How the fuck do I make the citizens of Rattay not hate me (currently at -100 rep)? I don't know what I did to anger them. Maybe it's because I killed the executioner in the quest to get the ring? But how would they even know that, no one has commented on the fact that he hasn't showed up for 3 days and everyone keeps talking as if he's still alive. I can't take any quests in Rattay because they tell me to fuck off and I can't trade with anyone because they tell me to fuck off too. Same for getting a simple bed in the village. This is too much like real life and it's getting annoying.
It'll go back to normal on its own, just avoid the area and go to another town.
Yeah but he has a point. Your reputation tanking after a crime nobody saw is a problem in my book. I've just watched a streamer kill the merchant wench near Peshek's at night, in her house, behind closed doors and he still got a bounty on his head - the red icon with a coin pouch.
(Although the wench did manage to run, open the door and step on the porch before he killed her so maybe if you kill someone in a town or nearby it always counts as a crime even if it's at night and nobody saw shit; maybe it's only stealthy if it's inside, behind a closed door).
Do you know if it requires Steam activation?
Hundred percent. Are there still any PC physicals that don't rely on Steam? Plus they have never released the PC patches as standalone, at least they don't have them on their webpage, so no support without Steam.
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