You can't do circles around them and supposedly headshot them. Go on try it in the game,i challenge you.
Nah, enemies are vulnerable to bow. Some (especially ones with spears and during ambushes) can just bum rush you like berserkers and staby stab you. But others may hold their swords in their rising bull position waiting for fair duel while you release the string point blank into their face.
Also, bow is just too powerful. I understand you can shoot recurved cuman bow literally point blank and it should do damage, but I would have lowered it's power and made plate armored enemies just outright immune to arrows, really.
I just can't enjoy games with broken AI, wonky combat mechanics
You should search for some different genre than RPGs then.
Where do I even begin? Should I start explaining that people always bitch about AI because it's the hardest thing to do right in the game, or point out that KCD actually first game in a long time that has at least some IDEA behind it's fencing system and protection (armor) compared to other RPGs that, basically, have no fencing system in them at all? (like Dark Souls, which just has weapons with predetermined attacks and that's all; and since most other stuff in DS is good, people only can bitch about AI & bosses and clipping and shit)
I'd rather not. I'll just continue to play.