Germany has a nasty habit of allying with Russia in Kaiserreich.
That balances the dumb habit the AI has of wasting too much time trying to occupy worthless provinces in Siberia. Elastic defense is more than possible for an expanded Mongol Empire but it has its risks and requires perfect timing. As of the shells in the night of Tblisi, the perfect time came because Georgia was the last country Russia was yet to gobble located far from the Russian-Mongol border. The objective right now is to stabilize the massive front and once the divisions scheduled for around June-July are built, start gradually driving the Qing back with the help of Japan. The defeat of the Qing will allow for a more aggressive strategy against Russia, which in turn must lead to as much territorial gains as possible before the Alsace-Lorraine or War adds a new side to this conflict.
If the plans turn out as intended, instead of Soviet and Allies trying to reach Berlin first, Syndicalists and a new Mongol Empire far more powerful than the old one ever was will.
And speaking of this, here is a funny detail: by the end of this update, Georgia still didn't perish to the shells in the night and refuses to surrender. But don't worry, the Mongols will sooner or later fix the problem.
A large army of scared peasants is no match for the Glorious Horde
Tank (Mk. I)
After Novosibirsk was secured, the Russians desperatedly try to fully halt the offensive that will cut off many of their soldiers at Tomsk. They will not have any success in such endeavor for their army is an army of drafted peasants who serve Wrangel not out of a sense of duty or of a sense of honor, but simply out of fear. And an army that serves their leader only because of fear rather than the greater motives of honor and duty a fully standing army like the glorious Horde has, is like a house of cards on the sand, and no matter how big this house of cards on the sand is, it doesn't stop being one. I, Roman von Ungern-Sternberg, will fully topple this house of cards with the help of my great brothers-in-arms and honor the legacy of Genghis Khan!
It didn't surprise me their attempt to disrupt the encirclement of Tomsk was an utter failure. Now the horde will finish the job, we must strike swiftly and the fresh new troops sent to the front will greatly help this, for surrounded, without supplies and being attacked from so many directions, I have almost no doubt the defenders of Tomsk will surrender before the rest of the rabble breaks out their encirclement.
They took less time than I expected to relieve Tomsk, but this is no major setback. We will still win the battle of Tomsk even if its greatest strategic objective was not successful, and from there find other opportunities to encircle the Russian forces. One of my generals died valiantly in battle. He shall not be forgotten in the annals of the history of the Mongol Empire.
I expected no less from my men when facing such pathetic warriors. The horde shall be relentless in its mission to crush the Russian lines at the north, which terrain greatly favors even small forces at successfully defending conquests.
The part of the horde stationed at Ulaanbaatar also has been busy. Bravely they had no doubts on my order and launched an offensive at 1:1 odds against Chinese forces holding out the only place form where supplies could reach a large part of the Qing forces stationed at Siberia. Pocketing them will greatly help with the ultimate demise of the Qing Empire and thus victory is of essence.
Once again, it is proven that when defending against superiorly trained and equipped armies, inferior drafted scum has no chances. The pocket will be closed at Siberia, and then rapidly the victorious division shall be redeployed back to Ulaanbaatar to ensure it will not fall in enemy hands.
My enemies once again try to disrupt the Horde. But they will fail, as they have failed all along the war.
The region northwest of Tomsk is a perfect new spot to be encircled, once the Horde is ready for further offensives. I must however be vigilant at the south. Massive rebellions are springing against the Russians from our Altaic brothers and form the Cossacks, and this could be very advantageous for the Mongol Empire.
The Russians and the Qing proudly believe they are on the eve of victory against the great Mongol Empire. Fools, they have no idea of how much I still can bide my time and let their armies stretch out more and more before their occupations start to truly harm my Empire. But I cannot let the Qing get any further advance to the west, for it would endanger the front lines. Thus a small Mongol force currently on a feigned retreat will soon strike back, and harshly.
The Russians lost control of their own front lines to poorly equipped and armed Altaic rebels in the middle of a war. Their incompetence never fails to impress me. I can only commend the Altaic brothers for their resistance and indirect support to the Mongol Empire, and I will not leave them to face the Russians attacking them from Pavlodar alone when I could severely disrupt their front instead.
Surely, the fact those two Russian divisions were flanked has something to do with it, but still, an army must be truly pathetic to falter against an offensive by a force that is only half of theirs in numbers, proving once again it is just a big house of cards on the sand.
The pocket is closed, even if the maintenance of this pocket is precarious unless the Japanese support me in this very strategically important endeavor, and Ulaanbaatar is safe. Considering the situation at large, the importance of this pocket is far greater than it may appear to be right now.
How proud I am of the Horde! Even against numerically superior defenders they are winning and gaining ground from how superior they are. Truly my geniality of combining cavalry with armored cars was without precedent. Combined with the natural superiority of the Mongol warrior, now even further bolstered by the Gurkhas, it is no surprise this victory happened.
Instead of moving towards the most important and undefended part of the pocket, I ordered the small force at Ulaanbaatar to attack the enemy division moving to relieve the pocketed Chinese forces, confident in the superiority of my men.
Not only Pavlodar was a great victory, but there will be no need of occupying it immediately. Those rebels will be incredibly convenient for an encirclement over this region. Now these events have defined clearly where the Horde must concentrate for a crushing victory, and this time there won't be any relief like in Tomsk!
This couldn't be better! The Russian front is now at a precarious situation for my enemies! We will seize this opportunity and show to the Russians what happens to those who dare to demand territory from the Khanate!
It is about time to start pushing the Qing back! With the recent growth of the Horde to nearly twice as big as it was, I can now start taking back the rightful Mongol land from Pu-Yi, the pathetic lapdog of Germany.
The dangerous advance of the Qing further to the west was contained. I now must focus my thoughts and plans on a decisive victory on the Russian front that will forever crush many of their divisions.
No matter how much glorious Mongol Cavalry has proven its might over and over, I must be up with the times, and now that we have reasonably fast tanks to not do something ridiculous like slowing down infantry divisions, the horde will grow with infantry forces with a very strong contingent of armored vehicles and light tanks as well.
The industries of the Mongol Empire are also being greatly enhanced, to allow for more weapons to be manufactured with less as their efficiency shall expand, and to increase the prosperity of Mongolia as well. The Qing lost another battle and their demise is now only a matter of time.
Everything is set for the final step in the encirclement of many Russian divisions. And this time it will be much faster thanks to the bravery of the Mongol HQ division and its cavalry, which in spite of lacking firepower, will bravely hold their ground at Barabinsk for a decisive and devastating offensive to crush the stranded Russian forces.
Another predictable victory! The Russians and Chinese were thinking victory was just a matter of time for them. How foolish and proud! They will see now what kind of "victory" await them.
Five Russian divisions shall meet their doom! If I keep up delivering this degree of losses and speed up to five divisions per month, I'll soon be personally marching to Moscow! DEMAND TERRITORY FROM MONGOLIA NOW RUSSIAN SCUM!
Looks like one of the partisan forces was defeated. No matter, it is this time a temporary setback and with reinforcements coming to the defense of Barabinks, soon I will correct it.
For the Horde's Mobile HQ will seize it themselves and encircle the stranded Russians before they have a chance to retreat!
The first truly great strategic victory of this war is drawing near. It will be only one of many that shall utterly destroy the Russian army, like a very big house of cards on the sand being toppled.
The stranded Russian forces try one desperate last attempt to break the pocket. Too late. I have my victory at hand!
Cavalry remains important for the Horde even now, but with motorcycles AND horses instead of only horses, Mongol Hordes will truly be feared!
Victory! The Russian Army has suffered a great loss today! And that is not the only success over this challenging war I face now in two fronts.
Because thanks to the recent expansion of the Horde and to Japanese support, the front lines have been fully stabilized and I have no longer to worry about my enemies making inroads through undefended territory, for there is no longer any undefended territory.