“useless” abilities on the other hand are a problem of the designer. No ability is really useless (unless redundant). It is only made so due to the LACK OF CONTENT. The role of the game designer is to ADD that content to the game so that usefulness become tangible. Somehow this inexorably escapes Josh Sawyer. Hence no ability to break doors. He conflates Redundancy with uselessness.
Definitely true for skills, but combat is a bit different.
The combat design is definitely a bit 'different'. Weird stat design, very low power curve (abilities and spells not scaling with level), no ability overlaps, homogeneous progression, no proficiencies (besides class ability & talent based). The good thing is that in a recent anecdote it sounded like you 'miss' not having classes in the party. You'll definitely miss having a Fighter if you don't have one in the party, same with a Priest, Wizard, Cipher, Paladin. That gives me some hope at least, even if I'm not the hugest fan of the progression design.