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Company News JoWood Focuses on RPGs


Aug 5, 2004
Buffalo, NY
Ortchel said:
I was just kidding with you, Sarvis. Reactions like that are what got you your tag, not your opinions.

Anyway, in Paper Mario do they have all the original Mario enemies? I'd love to fight the Bloopers (aka squids) in a TB system. They were always my favorite.

Yeah, because using sarcasm is a terrible thing to do.

No idea how the game plays, as I have never played it. This, of course, means I am in no position to say that it sucks. Some people could learn from that... ;)


Sarvis, are you fucking kidding me? I don't care if it's the greatest game EVAR!!
to me it's just the poster child for stupid licenses gone amok in a world where any game with characters with stats is labeled an RPG. You couldn't pay me to play it it's just a convienent scapegoat for my obviously missed point. Which is that US games developed under the thumb of mega corporate publishers are only going to further continue to SUCK. JoWood focusing on Strategy games and RPGS is a good thing because they "seem" the type of company that caters to all those indie euro developers, who are the ONLY people doing anything remotely interesting . make sense?

No, you missed the point. The game could be EVERYTHING Fallout was and you would shout out how shitty the game is wihtout playing it. It could have your multiple paths, it could let you affect the plot, it could even fucking take out your trash for you for all you'd know. But your blind hatred for "mega corporate publishers" would make you not only miss it, but revile it out of hand.


Sep 24, 2003
Sarvis said:
No, you missed the point. The game could be EVERYTHING Fallout was and you would shout out how shitty the game is wihtout playing it. It could have your multiple paths, it could let you affect the plot, it could even fucking take out your trash for you for all you'd know. But your blind hatred for "mega corporate publishers" would make you not only miss it, but revile it out of hand.

Oh I totally got your point, but you're still missing mine.


Aug 5, 2004
Buffalo, NY
Sheriff05 said:
Sarvis said:
No, you missed the point. The game could be EVERYTHING Fallout was and you would shout out how shitty the game is wihtout playing it. It could have your multiple paths, it could let you affect the plot, it could even fucking take out your trash for you for all you'd know. But your blind hatred for "mega corporate publishers" would make you not only miss it, but revile it out of hand.

Oh I totally got your point, but your missing mine.

No, I understand perfectly. You're the same kind of pretentious elitist my ex-roomate was with music. You believe that large publishing corporations are crushing creativity in America, by using Japanese console games as your evidence. Obviously only the Wise and Enlightened Europeans can produce anything worthwhile, Metal or Games, these days. Anything in America already sucks because some publisher went and published it!

Meanwhile you'll never give yourself the chance to find out you are wrong. At least my roomate listened to regular music all the time, so he could reasonably claim it sucked!


May 18, 2004
JoWood are not too bad, I don't know why they are getting bashed all of a sudden. They've had a few games that I've liked over the years that I can still remember well, like Burntime, so they can't be all that bad.


Oct 19, 2003
The state of insanity.
Jowood's never really done me wrong. Any game of theirs I picked up that I was interested in, I didn't have problems with. Well, with the exception of Chaser. I liked it for awhile but then it got messed up. Severely messed up. :shock: Awesome soundtrack though. Glad I ripped it. :)

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Sarvis said:
Sheriff05 said:
US gaming industry has dumbed RPG's down to the level of "Paper fucking Mario" ANYTHING these people do will be a good thing.

Err... Mario is from a <i>Japanese</i> company.

No shit, Sherlock. Sheriff was saying how the US gaming industry has dumbed their previously good RPGs to the same level of Paper Mario.

What's not to understand?

As for EA, the last thing this game industry needs is a fucking monopoly. Here's a recent Penny Arcade explaining why:

We dont need EA releasing games setting the standard for price, releasing games only when they choose to, and making games that are cheap and horrible rather than games people actually want to play, and so forth.


Sep 24, 2003
Sarvis said:
No, I understand perfectly. You're the same kind of pretentious elitist my ex-roomate was with music. You believe that large publishing corporations are crushing creativity in America, by using Japanese console games as your evidence. Obviously only the Wise and Enlightened Europeans can produce anything worthwhile, Metal or Games, these days. Anything in America already sucks because some publisher went and published it!

Since "Dumbfuck" isn't really appropriate when you seem to want to behave like RAIN MAN. I will explain this to you nice and slow, so you'll understand.

"Paper Mario", is still fucking Paper Mario, I don't care who made it and I don't where it came from, and It doesn't matter how GOOD it is. It's still a god damn *cough* RPG based on a arcade game about cartoon italian plumbers made for pre teens. . If that's what is qualifying as RPG of the YEAR these days then this genre is completely FUCKED.

If it's pretentious to expect an industry will tons of talented people and tons of money to make games of the same quality they were making as recently as five years ago,
or to root for the "little guy" because you know damn well that monopolies in anything completely fuck things up, then please Sarvis, pass me the fucking caviar.

it's not my fault the god damn Euros are making real games and not just making screen saving widgets for the Wal Mart shoppers like here in the US.

Again my point was that JoWood focusing on RPG's and Strategy games is GOOD THING for those of us here at RPG CODEX who like RPG's and Strat games, go figure.

Now, what is 112,154 divided by 16 equal?


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"What's so third rate about JoWood? They've produced some of the best games ever made."

Like what? Impress me with their kool games. Good luck as I doubt you'll succeed. I'll stick with Troika, Bioware, Squaresoft, and EA.



May 5, 2004
Volourn said:
Like what? Impress me with their kool games. Good luck as I doubt you'll succeed. I'll stick with Troika, Bioware, Squaresoft, and EA

Great JoWood games I have played:

Europa 1400: The Guild
Silent Storm

Spelforce I didnt like.

They have also produced Aquanox, Etherlords & Gothic 2, which are apparently quite good.

Obviously they are not a "AAA" title publisher - they clearly dont have the money to spend on titles that EA or even Bioware has. They dont have a title that matches Baldurs Gate, KOTOR etc, but they still manage to produce some very decent second tier titles.

Its the fact that they are in the market, and producing RPGs, that is important. Who knows - the next RPG "smash hit" from a little known development house may be from JoWood. If they, and publishers like them, shut their doors, you get to wait around for the 1 title a year MAYBE that Bioware and Square make. EA doesnt even really make RPG games!


May 18, 2004
Volourn said:
"What's so third rate about JoWood? They've produced some of the best games ever made."

Like what? Impress me with their kool games. Good luck as I doubt you'll succeed. I'll stick with Troika, Bioware, Squaresoft, and EA.


JoWood are publishers like EA though. You can't compare EA and Troika as they do different jobs. YOu can like a development studio like Bioware for consistently making games that you like, but EA just stick them on boxes and ship them out, they deserve none of the implied praise from you.

JoWood are a good 2nd class publisher at least. They might not have the clout but they do well where they can. I won't discount them becoming another EA or Ineptplay in teh future of course.

They've published a number of games that have been well recieved over the years (and some trash too I am sure), some of which were quite original too. Also no one said that they were the best ever because YOU liked them. Try spotting when something is someone's opinion. You can easily check what games they have made and I am sure you know of a few already, you are just being facetious. I suppose you just like to stir up a little shit now and then, have fun. :wink:


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Eh. Those games are not impressive.

"Also no one said that they were the best ever because YOU liked them. Try spotting when something is someone's opinion."

Sure didnb't sound like he was stating an opinion; but trying to make ikt a fact. "They produce some of the best games ever" sure doesnt ring like opinion.

"consistently making games that you like, but EA just stick them on boxes and ship them out, they deserve none of the implied praise from you."

Huh? I praise who I want. If I want to praise EA then by golly I'll praise 'em. They produce some damn good games. They are the top publisher as far as I'm concerned. Sure, they publishe their share of shitty games; but then aagin if you publish as many games as they do; that's bound to happen. you cna't always wins.

"You can easily check what games they have made and I am sure you know of a few already, you are just being facetious."

Don't blame me. I weans't the one giving JoWood a blowjob. Their list of games aren't impressive. Not even close. Gothic 2 had a good start; but then it went to Shit Land, for example.



Aug 5, 2004
Buffalo, NY
Sheriff05 said:
Since "Dumbfuck" isn't really appropriate when you seem to want to behave like RAIN MAN. I will explain this to you nice and slow, so you'll understand.

Awwww... how cute.

"Paper Mario", is still fucking Paper Mario, I don't care who made it and I don't where it came from, and It doesn't matter how GOOD it is. It's still a god damn *cough* RPG based on a arcade game about cartoon italian plumbers made for pre teens. . If that's what is qualifying as RPG of the YEAR these days then this genre is completely FUCKED.

If it's better than the CRPGs NOT based on an arcade game about a cartoon Italian plumbers made for "pre teens" then why does that mean the genre is fucked? What, only certain themes, approved by Sheriff05, should be made into RPGs? :roll: It's probably a great game, it might be a great RPG that you'll never even try and you think it's a sign of the end times or some shit. Please.

If it's pretentious to expect an industry will tons of talented people and tons of money to make games of the same quality they were making as recently as five years ago,
or to root for the "little guy" because you know damn well that monopolies in anything completely fuck things up, then please Sarvis, pass me the fucking caviar.

First, as I seem to have to keep pointing out to you, Paper Mario <i>could be of that quality</i>. You don't know, you never will know because you are too stuck on your own sense of smug superiority.

Second, what the hell monopoly are you talking about? There's only one company making and publishing CRPGs these days? Maybe you need to lower your dosage...

it's not my fault the god damn Euros are making real games and not just making screen saving widgets for the Wal Mart shoppers like here in the US.

How would you know? You won't even play those "screen saving widgets" to find out if they are "real games!"

Again my point was that JoWood focusing on RPG's and Strategy games is GOOD THING for those of us here at RPG CODEX who like RPG's and Strat games, go figure.

Ok, sure. Hey, I'm all for more RPGs. Doesn't mean your abject hatred of entire classes of games you will never play is justified.

Now, what is 112,154 divided by 16 equal?


According to MS Excel anyway... hope that helps.


No shit, Sherlock. Sheriff was saying how the US gaming industry has dumbed their previously good RPGs to the same level of Paper Mario.

And what level is that exactly? None of you dumbfucks are willing to find out. Could be far above what Bioware puts out.. but hey, keep hope alive!


May 18, 2004
Sure you can praise Hitler or Stalin in you want but EA did not produce the games, they just copied them to disc. It seems unfair to the developers to shift the spotlight to EA instead. I notice how you complain about one person putting an opinion across stronly as being a fact and then defend your right to praise whoever you want, classy. Especially after all the sloppy blowjobs you've given Bioware. Don't become another flip-flopper.

@Sarvis well I can't think of any Bioware games that are not better than Paper Mario. Canada 1 Japan 0.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"Sure you can praise Hitler or Stalin in you want but EA did not produce the games, they just copied them to disc. It seems unfair to the developers to shift the spotlight to EA instead. I notice how you complain about one person putting an opinion across stronly as being a fact and then defend your right to praise whoever you want, classy. Especially after all the sloppy blowjobs you've given Bioware. Don't become another flip-flopper."

Eh? How is that me flip flopping? I wans't complaining about him stating it was a fact; I was saying it was a fact becuase you tried to say it was 'just his opinion'. Perhaps you shoudl read.

Andm now you stoop to comapring EA to Hitler or Stalin? R00fles! EA is awesome. I don't give a damn about the devlopers. The one common thread that all EA games have is they are published by EA. And, oh, talk about not giving credit; I have my seriosu doubts that ALL EA does is 'copy discs'. What a maroon.


May 18, 2004
I'm just having a joke about the flip flopper part, calm down. :P

Though of course, by its very nature anything stated in a post is opinion first. It'd be silly to think otherwise.

I certainly didn't compare EA to hitler, even if I dislike some of their practices that would be a tad silly. I meant that you could have whatever opinion you want. If the codex only had one it would be a touch duller I feel. :wink:

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Back in EA's heyday, they developed their own titles like everyone else but times have changed since then. All they've been doing for the past decade was buy up all the good companies and spit them out after they've used them up.

They did it to Origin. They did it to Bullfrog. They did it to Westwood. They're going to do it to DICE. They destroyed the Command & Conquer franchise with Generals.

Their sports games are just the same games with the same formulas with upgraded team rosters, and a little audio/visual every year and released new titles.

You can't call them good publishers.

Their Maxis division is good, but that's only because they bought the company without firing everyone who worked there or changing much of Maxis's design strategy.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Youa re right. I cna't call them good publishers. I can call them great publishers. The companies they burned did it themselves. Bullfrog screwed Bullfrog. Weak companies deserve to be destroyed by their competitors. No emrcy for the weak! LONG LIVE EA!

The only major beef I have with EA is how they supposedly treat their employees. That is wrong.. if it is true. And, no, Developer Wife # AGF547 is not enough to convince me.


May 18, 2004
You should have been born in the Soviet Union, Vollie, you'd have loved it.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
No. I don't believe in Communism. Sorry. Those who oppose EA actually competing and winning are better off there; not me.


May 18, 2004
You don't like the Soviet Union? It's a large, corrupt, monolithic entity that treated its workers poorly and swallowed up its smaller neighbours, often resorting to dirty tactics. It's like EA's twin. R00fles!


Sep 24, 2003
Sarvis said:
What, only certain themes, approved by Sheriff05, should be made into RPGs? :roll:

Considering that very nature of posting your opinion on a public website is to editorialize, the answer would be YES. You're like talking to a rock, so forgive me for not wasting my time trying to clarify an obvious point of view to you . It's not that we disagree, it's that you just don't understand what I am trying to say. You seem to feel that you do but post after post your comments either mischaracterize my point or completely miss it. I'm not trying to educate you on the failings of the gaming industry, just give my opinion on it. 2004 was the most profitable year for video and computer games to date, and yet the quality of games (specifically CRPGS) is worse than ever.That opinion is second nature to most of the people that mingle here. If you try to remember 'what' forum you're on, it will help you understand the context of many of these threads.


Aug 5, 2004
Buffalo, NY
Sheriff05 said:
Sarvis said:
What, only certain themes, approved by Sheriff05, should be made into RPGs? :roll:

Considering that very nature of posting your opinion on a public website is to editorialize, the answer would be YES. You're like talking to a rock, so forgive me for not wasting my time trying to clarify an obvious point of view to you . It's not that we disagree, it's that you just don't understand what I am trying to say. You seem to feel that you do but post after post your comments either mischaracterize my point or completely miss it. I'm not trying to educate you on the failings of the gaming industry, just give my opinion on it. 2004 was the most profitable year for video and computer games to date, and yet the quality of games (specifically CRPGS) is worse than ever.That opinion is second nature to most of the people that mingle here. If you try to remember 'what' forum you're on, it will help you understand the context of many of these threads.

I'm like talking to a rock? You still think it's valid to base your entire opinion on what you think of a game you have never played!

I don't care that you think in general the RPGs of 2004 were crap. Fine, your opinion. But when you tell mey they are "dumbed down" to the level of a game you never played... what the hell should that even mean? Like I asked Exitium:

"What level is that?"

You don't know, neither does he. Paper Mario COULD be on the level of Fallout, but you don't care because it's a convenient corporate mascot to symbolize everything you hate.


May 18, 2004
But it isn't on a level with Fallout, though it is not a bad console game. If you prefer Fallout or Bioware style RPGs though you'll not like it so much. I think Squaresoft/Enix make better RPGs than Paper Mario too.


Aug 5, 2004
Buffalo, NY
Fez said:
But it isn't on a level with Fallout, though it is not a bad console game. If you prefer Fallout or Bioware style RPGs though you'll not like it so much. I think Squaresoft/Enix make better RPGs than Paper Mario too.

I take it you've played it?

If he'd <i>played</i> the game his statement would be fine. He hasn't, therefore his statement is meaningless. For all he knows it is on the level of Fallout, he has nothing to base his judgement on.

I liked the first Super Mario RPG though, it was really good... but then Square and Nintendo collaberated on it... heh.

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