Before starting, the kind shopkeeper supplied me with his brand new Boots of Boogie that will now gather dust in our inventory.
Spent every possible gold piece on cows and trees. It feels good to be broke.
Only 8 again? This is seriously piss-easy so far.
Let's stand back and watch the carnage
*queue waving american flag + anthem +
Let's buy another legion of cows and... WHAT DO YOU MEAN AT LIMIT?
It seems 30 cows is the maximum amount we can have. Oh well, anyway, following Ashery's advice, I left only a few knights in the frontier, while I dropped helluva cows inside the village.
Right, let's go help the knight...
... whoa, whoa, whoa. Good that I didn't leave yet. Damn sneaky bastard beamed in to zap my cows!
and he was punished for it accordingly.
Uh... oops? Well, the only problem with knights is that their turning speed is uberslow, which means that if their cows get mobbed, they usually don't react fast enough to save all of them.
Still, we keep getting steady incomes, so losing 3 cows doesn't matter that much.
Now what the hell do you want?
I don't like where this is going...
Damn greedy jew, I knew it
I knew this public laundry driven by mr Shlomo was not to be trusted.
If my calculations are correct, the chancellor took about 150 gold from our coffers, so it's not that much of a big deal.
Well, what do you know. Am I seeing things, or do these rock formations in the lower right corner form an arrow?
Why, yes, yes they do.
Let's try to do some diggin'.
Didn't find anything and ran out of time eventually. Oh well, we'll get back to that later. Now we have hordlings to thwack.
Let's give the boots a field test. 25 gold is a rather small activation cost.
WUNDERWAFFE!!!! Well, the haste is seriously serious, and once activated, it stays on till the end of the scenario, I believe.
Oh, jolly... what a great sign of things to come. The next seasons probably won't be as idyllic as the previous ones. *sigh*
Let's regroup and attempt another approach.
Target destroyed.
With no losses too.
There's another arrow in the NW corner, which can't be quite seen on this screenshot, except for its tip.
Well then, let's try digging in the place where the arrows would meet if they were a lot longer
Surprise, surprise.
You can see the NW arrow better now. Plus, the town is rather big for a second year, I must say. It's probably thanks to the fact that we didn't lose a single villager yet, not to mention the first year's immigration. The birch-like trees also suck out the swamp rather neatly.
Battle stations!
Uh-huh, one cock tries to surprise us from the north-west
Let's activate the wunderwaffe engines and sink him before he manages to sink our tankers... I mean, uh, eat our cows.
Not long after I took that single croc out, the knights bashed the remaining hordlings, and we won (with minor losses).
Yeah, take even more gold from us, sidelocked swine.
And we go to the shoppe again. Let's check that flute thingy.
It counts as a lure, iirc.