Letum Fol said:I'm sure somebody's already asked this, but i really can't look over 60 pages. How good is the leaked version? Anything essential? And on the flipside, anything gamebreaking?
Stereotypical Villain said:That's like saying "I'll be playing Corpse Crew when it gets out".
Dark_Paladin_Anti_Hero said:So.... I asked this above... has there been a big bug fix patch like a bunch of other RPGs have, or has it all been TG and their hype machine, while everyone else trembles in its presence?
Helton said:Skyway said it was shit.
Smarts said:He says EVERYTHING is shit.
Fat Dragon said:He doesn't hate everything, he seems to enjoy half-assed military games like ArmA 2.
This is the post of a guy that has more then 2400 posts, symptoms of breaking down?With the last build coming up and the testers very busy, I believe it may make sense for the team to expand the closed beta, for one last run.
Let me be clear - I don't even want to be on the team. I just think It might be expedient.
There are enough CBT's. Adding more won't speed up the process.
After the fiasco with the last "expansion" of the team and considering how far along they are already... never gonna happen.
The Team needs an actual team in my opinion, more than Beta Testers...
The team doesn't need anymore beta testers, what's the point of finding bugs faster if we still have just one person fixing them?
Excuse me for sounding stupid or curious,
Is there any way we can know the current progress? I have sorta been in the dark the past few weeks with the site moving at a standstill and the forums managing something like 5 posts a day.
Is it just me, or is this the worst its been?
Only Dashus knows.
As has been said, only Dashus knows for sure how far along the RP is. And he's said repeatedly that he does not need any more testers or modders. Unless he's specifically asked for someone, then he doesn't want/need any help.
Dash is just one guy. So yeah, I can see where having another modder would be helpful. But bringing that person up to speed takes time, time that Dash could use working on TSLRP. Again, if he felt he needed/wanted help, I think he'd be smart enough to ask for it.
OTOH, at least Dash has a life, unlike the sort of person whose major concern in life seems to be that a mod for a four-year-old game isn't coming out fast enough for their liking.
The security is because the team wants it to be done before it's released to the internet community, and there have already been several attempts have been made to steal the beta.
Honestly, it's mostly that they know perfectly well that no matter what is said, if they release it now the boards will be flooded with people demanding a solution to this bug and that, and the team isn't prepared to deal with this. The solution was simply to not go there. Even now, we get the occasional support question for the leaked beta that doesn't exist.
Team Gizka was a team of about 10 people, but nowadays, there's really only Dashus who's working on it. And considering there's about 10 bugs left fixing (majors) and only the HK-Factory needing optimization (which has always been assigned to Dashus anyway), it's not strange.
"It's a LIE" comes to my mind.Point of clarification, no one has ever been banned for simply complaining... ever. Bans that rise from complaints are usually brought on by the way they complain, i.e. using offensive language, attacking members or moderators, posting in ways that violate the rules, etc. Complaining in and of itself is not a bannable offense.
Read it all, not enough Facepalms to cover all this.Well...I guess I mean both outside and inside the Beta team. I don't think Dashus has posted since the April Fools incident on the public forums. I guess a better question would be, just how much contact does the beta team have with Dashus at this moment?
MetalCraze said:True. I only like shooters like Fallout, Arcanum, Wizardry, PS:T etc. TroO RPGs like Ass Effect and The Twitcher aren't mah style
Major_Boobage said:Is it done yet?