Hi, everyone. I joined today just so I could comment on how great this story has been. I've been checking in every so often for updates ever since I finished the backlog, and was delighted to find a new update today! Keep up the good work, ironyuri!
Thanks for the votes of confidence (welcome to the Codex, etc.)
As I said, I'll be aiming to write the next Part (with votes at the end hopefully) this weekend. Either on Saturday while I'm at work, or on Sunday while hungover.
Ps. The storm will have significant effects, as should most decisions (in the narrative) carried over from the "Prologue" leading up to the arrival on the island. Some of these should become apparent shortly, others might not depending on how much 'detective' work people have been doing in the updates.
PPs. I am thinking of implementing a mechanic similar to the one used by
grotsnik in the Jack the Ripper CYOA he started. The expedition will start with a certain level of provisions (which has been augmented by decisions made previously, such as requesting some aid from Kleinmann's uncle), the level of provisions will decay between updates, and I will try to write in choices such as setting up base camps and forward-camps. I don't want to be killing off the protagonist due to starvation or dehydration, but there would be a terminal point if provisions run out and a vote isn't taken to search for something edible. Once the protagonist and fellow characters reach starvation point they'd lose some endurance, strength, dexterity and so on, per update to the adventure until they find edible food (This will roughly mirror the film adaptation of Journey to the Centre of the Earth starring James Mason).
If any of you
Gondolin Esquilax Tigranes treave or any of the other regulars have any suggestions on how such a system would best be implemented so as not to detract from "enjoyment" of reading and making more interesting picks, I'm open to suggestions. I don't want to do a half-arsed job on that kind of thing, because if I do it'll have to be stripped out later which would be inconsistent. Further, I'd consider inserting times when the provisions meter is frozen, ie: they find an external food source that allows them to restock or go without using their preserves (salted meats, tinned meats, military rations, etc.) If we do go with rations I'd think about something like bully beef, or other Boer War era style rations which would be consistent with the industrial development of the Arcanum world, and alternatively, magically preserved food stuffs.