WhiskeyWolf said:
Yes yes, patch/restoration, whatever.
So what does the patch from this guy do?
Zbyl2 and Darth Stoney created this mod because 1) they love restoring cut-content and
2) they could give less than a damn if and when the TSLRP comes out.
For the
Dantooine Restoration Mod, I've found the review for it at FileFront sums it up nicely.
"Remember DStoney’s M4-78 mod? Do you remember how much restoration work Zbyl2 has done? What if the two teamed up to give you a heck of a mod to play with that involves restoration work? Well, look no further than this mod for the game, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords if this sounds really good to you.
There were a couple of fixes I noticed for sure that came with the Ultimate Saber Mod that are included in this mod, but it should be noted that not everybody uses it. Those fixes are:
–Remember when entering the Telos Academy for the first time and you actually picked the quick dialogue option to surrender and all of a sudden the game isn’t going anymore? Well, that’s fixed with this mod.
–Remember trying to learn Force Sight and you asked Visas to teach you and she said it was difficult to explain to you because you had a lack of influence with her? The problem was you couldn’t ask her again. This mod fixes that issue.
Then there are other issues this game has had. Yeah, it was a buggy one that TSL was. The co-authors listed those in their readme. The rest of the mod focuses on the planet of Dantooine.
Is anybody familiar with Kaevee? She is a Padawan who was cut from the game who can be found in the abandoned Jedi Academy on Dantooine. Even though her character was cut from the game, her head was left over and never used which has promoted some modders to use that head as a selectable one. If you can’t remember which head I’m talking about, just look at the third screenshot. Keep in mind that this character didn’t get very far as audio dialogue was never recorded for her so the co-authors recruited Usagi to voice her lines so you don’t get mute dialogue when meeting up with her. This restoration is going to be done by the TSLRP, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t have been done. I mean we have been waiting four years for that to be finished (not as if that's a bad thing) and I suppose that means some people out there have been prompted to do work to get it out there for their own personal satisfaction.
Be sure to check the whole readme out to see what else is in store with this mod. Think of it as a tie over of a portion of what the TSLRP is going to include if you’re itching to see. It should be fun for those who can't wait long enough for our friends at Team Gizka to get their fantastic mod out."
The read me mentioned has the following info. . .
"Fixes: Fuel for Telos Quest.
Fixes : Handmaiden Dialog upon entering the secret academy, LS option.
Fixes: Visas dialog forcesight fix plus added dialog choices.
Fixes: Redemption quest is now completable. Suulru is now tied into this quest.
This mod Restores Kaevee the padwan in the enclave with VO’s and as the Thief Suulru is complaining about. Along with some dialog with Daarala, Dopak and Ralon about the thief.
It restores the fight with the Mercs outside Khoonda.
On Dantooine, upon returning with Mandalore he will fight the Mandalorian leader.
Also restored are some cut lines with the Disciple in the enclave.
Also restored are some cut lines from Kreia outside the Jedi Enclave."
DogMeat84 said:
No ,the Dantooine restoration isn't a patch ,it restores all the cut content for Dantooine except for the final enclave scene. It is compatible with the unrestored stuff by Zbyl2.
There's a completely different mod for that Final Enclave scene by someone named Jinger over at FileFront. (Keyword "
Rebuilding the Jedi Enclave" over there.)
Review at FieFront for that mod follows . . . "This is an improvement on the showdown between Kreia and the Jedi Council in the ruins of the Jedi Enclave. I have restored some lines with a number of party members (Visas, the Handmaiden, or the Disciple) interacting with Kreia while the Exile speaks with the masters. The sequence with the masters is different in that Kreia now speaks to the Jedi before killing them, and I also changed the killing scene to mirror the Exile's display, which you normally get to see only if you go dark side. I have also restored some lines with the Exile hearing the thoughts of Visas and the Handmaiden, and later Mira and Bao-Dur for the light side scenario. For the dark side, the Exile hears Visas speaking about Nihilus and the Disciple, who ponders the blame for her loss. Bao-Dur, Mira, Visas Marr and the Disciple can be seen in little spots of the Ebon Hawk that I have added to the layout of the enclave for cutscene purposes. There is also some content from the Ebon Hawk which was seemingly supposed to take place concurrently with these events, in which the Disciple has just learned that the Republic is under attack, but the Exile is also in danger and he must make a choice between the two. Visas has a premonition on the Ebon Hawk and runs to the enclave, where she confronts Kreia in a bad moment (the masters are getting to the point in their conversation with the Exile) and Kreia Force chokes her into unconsciousness. The Handmaiden makes her entrance in the beginning, as soon as the masters greet the Exile, and speaks with Kreia. After she comes out of the council chamber, Kreia admits to her that she's one of the Sith, and they leave. If you did kill any masters, the confrontation with Kreia will now be much longer, but if you killed all of them I had her walk right into the council chamber, skipping the part in which she tells you that the council is waiting for you and that you can trust her. I have restored much of Kreia's long rant about Force bonds and other important stuff, and the part in which she stabs herself instead of Force draining the Exile. I also made a few bug fixes for this area, and for the models of Kreia and the Handmaiden. This will change the appearance of the Handmaiden's sisters in the academy on Telos, because now they won't use the same appearance as the party member anymore"
You may now return to your bashing of Team Gizka. Have a better one!