We start in a circular formation around the Scorpios.
Alvina covers the southeastern chokepoint:
A scorpio bolt successfully interrupts the enemy due west of us, to Klamp's delight:
Another bolt is launched to the east and one-shots the cavalry archer there. Klamp is again pleased at the result:
Hawkeye doesn't live up to its name this time, but the enemy also misses his shot.
Esteban slowly moves towards Sophie, using the trees as cover:
Marcel gets to be Christine's bodyguard for this turn. Considering her mount is low on hp, a single hit would force her to fight on foot which is undesirable for this mission to say the least.
Sherlock rides out and puts an arrow into the opposing archer near the southern chokepoint:
Clifford covers the northern approach, Elbert joins Marcel and Christine on the western flank. Arthur stays with Sherlock directly south.
At the start of turn 2, Imperial reinforcements arrive to the west, southwest and east.
Sherlock sets up for overwatch at his current position.
A scorpio takes out the archer that Christine failed to hit on turn 1.
Fauchard hits both times, giving Alvina her first kill of the battle:
Esteban makes his way to the high ground directly north.
Arthur moves in to eliminate the closest archer at the southern chokepoint.
This one had a vulnerary:
Arthur successfully blocks an incoming arrow, raising his shield skill.
An eastward-facing scorpio halts the enemy in his tracks:
Clifford's estoc isn't quite enough to fell the next bowman.
Christine's aim is true this time.
Nice level-up, now she has enough bow skill for promotion - just need to get her to level 15.
Scorpio bolts knock out another archer to the south:
Marcel continues to keep his shield between Christine and enemy arrows.
Elbert is redirected to the south, as there are more hostiles present in that direction.
The scorpios keep the eastern approach clear:
More reinforcements enter the battle on turn 3.
Sherlock remains on overwatch, although he won't have the range to cover Elbert and Arthur from all angles.
One of these guys must be an ace by now.
Esteban continues to slink forward in the trees.
Arthur is struck by a raijin arrow, although he is able to prevent the physical damage with his shield.
Alvina blocks a shot, then charges forward to remove the threat in the southeast:
She is then ordered to canto back to block the road again.
Sherlock intercepts an incoming enemy that was trying to attack the scorpios.
Elbert's estoc gives out after one more strike.
Marcel puts his defensive abilities to use.
Arthur takes out the archer that was weakened by Sherlock earlier in the turn.
Another one stopped cold:
Clifford doesn't have such luck, however.
A scorpio guarding the western approach halts the enemy:
Turn 4 now, and an enemy black knight appears. He seems to recognise us.
Luveil: I was never informed of this.
Archers have also arrived from the north:
To make sure of the kill, I use up Christine's last sniper arrow.
Arthur comes under sustained fire.
Alvina dodges two attacks from an enemy that activates adept.
Marcel switches to guarding the nearest scorpio.