Going strong Can't wait and pledged £65. I have a feeling they held back with some tiers to fill them in later, e.g., I am pretty sure that there will be Act 1+2+3 later for around 60 plus some goodies (digital).
Qustion worth asking: How are they going to approach witchcraft, herbalism and superstition subject? By this I mean, whether there will be some mental stat that would allow you to impose some "effects" on the person, like if you have high enough charisma/alchemy skill for example? No magic of course, but those "unexplainable miracles" etc. More like illusions evoked on superstition-prone character or placebo effect... I am thinking a bit in the direction of "Black Death" movie maybe?
Qustion worth asking: How are they going to approach witchcraft, herbalism and superstition subject? By this I mean, whether there will be some mental stat that would allow you to impose some "effects" on the person, like if you have high enough charisma/alchemy skill for example? No magic of course, but those "unexplainable miracles" etc. More like illusions evoked on superstition-prone character or placebo effect... I am thinking a bit in the direction of "Black Death" movie maybe?