Why is it always a spiky haired kid? Come the fuck on, come up with something at least half way original.
Have you seen the potato salad kickstarter?My understanding of kickstarter is that part of the sales pitch is about making something that wouldn't otherwise exist. JRPGs are not a dying genre, no?
If you take the sum of a Character’s Log (like a Captain’s Log in the original Star Traders ... joined the Crew of Captain Godfrey Saint in 312.05 AE, Promoted to Boarding Party in 314.02 AE, and so on), their current position on the ship (Crew Boss Officer), their skills (a few points in engineering, a few points in combat, and a growing emphasis on command and intimidation) and finally their Traits (Came From Poverty, Hates Prince Vottax, Likes Thulun, Iron Willed, Air of Command, Law Abiding, Combat Veteran) you can imagine this individual, know their story, and see the place they would take in the drama that is unfolding around your Captain. It feels like you've got a living character aboard the Broadsword.
But a changing character? You are probably asking, where did he get all those Traits? I thought he only started with a few!
Traits are Revealed, Mutate and Die
Traits are not static. We return to the Motivation Engine’s core mission -- to tell a deeper, more personal and more human story. If you think about the definition of a story, you might say that it is a tale about some events that happen that change some people. Then naturally, the core mission of the Motivation Engine must be to help facilitate change in characters and specifically in their Traits. Game events (being involved in combat, completing a mission or goal, visiting a planet, meeting another character) will all have a chance of leaving a lasting impact on the characters involved.
One of the first types of impacts is revealing a hidden Trait. When Gaiel came aboard the Broadsword, his Iron Willed Trait was hidden. If it had been visible, then perhaps Captain Saint would have immediately moved him into a different position in the crew. During the boarding combat in which Gaiel was involved, that Trait was revealed, and it was brought to the Captain’s attention at that time.
But how do Traits change? All of the Traits are situated on a relationship map which explains each Trait’s relationship to others and its possible evolutionary paths. For example, on this relationship map, Iron Willed (+5% effectiveness) is a hub Trait, connected to many others -- such as Air of Command (+20% Leadership effectiveness), but also connected to Stubborn (additional Morale bonus / penalties when agreeing / disagreeing with course of action), Grudge Bearing (doubles all Dislike and Hate Traits) as well as Pain Tolerance (ignores effectiveness penalties from Light Wound), and Martial Command (+20% Combat Leadership effectiveness). Nearby are and Stoic (resistant to Morale Loss) and Over Confident (giving gung-ho advice, increased morale loss on failure).
A character’s Goals will be derived from their Traits and their position in the world. For example, Prince Vottax has some Traits: he is Rich, Law-Abiding, Greedy, and he also happens to Hate Prince Bellaris, who is a rival of his within Rychart. He is a Prince of Daelus Prime, he is a member of the minor Faction royalty. The Motivation Engine will examine his Traits and position, and help him decide his next Goal. A Goal is a long-term action that a character is trying to achieve and is critical to their advancement personally or professionally. In Prince Vottax’s case, some Goals that might be generated are to Become Obscenely Rich, Reduce Smuggling Activity on Daelus Prime, or Harm Prince Bellaris. Characters won’t work on many goals at a time -- they will focus their efforts and try to attempt one or two. In the case of a character like Prince Vottax, this will drive the types of jobs he gives, the favors he is willing to offer, regional politics and conflicts, as well as his stance on his planet’s economy. His goals will drive his action in the world.
The concept is interesting and he already has something to show, judging by the stretch goals he also seems aware of the kind of money needed for such a game, probably his real objective there, all in all seems that will get quite a bit of money, added.http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/524168447/the-stomping-land
The Stomping Land is a multiplayer survival game about dinosaurs. Create traps, salvage resources, form tribes.
In order to survive, your primary need is simply to eat dinosaur meat. There are plenty of small dinosaurs on the island for you to hunt, but larger carnivores are nearly impossible to kill and are effective at preventing you from obtaining your food.
At the very start, your hunter is weak and ineffective. By salvaging resources from the world, you will have access to tools and abilities that make you a competent hunter. These tools, when used in combination, will counter these larger carnivores or help you discover other ways of obtaining food. A few of these methods include:
- Building traps to wound carnivores
- Hunting down masses of small dinosaurs
- Sabotaging camps built by other players that contain food
- Cooperation is highly rewarded since the process of hunting becomes drastically easier. Groups of hunters will have the ability to build campsites, which can be used to store meat. Large quantities of stored meat will enable abilities for that group.
The more meat that is being stored by players, the fewer huntable dinosaurs will be present on the map. This will cause other tribes to seek down and destroy your campsites. Becoming the dominant tribe on the island is the ultimate goal.
I thought this was at least interesting.... asking for $20,000. $15 for the game. It is currently only 1 guy working on this.... I'm not seeing any red flags though...
Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire is an episodic turn-based tactics RPG set on a world that has fallen into a medieval dark age after the collapse of space faring civilisation.
Bear Simulator dev vanishes, last Kickstarter update in September
It’s been almost five months since the Bear Simulator Kickstarter posted an update (23 September,) and efforts to contact the creator “John Farjay” have been unsuccessful. The prospective comedy bear game raised just over $100,000 USD in April 2014, but now appears to be dead.
None of the title’s social media outlets have been updated in months either. The last Facebook and Twitter posts were made on 14 September and 23 September, respectively. My own emails to the game’s listed contact, “Community Rep” Britnie, have gone unanswered.
Frustrated Bear Simulator Kickstarter backers appear to have started their own investigations into who the mysterious “John Farjay” or Britnie may actually be, but these leads are not yet conclusive.
Oh boy...We want to put the "RPG" back in "MMORPG"!
Another scam. No wonder backers are getting more cautious.
Bear Simulator dev vanishes, last Kickstarter update in September
It’s been almost five months since the Bear Simulator Kickstarter posted an update (23 September,) and efforts to contact the creator “John Farjay” have been unsuccessful. The prospective comedy bear game raised just over $100,000 USD in April 2014, but now appears to be dead.
None of the title’s social media outlets have been updated in months either. The last Facebook and Twitter posts were made on 14 September and 23 September, respectively. My own emails to the game’s listed contact, “Community Rep” Britnie, have gone unanswered.
Frustrated Bear Simulator Kickstarter backers appear to have started their own investigations into who the mysterious “John Farjay” or Britnie may actually be, but these leads are not yet conclusive.
Four developers passionate by JRPG have just launched a kickstarter.
“Edge Of Eternity” is An indie tribute to J-RPG classics. You will explore a universe blending fantasy with science-fiction, intense ATB battles and branching story.
With Yasunori Mitsuda onboard
It looks very promising!
Each Campaign World is a server or "realm". It exists for a limited time – typically 1 to 3 months -- or until some win condition is met.
During this time, the World will change. Each Campaign has four stages: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.
With each passing season, the World grows more deadly as the land is consumed by an unstoppable legion of undead -- The Hunger.
At the end of Winter, the Campaign is over. A victor is declared, the map is wiped and that World goes offline forever...
...but the characters are NEVER wiped. Instead, the participants take their winnings back home to the Eternal Kingdoms, to prepare and strategize for the next Campaign.