The first tendrils of information began to wag their cilia in the latest Electronic Gaming Monthly, and now data can be obtained on the Intertron - Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords is now one hundred percent real. I could see Gabriel's countenance grow dark as he learned the sequel wasn't being produced by Bioware, even though this news has been available for months. I'll admit that it does seem counterintuitive, and it would be a comfort to know more about this Obsidian Entertainment that is behind this new game. The thing is, we do know. The issue is that his enlightenment vis a vis role-playing games doesn't extend to the PC, and it certainly doesn't project backward in time - but Obsidian is made up of ex-Black Isle badasses.
People often ask me what my favorite game is, and I often say Wasteland, which was very good and affirmed gaming as a lifestyle choice. But the best PC game ever, in my opinion, is Planescape: Torment. I can't tell you what a relief it is to just lay that out. Planescape: Torment is the best game on the personal computer platform. And now, the people that made that are doing the sequel to Knights of the Old Republic. So, no - I'm not worried. If anybody should be worried, it's Bioware. Up until now, they looked pretty awesome.