Update 33-Chipping Away
So, as I am sure you remember, we ended the last update with a declaration of war on the Shia Caliphate.
We have now rallied people and deployed.
The reserve army heads to our isolated territory to help out. However before they arrive...
Not exactly great timing, but I will be pursuing this at some point.
Just as my army is about to engage the enemy, another province converts.
My army wins, and some prisoners are taken. Time to execute!
Not long after taking some heads, another little army rolls in, and gets wiped out.
And an enemy army all the way from Persia comes to me to get beaten. The Caliph called in Persia and Abyssinia to back him up in this.
Also I need to be sure and remember to change the laws for Africa when I win this war. I don't think it is updating properly as every so often, I get the title loss notification and it shows my brother taking it over, then it goes back to my daughter in a few days (which it shouldn't since it is Agnatic).
As more and more troops show up, I go ahead and disband my army over there, and opt to give them a chance to recover.
Somebody needs money so I oblige them.
First siege is won. The difficulty in this war is not the Caliphate itself but its allies, who have not been engaged in constant fighting.
The army of Abyssinia is beaten. Pursuit engaged.
They are wiped out shortly thereafter. However elsewhere:
The enemy takes a holding. That is all the army that the Caliph can muster though, so once I knock his allies around a bit, I should be able to take on just him.
Province taken. The army loads up onto the boats, travels around dealing with rebels, and then disbands.
As my army rallies, another holding is taken. One great thing about all this African holdings is that they have huge garrisons, so my enemy have to take their time going through them, same as me.
My army arrives. Attrition on the sea (even the short hop from Sicily to there) cost me about 3000 troops.
The battle is one-sided and I quickly assault and re-take my territories. Now back to the sieges. I assault and take one holding back in Cyrennica. In other news:
Another conversion and...
The Empire is growing.
Oh, and one other minor note:
The Il Khanate has arrived in a big way and is now beating down Rostov.
Capua goes Greek! Yay!
After waiting around for awhile:
We win a siege. The army heads to deal with the enemy force in the area.
We win and return to our siege area.
A few assaults later and the province is ours time to withdraw disband and re-raise, but first they go on a rebel stomping tour.
As my armies rally to go forth and enlighten some Muslims I notice something that I find rather odd:
Yes. Yes, that is a Mongol fleet. I have no idea how or why. Oh wait nevermind:
Good thing they have exploded into civil war. For now.
Anyway back to us and our war:
We engage the enemy and win. Then pursue:
And win some more and get some prestige.
Eventually my secondary force shows up and we lay siege to what remains of our goal duchy.
I also take this opportunity to:
Hire some mercs to go and deal with small forces that show up to take over our isolated duchy.
As they move into position I decide to ask Croatia to join me in the war:
And they agree? The Caliphate must be weaker than I though if they are willing to hope in.
The mercs deal with one small army, but there is an actual threat approaching. I will be keeping them near my boats in case I need to evacuate.
We dodge them with our navy, but we need to go reinforce the main army.
Croatia's dumb-ass is causing me attrition, so I throw every one together and assault. It goes well. Now to rush back to the other province and end this war.
I assault a few times, but I am still just shy of 100%, so I break off and pursue the small army, while the main enemy whittles itself to death.
The enemy wins a siege before I can finish off the small army and go after them, but they don't last much longer. Soon my troops set sail and engage the enemy:
A battle, and a war, are won:
Land is handed out, and a title is usurped:
Now before I forget or get side tracked by another war:
Now then. There should be no issues with the succession. Theoretically.
I also realize my old friend Mauretania is no longer at war so:
I jack the ducal title from them. I think I will wait before taking the kingdom level title. Kallinikos is getting old, and I don't want my little empire
being split up because I doubt he will have ten years to reign on that title (he is 54). But I may change my mind.
Anyway that is this update. Here are some extra shots that show our situation and how the rest of the world is doing:
Mmmmm. That's sexy. I really wish my Sicily was a nice Roman Red though instead of that lime green stuff it is.
We are taking back North Africa.
And we bring the light with us.
A-A split, and France sits around doing nothing. Also part of Sardinia was inherited by Croatia. Hehehehehe.
Hungary and Poland lost. Boo. The HRE growing is never good.
The Caliph is coming back together, but his position is fragile. I will probably leave him alone for a bit, and let his vassals turn on him again before going after him again.
And the Il Khanate and those it is going to crush. I expect the rebellion will end soon in favor of the Khan. On a plus note if Rostov stay his vassal, it is possible the Khan might become Orthodox, which I would just love.
What a glorious line and what glorious incline.