On the other hand it is exactly the fact that they are autist some men can make interesting games. Pierre is one, the DF dude is another, there are others too. Their autism might be annoying but in the end it gives them "strength" to do what they do.Seems like he's wasting time / treading water and a lot of this stuff won't matter to the success of the release.
Pierre being Pierre as usual.
He truly is a special breed of autist.
To not be too harsh on Troika, Pierre is one man who makes and indie game (and just buys the assets he needs?) and afaik has other sources of income or money to sustain himself - on mushrooms, but it counts. Right? Troika was a middle sized studio and was making games with much higher costs and production values and had people who made a living there. Those are different situations. Still, of curse, their games were infested by bugs and should have been released and the supported better. But enough about Troika. Pierre did release some games before - mostly KoTC1 - so he will release this one day. The constant delays are caused perhaps because he considers this one his "opus magnum", his life masterpiece? But one can work on a computer game - especially indie - even after it's out.He has what Troika and Prelude to Darkness devs lacked, dedication.
Because they released buggy messes they never fixed while he's fixing KotC 2. (even overfixing it, if you ask me)
KotC 1 latest build is 1.36, i think, so i guess updates will keep on flowing, let's just hope he will release KotC 2 officially before 1.36 because it'd bring us to march 2023.
To not be too harsh on Troika, Pierre is one man who makes and indie game (and just buys the assets he needs?) and afaik has other sources of income or money to sustain himself - on mushrooms, but it counts. Right? Troika was a middle sized studio and was making games with much higher costs and production values and had people who made a living there. Those are different situations. Still, of curse, their games were infested by bugs and should have been released and the supported better. But enough about Troika. Pierre did release some games before - mostly KoTC1 - so he will release this one day. The constant delays are caused perhaps because he considers this one his "opus magnum", his life masterpiece? But one can work on a computer game - especially indie - even after it's out.He has what Troika and Prelude to Darkness devs lacked, dedication.
Because they released buggy messes they never fixed while he's fixing KotC 2. (even overfixing it, if you ask me)
KotC 1 latest build is 1.36, i think, so i guess updates will keep on flowing, let's just hope he will release KotC 2 officially before 1.36 because it'd bring us to march 2023.
Pierre you can polish and perfect your baby AFTER you release it!
KoTC 2 will be the first title released on steam's new Late Acess program, wherein buyers only get the game months after it's done
... opportunity to complain, the favourite pass time of Codexers.KoTC 2 will be the first title released on steam's new Late Acess program, wherein buyers only get the game months after it's done
Buyers already have it, early birds get the roots!
Late complainers, on the other hand, got what they deserve...
It's flawed but I actually like the new art style. Can't stand the abstract circle tokens he had before.... I also can't stand card games for the same sort of reason.
If it was on Steam I'd buy it right now.
What are you talking about? 3/4 of this thread consists of us complaining about the bugs and rape fests. That's something you full-versioners won't get to complain about. Not so sassy now, huh? HUH?
... opportunity to complain, the favourite pass time of Codexers.KoTC 2 will be the first title released on steam's new Late Acess program, wherein buyers only get the game months after it's done
Buyers already have it, early birds get the roots!
Late complainers, on the other hand, got what they deserve...
You "early birds" lost your chance to complain. Otoh we will play the game sooner or later.
Ha! I will get the chance to experience the game for the first time! You will never do that, can't loose virginity twice..
OTOH I still have the real night ahead of me while you only have a memory.Ha! I will get the chance to experience the game for the first time! You will never do that, can't loose virginity twice..
Except we managed to have the game while it was still moist and tight, an inexperienced virgin with an incredibly wild heart that was impossible to tame.
Now she has gained more experience but lost some of that initial awkward wildness. She may have learned how to please you better, but she is also tamer, more restrained.
She won't leave deep scratch marks on your back anymore, which might be better for your health but you'll always wonder whether you missed something by not experiencing her original wild untamed state...
I am a virgin!
Yes, I am! I keep my virginity untilI am a virgin!
Weird flex, but ok.
The Steam page is up.