's natural considering it was hoped to be a serious spiritual successor to one of the top 10 RPGs of all time for the Codex.

5) Talking as if Tides of Numenera didn't exist is pure bullshit. It did exist all right, and it was a huge disappointment. So much so that I wish it never happened, because all it did was to prove that big names of old lost their spark. It's the same situation as The Outer Worlds really. Only The Outer Worlds is less bland so it gets stronger responses (and I don't mean it in a positive way).

Anonymous Ranger

Jun 23, 2023
I actually liked the game but it’s no way better then planescape torment and the game actively hurt itself by trying to be a successor to it. It’s a shame so many dislike it as there’s some unique parts in it like the Bloom, the ways the morality system works or the companion Erritis but at the same time the game does have a lot of text so I get why people would dropped it before seeing any of that stuff.

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