Update 24- Luck Streak: ENGAGE!
Sergios picks up an interesting nickname. Not sure how he managed to be the blind (my guess is it has to do with the maimed trait).
Also you can see that my vassals are a little upset with me over this whole war for ten years straight thing. The upside is that my enemy probably has the exact same problem.
Hopefully we can finally resolve this war. The reason I have been hanging on so hard here is that I am afraid that if I am unable to defeat them the LP will get stuck in a cycle of me and them warring inconclusively until 1453. They also happen to be my only real option for expansion outside of the Duchy of Beneveto.
Gee. This seems terribly familiar. I will have to wait some for my levies to replenish before I move against them. When I do I will probably go ahead and hire some more mercs.
Good for Kallinikos.
Mercenaries are hired just before the enemy takes the holding.
I send my spymaster to Beni Yanni, where the enemy sultan is...
Oh shit. Really?
Time to try murder instead of battle...
Maybe removing their capable leader and replacing him with...
His shy, hunchback child, will weaken them some.
Not long after the deed is done...
Holy shit. That feels good. So. We are finally at peace. I think I might have GIGGLESQUEED there.
Anyway. Time to distribute the winnings!
The sub-holdings have vassals created for them, and I invite nobles in to fill the county level positions.
I notice a whee little problem while doing all that...
Those damn rebels! Because they held parts of Constantine, my enemies were able to keep them. That means I will have to wage war over those two holdings at some point. Shit. Oh well.
We also usurp the ducal title for the region and give it to the youngest of the counts. I am now broke, so I have to disband the mercs too. Hope they don't come knocking again soon. (They will)
Alright. Now to business...
I find out one of my dukes is plotting and put a stop to it. Also since he reminded me, I decide to bump my authority up to medium...
While waiting for people to decide on the law, I notice something...
Ah. That feels good. As long as they are in civil war, they won't be bothering me. Hopefully this means I will have the time I need to build up my treasury and to convert territories.
Let's take a look around the world and see what is going on...
Al-Andalus is on a role. They are currently trying to take Toledo, and managed to take Brittany. They may prove a bigger challenge then I realized.
Nothing too surprising there, except the little bits of France and Scotland in England.
Central Europe is looking pretty normal. The Empire is a mess, but will piece itself together again sooner or later.
Finland is ruled by Danes. Denmark by Germans.
The Byzantine Empire is in a succession crisis.
The Muslim world at present. Several wars going on. Some for independence, some against the tyranny of the Caliph.
Now. Back to us.
It costs a lot but we take the claim. I will follow up on this as soon as I am no longer broke because when you are broke you get...
Sin feels good! Now to follow through on the claim (Beneveto's about to get crushed HAR HAR. Its good to be the king.)
The Pope is currently fighting to wars of independence. I think my chancellor will be heading to Rome next. It would make an appropriate capital for me after all.
First things first though...
We go to war for Beneveto. we don't want to lose that claim again after all.
The "battle" against their "mighty" army:
Goes great. Duh. Time to siege their provinces.
Siege ends quickly enough and...
That was nice and clean. I liked that. (Especially after that last war.)
Beneveto is given away for now as its county capital is a temple, not a castle and I cannot (and won't be able to afford one any time soon) buy a castle there.
Not long after...
Our son gets a good trait and a boost to his diplomacy and...
We move up to medium crown authority. No more warring vassals eating each other up. I probably won't be pushing it higher as the benefits are heavily outweighed by the whole vassals hate you thing.
Time passes and...
We let one of our non-Greek vassals be labeled a heretic. Sucks to be him.
Oh ho ho! What is this?
The two vassals failed to achieve their independence (I had hoped they would) but no matter. Looks like its time to role against the Pope and retake Rome!
Starting shit. I try to call in...
Both halves of the Empire. I doubt they will help, but you never know.
I raise my levies and ship them to Capua (I realized during the Great War with the Muslims, that it is way way faster if I use all my boats to rally my troops instead of marching them all together).
Our allies refuse us of course and as the army rallies...
The enemy marches on us.
The army and the mercs I hired. Let's get it on!
I tore them to shreds. Everybody heads to Rome.
Where we win again. My main army pursues, the mercs start the siege.
Enemy army wiped out. My main army goes to deal with the small siege force at Beneveto. Before they arrive though...
The Pope hires more mercs, and attacks us at Rome. They didn't have any morale so we won, but I put my main army in pursuit of them now as the enemy broke their siege.
My mercs are wiped out, but...
We avenge them.
I need to defeat these mercs and get to siegeing.
They are dealt with. The army sieges and I...
Hire some more mercs. They are sent to Rome.
Looks like the Pope has hired some more mercs.
While they try to take Capua we take a part of Rome! Shouldn't be much longer now!
I assault the next holding to speed things along...
Peace treaty time:
Glorious victory!
But there is a small problem...
I need to get Rome's county capital to be a castle so I...
Revoke a baron's title...
He agrees and...
Rome now has a castle for its provincial capital, and will likely soon be my capital.
That's this update. Tune in next time where I will likely be dealing with upset vassals and handing out some lands to try to appease some of them!